Chapter 267
"What is Master Fang talking about?" King Rong An pretended to be puzzled, "Why can't I understand?"

"Don't understand?" Fang Zilan smiled even more, but there was no smile in his eyes, "Since the prince doesn't understand, then I will talk to the prince carefully. Using Mushan Pass as a bargaining chip to cheat pirates They betrayed the country and sent the plague-stricken fishermen from the fishing islands in the East China Sea to Linjiacun, causing pirates to wreak havoc and spread the plague, these princes will not forget all of them, right?"

King Rong An glanced at her thoughtfully, then waved away the people around him, and when there were only the two of them left in the room, he spoke again: "Master Fang is really good at talking nonsense, even as good as Mr. Storyteller .”

"My lord refuses to admit it?" Fang Zilan's smile faded a little, and King Rong An took the time to say: "This king has always been upright and upright, how can you allow Mr. Fang to slander you like this? Mr. Fang said that this king is guilty, so why don't you show it?" Evidence is coming. If not, you will frame Zhongliang and you will be punished."

"My lord wants evidence, so I'll give it to you." Fang Zilan took out a stack of banknotes and placed them in front of King Rong An, "These banknotes came from the Fang family bank, and I asked someone to check the ticket number and found the original owner. My lord might as well guess who it is?"

King Rong An didn't even lift his eyelids, and said in a low voice: "When the banknotes flow out from the bank, they will be in the hands of everyone. Who knows whether the hands belong to thieves or dignitaries? I can't control the past of these banknotes. Knowing that they are now in Master Fang's hands, they have become tools to frame me."

"Framed the prince?" Fang Zilan chuckled suddenly, "I haven't said who the original owner of these banknotes is, but the prince said that I framed you, is it too early?"

King Rong An's expression suddenly turned cold, "Master Fang said so many things before, so it's not just to say that these bank notes have nothing to do with me, right? I think the results of the investigation by Mr. Fang are either mine or one of my subordinates. Human, isn't it?"

Fang Zilan rested her chin on the table with her hand, and got closer to King Rong An, "What the lord said is that Mo Bin owns these bank notes. I felt something was wrong, so I came to ask the lord in person. an answer."

"Mo Bin?" King Rong An was stunned for a moment, then Fang Zilan nodded and said: "Yes, I heard that Mo Bin and the prince have never dealt with each other, and this time there is a suspicion of rebellion. I checked it out, but the people from the Fang family bank said that their check may not be accurate, and they need to send a letter to the capital to check it again, so it will take a few days."

She said and tapped the bank notes on the table lightly, "Looking at the prince's reaction, it seems that he doesn't know about it at all. Even if these bank notes are not owned by Mo Bin, they have nothing to do with the prince. People with a lot of money are always either rich or expensive, the prince may have some impressions, so you might as well take a closer look."

Knowing that she wanted to test her, King Rong An immediately picked up the bank note, "Since Mr. Fang has spoken, I will take a closer look."

"Thank you, my lord." Fang Zilan hadn't finished speaking when she saw King Rong An accidentally knocked over the lampstand, and the candlelight ignited a corner of the bank note, followed by a panicked voice, "Master Fang, be careful!"

Fang Zilan unhurriedly extinguished the fire on the table and case, and took the banknote from King Rong'an's hands after most of it was burned, and the black ash fell down, and she took the remaining incomplete banknote Zhang spread it on the table.

Only then did King Rong An realize that, except for the first two sheets, the ones below were all blank.His expression suddenly changed, "Fang Zilan, how dare you lie to me?"

"Is the prince finally willing to show his feet?" Fang Zilan said in a cold voice while laying out the paper: "The prince doesn't even think about it. The Fang family's bank is so famous, how can he disclose the information of the guests at will? And even if it is revealed, how can it be specious? Isn't this kind of behavior like pressing your own gold-lettered signboard on the ground?"

King Rong An remained silent with a sullen face, so Fang Zilan continued on, "But since I'm talking about these things to the lord, not to His Majesty..."

She paused suddenly, and King Rong An snorted coldly, "I'm sorry you don't have the guts."

"How does your lord know that I don't have the guts?" Fang Zilan's eyes were a little chilly, but King Rong An suddenly laughed, "Master Fang said that I have done a lot of dirty things, how clean can I be? My Someone intercepted Master Fang's secret letter to the capital, the symbols inside are strange in shape, all are code words of ghosts, I don't know how Master Fang can explain it?"

Fang Zilan still put his hand on the white paper, and wrote lightly: "The prince knows the code words of the ghost gate, which means that he has a very close relationship with the ghost gate..."

"Since you and I are all of the same species, why do you tell Your Majesty about me?" King Rong An interrupted her impatiently, "Not to mention that you have no evidence, just say that once you report on me, you will be killed again." What can be done?"

Fang Zilan took a piece of paper, rubbed her fingers over the black edge, and seemed to be talking to herself: "Indeed, the dog-eat-dog scene is not pretty."

"What did you say?" King Rong An gritted his teeth and spoke sullenly.

Fang Zilan looked calm, "However, if one of them confessed its crime and let others slaughter it, it would be hard to say."

King Rong An looked at the person in front of him coldly, "Master Fang wants to be punished by Ling Chi? That's not a good feeling."

Fang Zilan curled her lips and smiled peacefully, "My lord, do you know what you have done? Even if I don't tell you, His Majesty will never let you go."

"What I have done myself is very clear in my heart." Wang Rong An said proudly, "Even so, what does Lord Fang think His Majesty can do to me?"

"Why not?" Fang Zilan's eyes were sharp, and his tone seemed to have a shallow murderous intent, "What the prince has done, one by one, is to shake the foundation of the country..."

"Did I hear you right? Lord Fang, do you want to shake the foundation of the country?" King Rong An cut off her words unceremoniously, "If Lord Fang thinks that killing me will solve all problems, just tell your Majesty."

"I just know that killing the prince will shake the foundation of the country, so I'm sitting here today." Fang Zilan looked arrogant, "Based on my ability, it's easy for the prince to die. The prince doesn't know, right?"

"You..." King Rong An moved his lips, and there was a little fear on his face.

"The prince has occupied the southeast for many years, and his foundation is deep and fearless. If I kill the prince rashly, I am afraid that the southeast land will be in chaos in an instant. At that time, the Miluo people who are looking at the situation will definitely take the opportunity to attack. Isn't it worth the loss?" Fang Zilan There was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, "So, I originally planned to just let the prince linger on the sick bed. This can not only contain the various forces in the southeast, but also make the prince have no intention of doing evil. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?"

She said that she exerted a little force on her hand, and the white paper in her palm shattered into powder, "But I thought about it, if I want to keep Mo Bin's family, I still need the help of the prince, so I haven't done anything yet. My sincerity, my lord, Don't let yourself down."

 Bright cards, cheating routines, aggressive fighting, after the trilogy of routines is exhausted, will Fang Zilan be the final winner?

(End of this chapter)

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