Chapter 262
Su Yun did not expect Zhuge Yu to admit it so frankly, and listened to him in a daze: "I dare to admit my selfishness. Master Su, do you dare to express your selfishness?"

"Why don't you dare?" Su Yun smiled self-deprecatingly, "If you talk about selfishness, adding an official to a noble, making a marquis and worshiping a minister, what officials in the officialdom want all their lives, I can't be exempt."

"Really?" Zhuge Yu smiled noncommittally, "If that's the case, Mr. Su's job is not pretty enough, and he's probably far away from being on the right track."

"I won't bother Mr. Zhuge." Su Yun looked a little cold, "Mr. Zhuge, if you have a heart, why don't you think of a way for Mr. Fang first. King Rong'an, General Xiahou, will soon be unable to suppress it."

"Thank you Master Su for reminding me." Zhuge Yu's expression was gloomy, "I know it well."

At this time, in the wing room where Xiahou Yunzhao was, after hearing what her confidant had reported to King Rong An, her expression sank a little, "Is it a bodyguard who followed Mr. Fang into the village?"

The confidant nodded, and Xia Hou Yunzhao ordered: "You continue to stare at King Rong An, and ask A Ming to investigate the origin of the escort who entered the village with Mr. Fang."

The confidant took the order and left, while Xie Chen looked at Xiahou Yunzhao, frowning slightly, "Zhaozhao, it's too late, we..."

"You want to persuade me to stop?" Xiahou Yunzhao interrupted him unceremoniously, "Xie Chen, you know my temper, Yan'er wants to find, Rong An Wang wants to investigate, I can't stop."

"I'm not trying to persuade you to stop." Xie Chen held her shoulders, met her eyes and said, "Yan'er is looking for it, but you can throw it to His Majesty, King Zha Rong'an. You have protected him for so many years. Do you want to protect him for the rest of your life?"

Xiahou Yunzhao lowered her eyes to avoid his, and said softly, "Can't you?"

"Zhaozhao, children and grandchildren have their own blessings. After a hundred years from you and me, who can you protect?" Xie Chen sighed quietly, "I know you feel ashamed of Ayu, but Ayu has never blamed you. She I understand, each of us understands that you chose the Xiahou family. I believe that His Majesty will also understand."

"Xie Chen, it's rare for you to be such a mother-in-law." Xiahou Yunzhao suddenly raised her head and looked at him fixedly, "Have you found anything?"

"Yes." Xie Chen took a deep breath, with deep eyes, "Zhaozhao, I'm afraid Yan'er is in danger. The letter she sent us was stolen by King Rong An."

"Did you find the dead carrier pigeon?" Xiahou Yunzhao looked cold, Xie Chen shook his head and said, "I only found ashes stained with the fragrance of the grain. King Rong An probably would not have thought that the carrier pigeons of Xiahou's family are fed in a special way. Burnt ashes will also have grain incense to track."

"I thought Rong An Wang Xue was smarter, but after so many years, he is still stupid and wicked." Xiahou Yunzhao thought for a while and said, "That is to say, there are also letters sent back to Beijing by Mr. Fang. Maybe it was stolen?"

"Not necessarily." Xie Chen looked a little more serious, leaned into her ear and whispered, "Zhao Zhao, Mr. Fang is very likely to be the third young lady of the Fang family of the prime minister—Fang Zilan."

"What did you say? That orphan from the former dynasty, how could it be possible?" Xiahou Yunzhao's eyes flashed a look of disbelief, but after a while, he calmed down, "If you look closely, her cruelty is very similar to her parents .”

"It's really similar." Xie Chen nodded slightly, "After the capital city changed, she seemed to have disappeared. Now that she is so strong in martial arts, resourceful and decisive, I'm afraid she has something to do with the ghost gate."

"We have always suspected that King Rong An is secretly colluding with the ghost gate. If she is a member of the ghost gate, she may cover up for King Rong An." Xiahou Yunzhao frowned slightly, "but there is one thing that does not make sense. The king is involved, why did His Majesty invite me to quell the pirates? Why are they so sure that the pirates will keep their mouths shut and that the treachery will not be discovered by me?"

"There are two possibilities. One is that her goal is Xiahou's family. Now there are many rumors outside that the Xiahou family sent troops to regain the military power in the southeast. No matter whether His Majesty believes in us or not, the military power will always be his opponent." Xie Chen's eyes The cold light appeared, "Dragon has reverse scales, and those who touch them will die. You should understand this truth better than anyone else."

"There is another one. Do you believe that she is really innocent?" Xia Hou Yunzhao looked hesitant. "She was almost killed by the plague, but she dared to enter the epidemic area alone. Based on this alone, it is difficult for me to doubt her."

"Then let's change our way of thinking." Xie Chen said in a low voice, "If this plague has something to do with Ghost Gate and King Rong'an in the first place?"

"What do you mean?" Xiahou Yunzhao's expression changed imperceptibly, and Xie Chen said solemnly: "When Yan'er wrote to us to report safety, she mentioned that some fishermen on the fishing island in the East China Sea were sick. Suspected it was a plague, so he used Xiahou’s family token to order everyone on the island not to leave the island. But within a few days after we received the letter, King Rong’an claimed that the plague was raging outside Mushan Pass, and blocked the road on his own initiative, and then Yan’er said she The letter from Lin Family Village has been delivered to us, Zhaozhao doesn't think it's strange?"

Xiahou Yunzhao remained silent, and Xie Chen continued, "Besides, shortly after she entered the epidemic area alone, there was news that the plague could be cured. All these are intertwined and too coincidental. Terrified."

"If..." Xia Hou Yunzhao clenched his hands hidden in his sleeves into fists, "If this plague was originally planned by Guimen and King Rong'an, then it would not be a coincidence."

Xie Chen took her into his arms, "Zhao Zhao, if the truth is like this, this is something we can't handle."

"I understand what you mean." Xiahou Yunzhao looked up at him, "After Amin finds out the origin of that bodyguard, if there is any evidence to prove that the plague is also related to King Rong An, I will report the truth to His Majesty. Whatever decision he wants is up to him. As long as I find Yan'er, I will go back to the land of Baiyue and never go out of the mountain again in this life."

"No more going out of the mountains in this life?" Xie Chen raised his hand and pinched her face, "Zhao Zhao, do you believe this?"

Xia Hou Yunzhao glared at him, "Xie Chen, is it interesting for you to expose me?"

"Zhaozhao, don't say the words of your vows casually." Xie Chen shook his head with a smile, Xiahou Yunzhao held his hand, and his heart suddenly became a joke, "If the vows come true, I will really be remembered by the gods and Buddhas Now, what about it?"

"No way." Xie Chen smiled deeper, "I can only say something stronger than your oath, so that the gods and Buddhas in the heavens will remember me and forget you."

"How can I do that?" Xia Hou Yunzhao smiled, and said seriously: "Gods and Buddhas of the heavens, I and Xie Chen's names, please be sure to remember them together, his oath is mine, my oath. Still mine."

"It's unreasonable." Xie Chen looked at the person in his arms rather amusedly, "Zhao Zhao, I will accompany you whatever you do. If you want to remember all the gods and Buddhas, you can't do it alone."

"I think you are unreasonable." Xiahou Yunzhao shrugged helplessly, and changed the voice, "I don't know when Master Fang will wake up? Most of Yan'er's whereabouts depend on her."

"Zhaozhao, just in case... I mean in case..." Xie Chen cut off the conversation as soon as Xie Chen spoke, "There are enough people in Xiahou's family who died, so there will be no such case."

 In the middle of the cookie, Zhao Zhao and Xie Chen knew Fang Zilan's life experience, and also knew about Rong An's bad debts.If it wasn't for Xie Chen's dissuasion, Zhao Zhao's violent temper would have killed King Rong An long ago, and now the grass on the grave would be several feet high.

  As for why Xie Chen dissuaded me, I will not say more, readers are cute. The benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see wisdom. After all, they are not the protagonists of this film. If there is a chance in the future, I may tell the story of Zhao Zhao and Xie Chen~
(End of this chapter)

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