Chapter 220 shows
Seeing that the pirates were all looking over, Fang Zilan yelled what she just yelled again with a loud voice.

The leader of the pirates stared at her in disbelief, as if looking at some great monster, "No, I said girl, it was your man who released us, why are you still fighting against your man?"

"Who says he's my man?" Fang Zilan smiled slyly, "I've figured it out, it's better to be a decent official lady than to go to jail for a man who doesn't know the so-called. After all, in this world, There are plenty of men."

"You!" The pirate was so angry that she couldn't speak. The pirate next to him patted him and motioned him to look at the jailer not far away, "We have been discovered, what should we do now?"

The pirate breathed a sigh of relief, and showed his fierce look: "Before the Mo family is alarmed, before they bring their troops, let's fight!"

Following his words, the two sides quickly fought together.Fang Zilan glanced at Deputy General Cao, he patted his chest to show that he would not disgrace his mission, and then took advantage of the chaos and took advantage of the cover of night to leave quietly.

I don't know how long it took, Mo Bin and Mo Yang came with troops after hearing the news, the pirates lost their fighting spirit in an instant, and fled everywhere like birds and beasts, but they were still captured by Mo Bin, Mo Yang and their men.

Fang Zilan, who had been hiding inside the cell door to watch the excitement, tightly guarded A Wan, looked up at the sky, and said calmly, "It's almost dawn."

At dawn, the drama of escape from prison finally came to an end.Fang Zilan led A Wan out of the prison, and walked straight to Mo Bin and Mo Yang, and saw that they were all frowning.

"Father, there is one less person." Mo Yang said, his eyes fell on Fang Zilan, "The man she knew is gone."

"Miss Lan, what do you want to say?" Mo Bin looked fixedly at the person in front of him, but seeing that she had no expression on her face, he shook his head lightly, "I have nothing to say."

"You!" Mo Yang looked stern, and was stopped by Mo Bin just as he was about to go forward, "Miss Lan, I think you are the daughter of an old friend, and always treat each other with courtesy, don't be used by others, go astray, regret It's too late."

"Used by others?" Fang Zilan's lips curled up in a small arc, "Why is it used by people, King Rong An?"

"What did you say?" Mo Bin and Mo Yang had obviously shocked expressions on their faces, and a trace of helplessness suddenly appeared in her smile, "I am not from King Rong An, and neither is Awan."

"You are not, where is the missing man?" Mo Yang looked alert, and did not believe her words at all.

"Neither is he." Fang Zilan smiled arrogantly, "How can King Rong'an, He De, let us do things for him?"

Mo Bin was stunned for a moment, and finally asked, "Then who are you guys? What's the purpose of coming to Mushan Pass?"

"Can't General Mo guess?" Fang Zilan straightened the clothes slowly, "Forget it, it's still early, why don't we sit down and have a good talk. I don't know General Mo, and Lord Mo, what do you think?"

Hearing that Mo Bin and Mo Yang did not move, they still stood where they were.Fang Zilan couldn't help chuckling, "I'm here, and I won't run away. I will tell you what General Mo and Master Mo want to know."

"The matter has come to this, how do you want us to trust you?" Mo Yang's hand was on the hilt of the sword, as if he was about to draw the sword at any moment.

The smile on Fang Zilan's face remained unchanged, "Even if Mr. Mo kills me, it won't change the fact that I'm gone."

Mo Bin let out a long sigh, stepped forward and said, "In that case, Miss Lan, please."

After his words fell, Mo Yang's hand holding the hilt of the sword tightened a bit, but because of Mo Bin's face, he finally snorted resentfully, stepped aside, and made way for him.

Mo Bin brought Fang Zilan and A Wan into the front hall of the Mo Mansion, and Mo Yang followed behind them, fearing that they would have ulterior motives and make any noise, so he was thinking hard all the way, not daring to relax in the slightest.

Mrs. Hu, who had been waiting for news in the hall all night, saw a few people coming back, and hurriedly ordered someone to serve tea. Later, when she was about to instruct Mama Yan to keep the yard safe, she suddenly saw Mo Han who had heard the news and barged in.

Mo Bin and Mrs. Hu didn't want Mo Han to be involved at first, and wanted to send someone to take him back to his room to rest, but they finally couldn't stand his pleading, so they had to agree with him to stay together.

After a few people sat down, the sky was bright.Mo Bin looked at Fang Zilan who was drinking tea leisurely, and asked, "Miss Lan, can you explain your identity now?"

"Compared with my identity, I think General Mo has something more to explain, doesn't he?" Fang Zilan put his teacup on the table beside him without any haste, but Mo Yang's face turned cold, "You What do you mean?"

"The reason why I appeared at Mushan Pass was because someone told me that General Mo was rebelling." Fang Zilan raised her eyes to look at the person in the chief seat, "The purpose of my trip is to find out the truth."

As soon as she said this, everyone in the audience was shocked.

"You..." Mo Bin stared blankly at her, "How could you..."

"Therefore, General Mo." Fang Zilan interrupted Mo Bin's words in a serious manner, "About the rebellion, do you have anything to explain to me?"

"What rebellion?" Mo Bin calmed down, and said coldly, "Let's not say that this matter is nothing, even if it is true and there are other inside stories, why should I explain it to you?"

"General Mo, if you are willing to tell the truth, maybe I can still keep the Mo family." Fang Zilan's eyes flashed with regret, and he said in a low voice, "It's a pity."

"You still said that you are not from King Rong An." Mo Yang gave her a hard look, "Just keep talking about General Mo's rebellion, I think you were clearly sent by King Rong An to test my father. If not, why did you Have you been refusing to reveal your identity?"

"I refuse to reveal my identity to avoid unnecessary trouble." Fang Zilan spread her hands, "But if you insist on asking, for the sake of Mo Han's sake, I can't tell you."

"Han'er?" The eyes of everyone involuntarily focused on Mo Han, and he pursed his lips with a troubled expression on his face, "Sister Lan, I..."

He was just about to say something when Fang Zilan interrupted him softly, "It's okay, since you trust your family, I'm willing to bet with you too."

"You mean, Han'er knows your identity?" Mo Bin looked back and forth between Fang Zilan and Mo Han in disbelief, but Fang Zilan nodded generously, "That's right."

"When did you know?" Mo Yang asked Mo Han who was sitting beside him, he opened his mouth hesitantly, but couldn't say anything.

 The ultimate question from Fang Zilan - why doesn't my vest last long?
(End of this chapter)

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