Chapter 234
On this day, Yun Qinghan and Ah Jun had just returned to the medical center when they saw Fang Zilan running back and forth between the pharmacy and the backyard with a solemn expression, which made their hearts tense.

Yun Qinghan chased after Fang Zilan in three steps at a time, "Alan, what happened to you in a hurry?"

Fang Zilan didn't look at her, just took the medicine and walked quickly to the room where Uncle Wang was, "Uncle Wang is seriously ill."

"What?" Yun Qinghan was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Didn't it just stabilize yesterday, how could it suddenly be like this today?"

"I can't tell for a while." Fang Zilan slowed down, looked at Yun Qinghan and said: "It just so happens that you are back, Qinghan, so hurry up and see how your father is doing. Uncle Wang can't get away , Awan and I have to keep watch, and on your father's side, only you and Xiaohuan can worry about it."

"Don't worry, leave it to me." After Yun Qinghan finished speaking, he turned around and went to the room on the other side of the courtyard without further delay.

Fang Zilan tapped her toes, flew to Uncle Wang's room, and handed the medicine to Awan, "I increased the dose according to your instructions, but things will be reversed in extremes, I'm worried..."

She didn't continue, and A Wan's hand that had taken the medicine paused, "I'll try to give the needle as steady as possible, and I think it will be better."

Fang Zilan looked at the fine beads of sweat on her forehead, and was about to wipe her sweat off, but when Uncle Wang coughed violently, he coughed up all the medicine.

"What to do, I can't feed the medicine..." A Wan's eyes were full of panic, Fang Zilan took the medicine bowl in her hand, helped Uncle Wang sit up without any explanation, pinched his throat and poured it directly.

A Wan stared blankly at this scene, and said after a while, "If you pour medicine like this, what if Uncle Wang chokes?"

"I have a sense of proportion." Fang Zilan laid Uncle Wang's body flat, frowning slightly, "Yesterday, Qinghan's father's high fever has subsided, but Uncle Wang's high fever has never subsided. Does the effect of this medicine vary from person to person?"

"It's hard to say." A Wan looked serious, "Although Qinghan's father has lost his high fever, he is still not sober. I can only say that your method is effective, but whether it can cure the disease is still unknown. As for Uncle Wang... "

She had just finished speaking when she saw Uncle Wang tilt his head and suddenly vomited, all the medicine that had been forcibly poured in just now came out.

Seeing this, A Wan couldn't help turning pale, Fang Zilan pulled her aside, and said solemnly: "You go out first, and I will clean up."

A Wan stood behind Fang Zilan without moving, watched her tidy up carefully, then got up and said: "I'll wash my hands, you go get clean clothes, I'll help Uncle Wang change."

A Wan froze on the spot for a long time without moving, Fang Zilan sighed softly, "A Wan, we will definitely heal Uncle Wang."

A simple sentence of comfort, even she herself felt powerless.It's not that she doesn't know how much pressure is in A Wan's heart, on the contrary, she who has been with A Wan these days knows better than anyone else.Although Awan didn't say anything, she was more frightened than anyone else in her heart. She was afraid that the medicine would not work, that she would be helpless, and that she would end up with her life, but she still couldn't do anything.

At the end, A Wan's voice came in a low voice, "I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me."

Fang Zilan looked at the person in front of her firmly, with a concerned expression and soft words, "Okay, I'm not worried. But little Awan, if you feel tired, just tell me, I'll support you."

A Wan nodded and turned to get the clothes.Fang Zilan didn't stay any longer, and hurried out of the room to wash her hands.

When Fang Zilan returned to the room, Awan was holding the clothes at a loss, she walked forward and took the clothes, "I'll come, you go out to get some air, and come in later."

A Wan leaned close to her, and said in a muffled voice, "Aside from feeding medicine and giving needles, you haven't asked me to do anything else these days."

"I can't help you with treating Uncle Wang. It's only natural for me to do these trivial matters." Fang Zilan smiled, "Isn't it good that we each perform our duties?"

"Okay." A Wan breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I'll go to the courtyard to get some air, and you help Uncle Wang change his clothes, then come and call me."

Fang Zilan nodded, watching A Wan's back disappear from sight.She raised her hand and frowned slightly, woke up, and then changed Uncle Wang's clothes.

Seeing that Uncle Wang was still stable on the bed, Fang Zilan squeezed his shoulders. She and A Wan took turns staying up for a few days, and she was really a little tired.However, this was just the beginning, she smiled wryly in her heart, the hero is really not easy to play.

Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief, got up and went out to find A Wan.She walked into the courtyard and saw A Wan and Yun Qinghan talking, both of them looked happy.

She walked over, only to hear Yun Qinghan say to A Wan: "It's all thanks to A Wan's magical hand that my father can regain consciousness. I think he will be fully awake in a short time. Such a great kindness..."

Yun Qinghan said that he was about to salute, but A Wan hurriedly supported her, "Sister Qinghan, you don't need to be too polite, this is what I should do."

"There is nothing that should be paid. My father has always taught me that it is the duty of a doctor to cure the disease and save the patient." Yun Qinghan stood up straight, looked at Fang Zilan who walked beside them, with guilt in his eyes, "But now this plague , Everyone is in danger, I just realized that in the face of life and death, not everyone can do their duty. I have been running around for the past few days, but I have achieved nothing, and I am really ashamed of your entrustment, Alan."

"Qinghan, you don't have to blame yourself." Fang Zilan smiled, "Although money is touching, you have to take it with your life. Qinghan, you have worked hard for many days. I will stay in the hospital to take care of your father these two days Right. If we can heal Uncle Wang and your father, someone will take the initiative to come to your door."

"Okay." Yun Qinghan nodded slightly, feeling relieved, "Then I'll take care of my father first." After she said that, she turned and left, Fang Zilan and Awan also returned to the room to take care of Uncle Wang.

However, Uncle Wang never got a drop of water, and his high fever never subsided. A Wan was so anxious that she was about to cry, and the hand that applied the needle was trembling a little.After finishing the injection with force, Fang Zilan dragged her to the low couch on the other side of the room, "Awan, you need to rest."

The low couch was temporarily bought by Yun Qinghan when he saw them taking care of Uncle Wang day and night, and it was originally for them to rest.However, A Wan was always worried and refused to rest, and Fang Zilan didn't rest when she was with her, so the low couch was never used.

"No..." A Wan's words were interrupted by Fang Zilan, "I'm not discussing with you. You are still young, you can't burn the lamp like this. If you continue like this, you will not be able to hold on." of."

She said and pressed Awan's thin shoulders, "Be obedient and sleep for a while. If Uncle Wang has anything to do, I will wake you up."

A Wan hesitated for a moment, but finally compromised, "Okay, I'll just sleep for a while."

Fang Zilan watched her lie down obediently, covered her with the quilt, and tucked the corners of the quilt.After she fell asleep, she returned to Uncle Wang's side again.

But as soon as she went back, she saw Uncle Wang's body twitching suddenly.She rushed over, but saw that Uncle Wang was convulsing more and more, muttering something non-stop.She moved closer and could barely hear the word "Shen'er".

 Can Uncle Wang, who is wandering in the gate of hell, save his life?Let's listen to the next chapter

(End of this chapter)

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