Chapter 241 Riot
"Tell me a story." A Wan tugged on Fang Zilan's sleeve, and she pondered for a moment, "What do you want to hear?"

"Anything is fine." A Wan thought for a while and added, "As long as the ending is good."

"Okay." Fang Zilan casually told a few fairy tales she had read based on her impressions. A Wan listened to them fascinated, and finally couldn't help sighing, "Why didn't I realize before that you are so good at telling stories."

"As long as little Awan wants to listen, I will tell you every day from now on." Fang Zilan reached out to help her tuck the corner of the quilt, and said softly: "It's getting late, go to sleep."

"Fang Zilan..." Awan said eagerly, "Are you sure you will tell me stories every day from now on?"

Fang Zilan nodded, but her expression suddenly dimmed a little, "I'm afraid... I won't have a future."

"Don't talk nonsense, you've been too tired for a while and haven't had a good rest, which is why you have a fever. Get some sleep, and you'll be fine when you wake up tomorrow." Seeing her hesitation, Fang Zilan's heart sank a bit , but he still didn't care about it, "Besides, even if it's really an epidemic, Yun can be cured at an old age, let alone you at a young age? You, don't think too much, sleep peacefully."

A Wan obediently closed her eyes, and Fang Zilan waited until she fell asleep before getting up and sitting at the table, resting her head on her head for a while.

However, not long after, he heard a noise outside, Fang Zilan opened his eyes and looked at Genglou, but it was only three o'clock.At this hour, who is making noise outside?

She frowned slightly, and went to the bedside to look at A Wan, only to see her half-closed her eyes and asked in a daze, "What happened?"

"At this time, I don't think it's an urgent matter." Fang Zilan said softly: "I'll go and have a look, you can sleep peacefully."

"Then be careful." A Wan reminded subconsciously, Fang Zilan nodded, then turned around and took the plum sword out of the room.

As soon as she walked into the courtyard, she saw Ah Jun firmly against the gate, while Yun Qinghan and Xiaohuan on the other side were pushing the water tank with difficulty, moving towards the gate step by step.

"What's the matter?" Fang Zilan quickly walked to Yun Qinghan's side to help, "Qinghan Xiaohuan, get out of the way, I'll come."

Yun Qinghan and Xiaohuan stepped aside, Fang Zilan easily moved the water tank to the door, temporarily blocking the commotion outside.

"I don't know who spread the news that our medical center can cure the disease, and now there are a lot of sick people gathered outside." Yun Qinghan said with concern: "I really dare not let them in."

"Qinghan, you did the right thing. If there is one, there will be two. Besides, Mr. Yun is still recovering, and A Wan has fallen ill again. We have no ability to treat patients." Fang Zilan asked Yun Qinghan while holding the door with a water tank Said: "Qinghan, are there any other items that can be used? I'm afraid this water tank won't last long."

"There are still some tables and chairs, but I'm afraid they are unusable." Yun Qinghan looked anxious, and Xiaohuan said weakly: "It's really not possible, why don't we open the door and explain it clearly to them?"

"It's useless, the group of people outside are like mad dogs now, and they can't listen at all." Ah Jun's body rose and fell with the gate, his expression and tone were rare and exasperated.

"Who spread the news that our clinic can cure the disease?" Yun Qinghan was so anxious that he was about to cry, Fang Zilan lowered his eyes and said: "I said it, but I only told Young Master Shen."

"You mean the news from Wang Shen?" Ah Jun spat fiercely, "Bah, I knew that guy was not a good guy! He can drive Uncle Wang out of the house, so what else can he do? don't come out!"

Hearing that Yun Qinghan couldn't help feeling sad in secret, Fang Zilan reprimanded softly: "Ah Jun, stop talking a few words, and save some strength to guard the door."

"I really want to." Ah Jun said angrily with a stinky face, "but the gate of our medical center is not a solid wall, and sooner or later it will fail! Miss, think about it, is there any way to stop them?" ?”

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a click, which seemed to be the sound of a wooden board breaking.Xiaohuan's face immediately turned pale, and she was so frightened that she stammered that she couldn't speak clearly, ""

Fang Zilan's hand holding Mei Jian was tight, with a cold expression, "Don't panic, Qinghan, you first take Xiaohuan into the house to hide, and remember to lock the door."

Yun Qinghan's eyes were red, her whole body was shaking violently, but she still stood up straight, "Then what should you and Ah Jun do?"

"Ordinary people can't hurt me." Fang Zilan said looking at Ah Jun, raised her eyebrows and said: "If you are afraid, find a place to hide."

"Who... Who's scared?" Ah Jun pressed his whole body weight on the door stubbornly, and shouted at Yun Qinghan: "Miss, don't worry about me, you can hide with Xiaohuan quickly, I'm still here Hold it!"

Yun Qinghan hugged Xiaohuan, and nodded with tears in his eyes.The two were about to leave, when they suddenly heard the noise outside gradually weakening, and even the knocking on the door was not as violent as before.

"What's the situation?" Ah Jun leaned against the door and stood firm. He couldn't help leaning into the crack of the door to see what was going on outside, but Fang Zilan grabbed his collar and dragged him aside, "Be careful!"

Ah Jun was shocked by the fright, and immediately stood by the door in a dignified manner, fearing that there would be more disturbance after the short period of calm, thinking about this, he couldn't help becoming more nervous.

"Someone is coming again." Fang Zilan held her breath and listened carefully to the noise outside the door. "It's not easy to calm down the chaos."

Hearing what she said, Ah Jun lay on the door curiously, vaguely heard someone talking outside, but couldn't make out what was said, "What did the person say?"

Fang Zilan didn't speak, and after a while she relaxed, and said with a smile on her lips: "It's Master Shen."

"What did you say?" Ah Jun was full of disbelief, "Why did he come?"

"Who knows." Fang Zilan took the time to straighten her clothes, and told Ah Jun, "Open the door."

"Miss Alan?" Yun Qinghan looked hesitant, but she smiled reassuringly, "It's okay, just open the door."

Ah Jun moved away slowly, allowing Fang Zilan to open the door and walk out.As soon as she stepped out of the gate, she heard the crowd outside discussing:
"Look, someone is out!"

"This person is not Mrs. Yun's daughter, Miss Yun! Where is Miss Yun?"

Fang Zilan stood still at the door, and said in a loud voice: "Everyone be quiet, I heard what Young Master Shen said to everyone just now, Young Master Shen did not lie to everyone, the disease is indeed curable. And our medical center is not unwilling to admit sick people, It's just because the doctors in the museum are falling ill, and it is really impossible to treat and take care of the sick. Therefore, I implore everyone who is not sick—as long as you have a little knowledge of medicine and are willing to learn, please come to help, and Master Shen will be your guarantee. I will not treat everyone badly."

Wang Shen chimed in and said, "That's right, anyone who is willing to help can come to my Wang family to receive the reward."

 After a wave of ups and downs, Fang Zilan: It's really hard for me...

(End of this chapter)

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