Don't ask where people go

Chapter 251 Finding Someone

Chapter 251 Finding Someone
A Wan's face turned pale from vomiting, and when she heard Fang Zilan's words vaguely, she suppressed her nausea and moved behind her step by step, asking, "What do you mean by saying it's all lies?"

"The corpses at the bottom all have knife wounds." Fang Zilan's voice trembled a little, "Seeing that the wounds were not done by people who are accustomed to using knives, we can basically rule out the possibility that they were hit by bandits and robbers."

A Wan didn't dare to look, so she hid behind her and asked, "Is the knife wound fatal?"

"It's hard to say if you don't see it clearly, and the possibility of death due to excessive blood loss cannot be ruled out." Fang Zilan stretched out her hand to A Wan and said, "Anthelmintic."

"Are you really going down to find someone?" A Wan's words were out of tune, and the sudden raised voice shocked a group of ravens and birds to flap their wings and leave.

Fang Zilan glanced back at her, without any intention of withdrawing her hand, "Do you have a better way?"

"I..." A Wan bit her lip, "Even if some of the people here died unexpectedly, most of them died from the plague. If you go looking for someone so rashly, what if..."

"I'm not afraid of what happens." Fang Zilan said as she put on her handgown, "I'm afraid I won't find Miss Yan'er, and my heart will be restless in this life."

A Wan took out a large bag of medicine powder from the package, "Fortunately, I have prepared a long time ago, and I have prepared a lot of insect repellent medicine."

"How effective is the medicine?" Fang Zilan took it, and Awan helped to hold the bag under it, "I'm afraid of insects, so the deworming medicine I made is of course powerful. The insects will die when they touch them, and if people touch them, they will lose a layer of skin."

"Then I'm relieved." Fang Zilan lifted the pocket, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, "So heavy?"

"Aren't you afraid that you won't have enough?" Awan lowered her head guiltyly, and Fang Zilan didn't laugh at her fear of insects, but just walked around the mass grave and sprinkled the insect repellent.

After she finished spraying, even the smell of the dead body dissipated a little. Lin Jian, who was at the side a little slower, couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "This insect repellent is so powerful."

Fang Zilan ignored him, but walked aside to pick and choose a few thick branches.

While helping her find the branches, A Wan said: "Wait for the medicine to dissipate, and you can wait an hour before going down."

Fang Zilan hummed, and found a clean big rock for Awan to sit on. Seeing this, Lin Jian also came over and sat down on the floor.

"When you sprayed the medicine just now, I thought about the situation on the way into the village, and I always felt weird." A Wan looked at Fang Zilan, "Did you find out a long time ago, so you interrupted me to make up those nonsense talk?"

Hearing that Lin Jian looked at the two of them in bewilderment, but didn't dare to speak casually, Fang Zilan nodded slightly and said, "Little Awan, why don't you tell me, what do you think is weird?"

"First of all, those empty rooms. I remember you said that there were signs of fighting and dragging. If our original guess is that it was done by bandits and robbers, and there are indeed dead people with knife wounds in the mass graves, then the people in the houses There must be bloodstains." A Wan said slowly: "But apart from the traces of fighting and dragging, there is no bloodstains at all, which doesn't make sense."

She frowned slightly as she said, "One more thing, the mother-child home just now not only has a courtyard, but also several rooms in the courtyard, which are much larger than the ones we checked earlier. , why did their mother and son escape unharmed?"

"It really doesn't make sense." Lin Jian echoed: "It must not be a bandit or a robber. But, Miss Awan, what do you mean by Master Fang's nonsense?"

"That silk handkerchief is not ice silk, nor soaked in agarwood, nor is it a tribute to the palace." A Wan said helplessly: "That woman is also, we are all wearing this silk handkerchief, she didn't even look at it." When I came out, I was deceived in a few words."

"Miss Awan, if you don't tell me, I didn't find out." Lin Jian said awkwardly: "Then this silk handkerchief can't save your life?"

"Although this silk handkerchief has not been soaked in agarwood, it has been soaked in medicinal herbs, which is somewhat useful." Fang Zilan wrote lightly: "If I didn't make those nonsense, I'm afraid I would have to spend more time with that woman."

A Wan said to herself casually: "I don't know who that woman is?"

"I know this." Lin Jian saw that he finally knew it himself, and said as if taking credit: "She is the Baochang's younger sister. When I accompanied my brother to Lin's Village, I met a few times from a distance, and I still have some impressions."

"Baochang's sister?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, Lin Jian nodded and said: "Yes, although the Lin family village is broken, there is still a Baochang. That woman is the Baochang's younger sister, and her man is a farmer. Hit his brother or something."

Fang Zilan said thoughtfully: "I see that there are not many survivors in the village. Why are their mother and son among them? As for the other survivors, it can't just happen to be the Baochang family? Does the plague also pick people?"

"Which one to pick?" A Wan was not angry, "If he knew how to pick someone, how could Uncle Wang..."

Before she finished speaking, she turned her head away, Fang Zilan sighed quietly, and said: "Yes, since you don't know how to pick people, why is it such a coincidence?"

Lin Jian looked blank, "Maybe it's just a coincidence."

"Is it a coincidence, someone will tell us the answer." Fang Zilan walked to the side of the mass grave, tied one end of the rope to the tree and the other end to his waist, and walked down the mass grave slowly leaning on the branches.

Lin Jian watched her figure sinking a little bit, and couldn't help but want to get closer to look at her, but he couldn't exert any strength in his body, and he never moved a step.A Wan stood up and walked a few steps boldly before her legs gave way and she fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Lin Jian tremblingly walked to A Wan's side and held her arm, "Miss A Wan, let's go back and sit and wait."

A Wan didn't stand up, but put her hands on the ground, and moved forward a certain distance, "I think it's better to be closer to her. If she needs help, I can get there in time."

"Miss Awan, your legs are so weak that you can't stand up, what can you do to help?" Lin Jian tried to pull her up from the ground, but she shook her off, "Then I will stay here with her too."

Lin Jian couldn't resist her, so he had to sit beside her and wait with her.

After an unknown amount of time, the two suddenly heard Fang Zilan's voice from below, "Awan, Lin Jian, pull the rope."

Hearing the sound, A Wan and Lin Jian stood up quickly, walked to the side of the tree, and pulled the rope up with concerted efforts.

However, when Lin Jian saw the corpse tied to the other end of the rope, his hands trembled, almost causing the corpse to fall back again.Fortunately, Fang Zilan, who jumped out, had quick eyes and quick hands, and grabbed the rope.

"Didn't you say that you have seen dead people?" Fang Zilan said with a serious face, "Lin Jian, get out of the way."

Lin Jian walked aside embarrassedly and stood a little further away.

A Wan took out a clean cloth from the package and spread it on the open space beside her.She didn't dare to look back, her voice was trembling too much, "Is this... Miss Yan'er..."

"Yes." Fang Zilan stripped off her clothes, took off her outer shirt and threw them into the mass grave, took out a new pair of clothes and put them on, "Miss Yan'er brought medicine with her, and there was no sign of insects or birds pecking at her body, so the cause of death It’s also easy to check.”

Hearing Fang Zilan's chilling voice, A Wan clenched her fists and turned around, looking at the corpse on the ground, the red mark on her neck was shocking.

She just felt dizzy, and everything around her seemed to be still, only to hear Fang Zilan gnashing her teeth word by word: "She was hanged alive!"

 Fang Zilan on the verge of an explosion: It will be difficult for people in Linjiacun to end if they are not buried with them!

  Another: There is still one part of the lie in the last chapter that has not been revealed. Have you guessed it?

(End of this chapter)

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