Don't ask where people go

Chapter 255 Retribution

Chapter 255 Retribution
Fang Zilan looked gloomy, "Just relying on your low-level chopping and stabbing, you think you can really kill people? Many people in the mass graves were not dead when they were thrown in by you, only because of the serious injuries. Alright, I'll be trapped below to death. Please enjoy this taste."

After she said that, she picked up the woman and the boy on the ground, and dragged them to the mass grave one by one, followed the same pattern, and then pushed them down.

She looked coldly at the person falling like a kite with a broken string, and said in a cold voice: "This is your real retribution, and I will do it myself."

In the end, she took out a silk handkerchief from her sleeve, carefully wiped off the blood on her hands, then let go of her hand, letting the silk handkerchief go with the wind, and finally hung it on a low tree branch next to the mass grave.Under the reflection of the twilight setting sun, it seems to be a blood-stained white flag, and I don't know who was sacrificed.

After doing all this, she turned around and walked to A Wan's side, her voice relaxed a little, "Let's go, let's go back."

A Wan nodded slightly, and walked quickly towards the village.Fang Zilan followed behind her, looked down at her white and slender fingers, and smiled self-deprecatingly in her heart. It was a hand covered with blood, so what are you expecting?

Lin Jian walked at the end, trembling along the way, not even daring to say a word.He had long heard that Fang Zilan was a general who emerged from a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The three of them were speechless all the way, and when they walked back to the courtyard where the mother and son were, it was already dark.The faint light in the room is particularly eye-catching in the dark.

"I'll go and see them." A Wan said and walked towards the house, Fang Zilan behind her gave a low hum.She didn't look back, and didn't notice anything wrong with the voice.

After Awan left, Fang Zilan supported her body with a sword pointing in one hand, took out the celadon bottle with the other hand, and quickly swallowed a medicine into it.She was panting heavily, her hand holding the celadon bottle was tightly clenched, but she couldn't stop shaking.

Lin Jian stared blankly at her, and it took him a while to react. Just as he was about to call out to A Wan, he saw her stab her in the eye, "If you dare to say a single word, you will end up as the chief security officer."

The deliberately low voice was a clear threat, Lin Jian immediately nodded his head, and listened to her instructions: "Go and find a coffin for Miss Yan'er. If you can't find it, you can make it yourself, don't I need to teach you? "

"Yes." Lin Jian hurriedly responded, but he looked up at the sky, wondering: "However, Mr. Fang, even if I do it at night, it is difficult for me to find materials. Can you accommodate me and wait until tomorrow morning? I'll go find it right away?"

Fang Zilan nodded slightly in agreement, "You help me into the house first."

Hearing that Lin Jian walked up to her, he looked at her helplessly, "Master Fang..."

Fang Zilan clicked his tongue helplessly, and unceremoniously put his arm on his shoulder, "I can't use my strength now, please use me as a crutch for a while."

"Don't bother." Lin Jian supported her body cooperatively, and the two moved step by step to the dark empty room next to them.

"Master Fang, what are you..." Lin Jian hesitated to speak, and Fang Zilan laughed softly because he wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask, "What I said just now was to scare you."

"What?" Lin Jian looked puzzled, and Fang Zilan explained lightly: "I won't treat you like the Baochang."

As soon as she finished speaking, Lin Jian let out a sigh of relief.She couldn't help pursing her lips, "So afraid of me?"

Lin Jian nodded abruptly, but suddenly realized something and shook his head violently, "I'm not afraid."

"So against your will?" Fang Zilan's expression faded a little, and he said solemnly: "It's okay to be afraid. I can't make everyone like me, but I can make everyone afraid of me."

"Master Fang, you are really..." Lin Jian paused for a long time before continuing, "Being different."

"I am able to stand here today, which is naturally different." Fang Zilan stopped in front of the bed, "Okay, you go and help me light the lamp, and then I can go out."

Lin Jian lit the lamp obediently, but hesitated to go out, "Master Fang, you..."

"It's just an old wounded person from previous battles. It's not a big deal." Fang Zilan interrupted Lin Jian impatiently, "It's nothing serious after taking the medicine, just get through tonight."

Hearing what she said, Lin Jian didn't say anything more, took his leave and left.However, after he left, he was still not at ease, so he waited for A Wan to come out in the courtyard, and told A Wan what happened just now.

After hearing what he said, A Wan frowned, "Thank you for letting me know, I'll go and have a look."

Lin Jian waved his hand, and A Wan didn't show any politeness to him, and walked quickly to the room where Fang Zilan was.As soon as she entered the room, she saw Fang Zilan resting on the bed with her eyes closed, her face turning blue.

Seeing that Awan walked over, she opened her eyes before her hand touched Fang Zilan, looked at her fixedly, and asked, "How are the mother and child doing now?"

"The woman's life was saved, but she lost too much blood and was sick with fever, so she was very weak." A Wan sat beside her, her voice muffled, "The child must have been frightened during the day, and fell into a coma due to the high fever." , I’m afraid I won’t survive these two days.”

Fang Zilan raised her hand and frowned slightly, "If he can't survive, then he will set fire to Lin Family Village after he dies."

"Are you really going to set fire to the village?" Awan looked serious, and Fang Zilan said in a low voice: "You have seen the situation in the mass graves. Once the summer heats up, the smell of corpses will spread faster. If you don't burn it, I'm afraid it will be brewed." become a catastrophe."

A Wan lowered her head and didn't respond, before she spoke again after a while: "What about you? Why are you secretly taking medicine?"

"I have been in the mass grave for too long, the corpse poison has entered my body, and the poison can't be suppressed." Fang Zilan closed her eyes wearily, and Awan reached under her sleeve and felt her pulse. For a moment, his expression became a little dignified.

"It's not a big deal." Fang Zilan's feeble voice reached A Wan's ears, "It's just a corpse poison, it will definitely be swallowed up by the domineering Gu poison in my body. I have used the medicine, and the past few days will be more difficult at best. "

"That's all? That's all?" A Wan repeated these words heavily, out of breath, "You..."

Fang Zilan originally thought that according to A Wan's temperament, she must be scolding herself, but she swallowed the words before she could speak. This abnormality naturally caught her attention. She opened her eyes and looked over, "Why? gone?"

"I...although I didn't make new medicine for you, but..." A Wan bit her lip and said after hesitating for a moment, "I was afraid that you would catch the plague, so I adjusted the medicine you take every day, replaced I took a few of the herbs. It is in conflict with your emergency medicine..."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan stared blankly at A Wan, but saw that she was about to cry, "If it's light, it's coma, if it's serious..."

She didn't dare to go on, Fang Zilan had some calculations in her heart, sighed faintly and said, "Is there any way to remedy it?"

 Fang Zilan completed Linjiacun's retribution, but she was still tortured by Gu poison.Who is whose retribution?
(End of this chapter)

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