Don't ask where people go

Chapter 247 Deadline

Chapter 247 Deadline
"You..." A Wan looked at Fang Zilan in a daze, and only heard her say: "I just want to let those who are fighting openly and secretly know what's going on here, so that they can know each other's minds. It is impossible to lift the blockade in time, and what I have to do is to follow the trend, agree a deadline with them, and buy as much time as possible.”

"But we haven't gone to Lin's Village yet, that's where the plague is most severe." A look of worry flashed across A Wan's face, "If Lin's Village..."

"If there is such an eventuality..." Fang Zilan's expression became a little more decisive, "What should be burned must be burned."

A Wan bit her lip, and finally made up her mind and said, "Okay, then I'll go back and prepare first. We'll go to Lin Family Village after you meet Master Su and Deputy General Cao."

Fang Zilan nodded, "After you go back, don't reveal our whereabouts to anyone."

"Don't worry, I know it well." After Awan finished speaking, she turned and left.

Fang Zilan waited by the fence for two days in a row, during which Awan came to bring her a meal from time to time, and chatted about the situation in the town by the way.A Wan told her that Wang Shen said she was looking for medicine and helped cover her whereabouts.

"Looking for medicine?" Fang Zilan curled her lips and smiled, "He will find a reason."

"You too, why do you have to wait here? Although it's almost summer, it's still very cold at night." Awan said and put the cloak on her body, "Be careful of catching a cold and getting sick."

"Aren't I afraid that Su Yun and Lao Cao are here, and I will be anxious if they can't find me?" Fang Zilan wrapped her cloak tightly, "It's okay for Su Yun, but if Lao Cao can't see me, he probably will." He rushed in. In the current situation, Lao Cao can't get out when he comes in, so why let him take the risk for nothing?"

A Wan sighed and said: "You always have a reason, anyway, I can't say no to you. However, you must take the medicine on time."

Fang Zilan stretched out her palm and spread it in front of her, "A new medicine has been produced?"

"It's not a new medicine." A Wan took out a pill and put it in her palm, "I'm so busy every day, how can I make new medicine for you when I have time? What's more, the medicinal materials for new medicine are scarce, and it's not easy to find here." , let’s talk about it when we get back to Beijing.”

"Little Awan has worked hard." Fang Zilan pinched her face after taking the medicine, "It's getting late, go back and rest."

"You can stay up tonight at most, otherwise..." A Wan was interrupted by her before she finished speaking, "I know it well. This is not a good rest a few days ago, otherwise how dare I endure it like this? Tonight is the deadline. If I still can’t see anyone, I should go out.”

As soon as she said this, A Wan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Then I will accompany you tonight."

Fang Zilan waved her hand and said: "No need." Before her words fell, she was covered by a loud "boss".

She and Awan looked at the passers-by at the same time, and saw Deputy General Cao running over with a lantern, but she stopped him before the fence, "Old Cao, don't come over!"

Vice General Cao obediently stopped in his tracks. Behind him was Su Yun's panting voice, "Vice General Cao, wait for me..."

Seeing this, Awan couldn't help but burst out laughing, "Are you here, bringing Master Su?"

"The horse is useless, and I fell tired after running for less than two days." Deputy General Cao touched the back of his head helplessly, "In addition to the road closure, there is no one on the road, so I can only walk with Mr. Su Come here. If it wasn't for Mr. Su's slow pace, the evening will be here anyway, and there is no need to tell the boss to wait here."

"After all, I'm a civil servant, so my footsteps...can't keep up with those of you... who are marching and fighting..." Su Yun stood beside Vice General Cao out of breath, "However, I finally... caught up... ..."

A few soldiers followed behind them, standing in a uniform order not far from them.

Su Yun folded his hands loosely and was about to salute, when Fang Zilan said: "Your Majesty Su, you don't need to be too polite, take a breath before you speak."

As she spoke, she took a step back calmly, and Vice General Cao was stunned, "Boss, what are you..."

"Don't worry, I'm not infected with the plague. But after all, I get along with the sick people day and night. For your safety, it's better to stay away." Fang Zilan said softly, and then said seriously: "I have something to say to you Say."

Hearing that Deputy General Cao's expression was awe-inspiring, Su Yun, who was patted on his chest, put down his hands and stood up straight, "Master Fang, please speak."

"The plague can be cured, and many infected people have been cured." As soon as Fang Zilan's words came out, Deputy General Cao said happily: "This is good news!"

"Yes, and no." Su Yun looked at Fang Zilan and said, "If that's the case, why didn't Mr. Fang come out?"

His words were like a basin of cold water, extinguishing Vice General Cao's joy, and he murmured: "Boss..."

Fang Zilan did not respond to their words, but said in a solemn voice: "The source of the plague is in Linjia Village, which is the place where the plague is most serious. Miss Yan'er from Xiahou's family should be there, and I will go there to confirm the situation later. If the plague Once under control, the road closure can be lifted."

Su Yun looked hesitant, Fang Zilan glanced at him, and continued, "Master Su, I won't make things difficult for you. I came here to ask you to agree a time limit with outsiders for me."

"People outside?" Su Yun repeated these four words, and quickly understood what she meant.

"I won't let you wait forever." Fang Zilan's expression was very calm, but his tone revealed an undeniable power, "After half a month, if the plague is still out of control, you can do whatever you want."

"Boss!" Deputy General Cao's expression suddenly changed, "Once the fire is set..."

"I know." Fang Zilan interrupted him lightly, "Since I dare to say that, it must have been carefully considered. Now the plague in the town is basically under control, and the blockade will be lifted within ten days .”

"What do you mean?" Su Yun frowned slightly, and Fang Zilan explained: "Road closures are fine, but the scope of road closures must be reduced step by step. For villages and towns that have controlled the plague and gradually returned to normal, the blockade can naturally be lifted. But like Like Linjiacun, where the plague is severe, it should be sealed off."

Su Yun said clearly: "In this way, the people inside the blockade will be encouraged and hopeful when they see that the blockade has been lifted. And the people outside the blockade will be free to come and go, and they will see a new look. The situation will be stable. Living."

"That's right." Fang Zilan nodded approvingly, "However, even if the blockade is lifted, the people should be ordered to stay at home for a period of time to observe, and it will not be too late to come and go freely after confirming that there is no hindrance."

"Okay." Su Yun agreed without hesitation: "Leave this matter to me, and I will definitely agree on a period of half a month for Master Fang."

Deputy General Cao on the side couldn't help but gear up, "Boss, what about me?"

 Can the half-month period be successfully achieved?Let's listen to the next chapter to break down~
(End of this chapter)

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