Chapter 236
The people on the main seat in the hall saw that it was a little girl who rushed in, so they couldn't help laughing, "You can't stop such a yellow-haired girl, what use is it for me to raise you bastards?"

Before he finished speaking, the servant at the side walked towards A Wan aggressively, but before he reached her side, he heard a stern voice, "Who dares to do anything? If anyone is not afraid of death, just go forward and try." try."

Everyone saw a figure flashing past, standing in front of A Wan, it was Fang Zilan.Yun Qinghan, who was following them, quickly ran in, "Alan, Awan, wait for me."

She stood beside the two of them, and only then did she have time to look at the person in the main seat, but after she saw it clearly, she couldn't help but froze, "Master Shen, you..."

"Master Shen?" Fang Zilan repeated the title, and suddenly remembered the "Shen'er" that Uncle Wang repeated before he died.A Wan tugged at her sleeve, and she knew from A Wan's expression that they wanted to go together.

Yun Qinghan turned her head and explained in a low voice to the two of them: "Young Master Shen is called Wang Shen, and he is Uncle Wang's only son. He has no bad intentions, but is always used to being arrogant."

Nothing bad?Fang Zilan snorted coldly, obviously not believing her words at all.

Seeing the stalemate between the two sides, Yun Qinghan stood up, bowed to the person in the chief seat, and said: "Master Shen, now that Uncle Wang has passed away, no matter what happens, he should be admitted to the ancestral hall."

"Entering the temple and returning to the clan?" Wang Shen glanced at Yun Qinghan, and said coldly: "Miss Yun, for your father's sake, I don't care about your trespassing on my house for the time being. But you keep your mouth shut about my Wang family's affairs." , it’s too broad to control.”

"I..." Yun Qinghan bit her lip, but was rendered speechless by Wang Shen's few words.

Seeing this, Wang Shen's lips twitched slightly, and he smiled cynically, "Or is it that Miss Yun thinks that I treat you differently, that she thinks that I am interested in you, so she can meddle in my Wang family's affairs at will?"

"Master Shen, please be careful with your words!" Yun Qinghan hurriedly said: "I have nothing to do with you, and what I did today was only kind..."

"Well-intentioned?" Wang Shen interrupted her unceremoniously, "Since Miss Yun thinks she is doing good deeds, why don't you go to the Yamen with me to have a closer look and see what crime is for breaking into a private house?"

"You!" Yun Qinghan looked at the person in the chief seat in disbelief, but saw that the smile on his face was even wider, and he said with an inch: "I don't care if I go to the yamen, I'm afraid Miss Yun won't dare. I don't know what Miss Yun wants how?"

"Okay." The person who answered Wang Shen was Fang Zilan, her sword was still in front of her body, but she spoke lightly, "Since Young Master Shen is interested, I will accompany you to the end. I just don't know, forcing my father to death. How should the charges of treason and immorality be dealt with?"

"What did you say?" Wang Shen stood up abruptly, but his steps were weak, and he managed to stand upright by leaning on the table beside him, "Where is that scumbag who dares to say that I am treasonous. Someone, take her..."

He stopped abruptly after speaking halfway, the sword on the side of his neck swayed slightly, and Fang Zilan's voice came from his ears, "Master Shen, I have a problem with my hands shaking easily. What if I wait later Don't be offended if one of you accidentally hurts you."

"You..." Wang Shen's voice trembled violently, and with his trembling, the sword in Fang Zilan's hand also trembled a little bit, and she smiled jokingly, "Young Master Shen, why are you shaking? Scared my hand They all trembled."

Wang Shen thinly pursed his lips, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and pretended to be calm, "Why don't you stop before you make a big mistake? I promise, you will never be held accountable for your crime."

"What crime have I committed?" Fang Zilan looked at him rather amusedly, and sneered: "You think you can escape the plague by kicking Uncle Wang out of the house? I see that you are also infected with the current appearance. Bar?"

"You're talking nonsense!" Wang Shen yelled violently, and the movement was too big, and he hit the sword on the side of his neck.Fang Zilan wanted to scare him, so she didn't withdraw the sword in time, leaving a shallow scratch on his neck.

Beads of blood flowed out from the wound, and Wang Shen couldn't help but whispered in pain, "You... put down the sword quickly!"

"I can't bear such a little pain. Before Uncle Wang died, he was in much more pain than you." Fang Zilan's expression became colder, "He is an old man who not only has to suffer from illness and torture, but also has to be betrayed by his relatives. You have a moment when he is away from the house. Have you ever thought about how much pain he has?"

She paused as she spoke, a complex look flashed in her eyes, and said word by word: "But even so, when he was unconscious, he still called your name. What were you doing at that time? Do you want to eat sweets and drink spicy food, or sleep on the couch?"

"I didn't..." Wang Shen denied it in a panic, "If it wasn't for the old man, how could I have contracted the plague? You only know that the old man has been tortured these days, how do you know that I am not living like a year?"

"It's none of my business whether you live a miserable life or live comfortably?" Fang Zilan's face was as cold as ice, "Qinghan has already made it very clear about the purpose of our trip, Uncle Wang must enter the temple and return to the clan."

Hearing this, Wang Shen laughed back angrily, "This is my Wang family's business. I have the final say on whether the old man can enter the ancestral hall or not. Who are you, you dare to come to my Wang family to criticize me?"

"You can give it a try. It doesn't matter if you interrogate in court or mediate privately. You can decide whether I have the ability." Fang Zilan put away her sword and led A Wan, stood in front of Wang Shen, and looked at him fixedly. , "Uncle Wang, you are the Wang family when you are born, and you are the ghost of the Wang family when you die."

Her calm and prestige made Wang Shen stunned in place, and the last chilling words sent a chill down his spine.He clenched his fists tightly and said through gritted teeth, "How much did you take from the old man? He's dead, what are you trying so hard for?"

"Planning what?" A Wan glared at Wang Shen fiercely, "Those who try to do good deeds and accumulate virtue will deserve death, and those who are ungrateful will be cursed forever. This is to let the world know that there is fairness and justice in this world."

"What a fair and just one." Wang Shen seemed to hear something funny, and suddenly laughed out loud.He was standing unsteadily while leaning on the table, and he fell back to the seat directly when he was agitated.

"You all know that the old man is a great good man." Wang Shen's eyes were flushed, and his voice trembled a little, "I admit that he is really good to those refugees. Not only the refugees, but also those beggars, anyway, no matter who they are, As long as he is an outsider, he has a heart. But what about me? Since I was a child, when has he taken care of me?"

He raised his eyes and looked directly at everyone in the hall, with a bit of resentment in his tone, "He never took care of me, why now that he is sick, he reminds me to take care of him? I want to drive him out of the house and let him take care of him too." Have a taste of this kind of taste that no one cares about!"

"Did the old man die of illness?" He stood up slowly, his expression almost crazy, "Good death! From now on, he can no longer take care of other people, he can only be by my side forever, he is my only one It's human, it's just me..."

His voice became deeper and deeper until it was almost inaudible in the end, but in the almost bewildered babbling over and over again, he had already shed tears.

 Maybe it was just a child's tantrum at first, but as the years got older, all the emotions piled up and eventually led to tragedy.

  Time can eliminate the big things, and it can also infinitely magnify all the details.In the end, what you see is a lonely mountain forest, but what I see is just a piece of dead leaf, which is broken when I stretch out my hand.

(End of this chapter)

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