Chapter 253 Cruel
"How do you know..." The woman's eyes widened suddenly, Fang Zilan's sword slashed inch by inch, leaving a long bloodstain on her body, "How do you think I found Miss Yan'er? In the mass grave, I saw the miserable death of those villagers, so how could it be so simple to die from the plague?"

After listening to her, Awan understood why there was no blood in the house, and why she took off her coat and threw it into the mass grave when she came up. The blood stains on it were actually those villagers...

"How could it be..." A Wan covered her mouth and looked at the woman in disbelief. Her panic-stricken appearance exposed her guilty conscience, and she murmured: "I...we just want to live..."

Awan said angrily: "You want to live, those villagers who were killed by you, don't they want to live?"

The woman retorted feebly: "They wouldn't live long..."

"Even if they don't live long, it's up to you to decide whether to live or die." A Wan was trembling with anger, "What do you think you are? Why do you just kill yourself?"

The woman murmured softly, "We killed a few people, isn't it so that more people can live?"

"Yes, killing one person is killing, and killing ten people is also killing." Fang Zilan said coolly: "What's more, killing is something that is familiar once. You may as well admit that you just want to kill. Why bother to say so grandly, For more people to live? Go underground and ask Lord Yama to see if he believes in this reason? If he believes, he will let you back, and you can argue with us later."

"No, please don't kill me!" The woman knelt in front of Fang Zilan and kowtowed several times, "Heng'er is sick, I have to take care of him. When he recovers, kill him if you want, I will never kill him." Nothing else."

Fang Zilan looked at her coldly, and said in a cold voice: "Your child's life is his life, but others are not? So what if you killed so many people, and they all got infected with the plague in the end? If you were willing to listen to Yan There may still be a glimmer of life for Miss Er, but you killed her and ruined the only way of life with your own hands."

She said that the plum sword in her hand had scratched the skin of the woman's neck, "You are not qualified to negotiate terms with me. When I kill people, I never look at the time, only my mood. I am in a very bad mood right now."

Before she finished speaking, the child in her hand suddenly struggled, "You villain, you are not allowed to kill my mother!"

Fang Zilan looked down at him, only to see him wriggling his body desperately, shouting with red eyes: "Let go of me, I will fight with you!"

"Fight?" Fang Zilan looked at him rather amusedly, and loosened his hands a little, "What do you use to fight with me?"

While she was speaking, the child suddenly turned around and wanted to bite her arm. She flicked her wrist and threw him to the ground hard.He fell extremely hard, and immediately wailed loudly, "You bully people!"

"Puppy, why do you think that I will let you bite me?" Fang Zilan looked down at the child condescendingly, "If I don't kill you, you should be grateful."

"Bah!" The child spat violently, "Damn woman, I hate you!"

Fang Zilan's expression became colder. She squatted down and stared at him closely, and asked, "Dead woman? Who taught you to say these three words?"

"No one..." As soon as the child said two words, she grabbed her neck, and swallowed the rest of the words.

"I'm impatient, and I'm ruthless." Fang Zilan threatened in a deep voice: "If you don't answer well, you will be much worse than your mother is now."

"Uncle said it." The child said so quickly, Fang Zilan let go, "Who is your uncle talking about?"

"It's the older sister who is sleeping over there." The child pointed his fingers cautiously, "That older sister is very kind to me, not only giving me sweets, but also giving me a beautiful silk handkerchief. I don't think she will come out in the house. , wanted to find her, and then heard my uncle say that about her. Is she dead? "

His voice was immature and innocent, but his light words made Fang Zilan even more angry, "She treats you well?"

"Yeah, I'm also very good to that sister." The child said seriously: "I even invited her to our house for dinner, but I don't know why, she didn't take a few bites..."

"Heng'er!" The woman interrupted him in horror, Fang Zilan knew it, "She fell asleep after a few mouthfuls, didn't she?"

"How did you know?" The child looked curious, but seeing her sword pointed directly at the woman, he said angrily, "You actually used the child to lie to her and drugged her?"

"She is a medical girl, otherwise how could we..." Before the woman could finish her sophistry, Fang Zilan scratched half of her face, blood gushed out beyond recognition, and the child fainted from fright.

The woman let out a scream and struggled to move to the child's side, wanting to reach out and touch him, but she moved her hand away the moment the blood stained his body.

"Aren't you going to take care of him? I'll give you a chance." Fang Zilan put away the sword, and said coldly, "Tell me how many people are still alive in the village, and I'll give you three days. If he recovers after three days, I will kill you and take him out of Linjiacun."

The woman was about to shake her head, but she heard her say: "Or, do you want me to kill him immediately?" As soon as she finished speaking, the woman quickly made a four with her hands.

Fang Zilan glanced at it, then turned to Lin Jian and said, "You take that child in, and then take the remaining four survivors in the village to the mass grave. Awan and I will wait for you there."

Lin Jian hurriedly responded, then pointed at the woman as if remembering something, and said, "What about her?"

"I'll only give you half an hour. After half an hour, if I don't see anyone, I'll smash the porcelain jar containing your brother's ashes." Fang Zilan's expression was serious, "If you think you have time to control her, it's up to you."

After she finished speaking, she casually took the porcelain pot placed on the trolley, Lin Jian opened his mouth but did not make any sound, watching her and A Wan leave helplessly.

Fang Zilan walked out quickly, and A Wan followed her with her head buried. After walking for a while, she finally couldn't help crying loudly.

Hearing the sound, Fang Zilan stopped and turned around, reached out and rubbed A Wan's head, and said in a slow voice: "A Wan, people's hearts are unpredictable. Are you afraid?"

A Wan nodded vigorously, raised her hand to grab the hand above her head, and sobbed, "Fang Zilan, how could they... be so cruel..."

"They are cruel, and I will be more cruel than them." Fang Zilan's complexion was very pale, but her eyes were cold and sharp. "To deal with wicked people, you have to be worse than them."

"You..." Awan couldn't respond for a long time, and could only let her drag her to the vicinity of the mass grave in a daze.For a while, none of them spoke anymore, they stood under the tree silently waiting for Lin Jian to arrive.

In less than half an hour, Lin Jian escorted four people.Rather than saying that they were detained, it was better to say that they were chased. They were so sick that they couldn't even walk steadily, so they were pushed and shoved by Lin Jian.

Fang Zilan sized up the three men and one woman, and asked aloud, "Which of you is the chief security officer?"

 Fang·Xiaoheihua·Zi Lan: Cruel?i was never a nice person

(End of this chapter)

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