Don't ask where people go

Chapter 229 Thoughts

Chapter 229 Thoughts
Fang Zilan and A Wan prepared a large cart of medicine, and then they drove together to the plague-ridden villages and towns near Mushan Pass.Deputy General Cao wanted to find some soldiers to go with them, and some soldiers spontaneously wanted to accompany them, but Fang Zilan refused.

"Such a large cart of medicine, just the two of us, no matter how you look at it, it is very difficult." A Wan sat beside Fang Zilan, her two slender legs were dangling, and the whip in her hand was shaking one after another. "Why do you insist on not letting people go with you?"

Fang Zilan held the rein in his hand, with an indifferent expression, "That's not necessary."

A Wan curled her lips helplessly, "I know what you're thinking. The pirates in Mushan Pass have not been cleared, so it's fine if you don't want soldiers to go with you, but at least you can find a few more doctors to go with us, right?"

"Most of the doctors are weak and not suitable to walk with us." Fang Zilan said casually, "What's more, under the chaos, most of the doctors are in short supply, and Mushan Pass is no exception."

"That's it." A Wan looked at her curiously, "What about me? Why did you bring me with you?"

Fang Zilan said confidently: "Didn't you come here yourself?"

Hearing this, Awan let out an oh, and suddenly became a little depressed.Fang Zilan turned her head to look at her, and said, "Awan, have you heard a word?"

"What?" A Wan followed her words and asked, only to hear her say quietly: "Only what you love the most can be discarded, because you won't feel indebted."

"What kind of nonsense is this?" A Wan said in amazement: "You mean, you love me the most, so you take me with you, even if I have something wrong, you have no regrets and no regrets?"

Before Fang Zilan could answer, she sneered, "Fang Zilan, even if you're lying to me, you should tell a decent lie. Such a lame lie really doesn't suit you."

"Yeah, it's full of flaws, but he said it in a high-sounding way." A coldness flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes, and A Wan tugged at her sleeve, "Who are you talking about? Who told you this?"

"It's nothing, it's all over." Fang Zilan looked forward with deep eyes, "In the future, I won't believe his words."

She didn't tell A Wan that this sentence was said to her by Ji Ningtian.

For some reason, perhaps because the future is unclear, or because the affairs of the past few days have been complicated, she always thinks back to the past inadvertently.

If she had compromised from the beginning and hadn't chosen to become a sword, wouldn't the road today be so difficult?

At this moment, she was greatly shaken.

A Wan didn't pay attention to her emotions, but shook her head and said: "Fang Zilan, just admit it. You brought me by your side, not to abandon me, but to ensure that I am safe and sound, right?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan nodded without hesitation. Awan looked like I knew it, and was about to say something, when she suddenly sighed, "This road is really difficult."

A Wan looked at the bumpy road in front of him, and said casually: "It's really not easy to walk. But going forward, it's much easier to walk closer to the villages and towns."

As she spoke, she moved closer to Fang Zilan, looked at her gloomy expression, and said with a smile: "You don't regret it, do you?"

Fang Zilan was said to be the center of the matter, and subconsciously blurted out: "What did you say?"

"It's useless to regret, after all, you chose the road." A Wan raised the whip in his hand, "Instead of regretting, it's more important to choose a good road again, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and A Wan pushed her to move aside, "If you regret it, we might all be there. If you want to be in a daze, sit aside, and I will drive the car."

Fang Zilan let her move while listening to her chanting, "When you were imprisoned in the Mushan Guanfu prison, you still remembered to let me watch the stars. Why do you think the road is not easy to drive now..."

Fang Zilan's lips curled up involuntarily as she looked at the struggling but serious figure in front of her.What A Wan said was right, no matter how shaken she is now, there is no room for regret, why not continue to risk everything and go on this road.

"Let me do it." She held A Wan's wrist, and took the whip in her hand, "Take a break first, and think about whether there is a way to cure the disease."

"Speaking of the epidemic, I still want to ask you." A Wan suddenly remembered something, and asked, "I see that you have prepared a lot of Artemisia annua and Artemisia annua, but what do you know?"

"I heard it too." Fang Zilan said after thinking about it: "I heard a doctor mention a similar disease when I was outside. At that time, the doctor said, 'hold a piece of Artemisia annua, soak it in two liters of water, twist it to get the juice, and take it all. The ', the disease can be cured."

A Wan repeated the healing method she said, with a suspicious face, "Why have I never heard of this method?"

"The world is so big, there are always things we don't know." Fang Zilan looked firm, "The plague is dangerous, even if it is a one in ten thousand possibility, it is worth a try."

"You're right." A Wan crossed his arms and breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, you have a way."

Fang Zilan heard her voice intermittently, "Actually, since I heard Miss Yan'er talk about the epidemic situation that day, I have been thinking about the cure. But I am ashamed to say that I have limited knowledge. I didn't think of anything today."

Her voice was a little lower, "Two days ago you said that you would go to a village with a plague to see the situation, and I pestered you to be with you. It was because of your illness, but it was actually my selfishness. Even if you don't take me Colleagues, I am going alone, too."

Seeing Fang Zilan looking sideways at herself, she quickly waved her hands and said, "I know what you're thinking, but it's not what you think. I'm different from Master. Master and his elders must go to see any intractable diseases. I watched it last time. I’m different, I don’t have such a heavy curiosity, if it’s not my patient, and the risk of life, I wouldn’t have to watch it.”

She paused, then smiled self-deprecatingly, "Maybe it's because I'm not that confident in my medical skills. The more illnesses I've seen, the more powerless I feel. I know there are always things in this world that I can't cure." There are always people who I can't save, for example, I don't have much confidence in you."

"If that's the case, why do you still want to go with me?" Fang Zilan grabbed the reins and slowed down the speed of the carriage, turned around and looked at A Wan with a rare gentle tone, "You have no reason to go." .”

"Because the patient is there." A Wan smiled brightly, "Although I know that I am a ghost doctor, I can't do it to help the world, but I still hope that I can save one more person."

She was a little embarrassed by Fang Zilan, "I guess you must think my idea is ridiculous now, but it doesn't matter, anyway, I'm young, you can't laugh at me."

"I don't think your idea is ridiculous. On the contrary, I admire your idea very much." Fang Zilan cherished every word, "The idea of ​​knowing the consequences but still not giving in, and willing to risk your life for it is admirable .”

 Every time I write about Fang Zilan and Xiao Awan, I always feel lucky.

  In the boundless darkness, they are each other's light, illuminating and warming each other.

  Fortunately, they have each other.

(End of this chapter)

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