Chapter 269
Zhuge Yu quietly concealed his doubts, while Su Yun sighed: "Miss Yan'er has worked so hard to cure the epidemic, who would have thought that she would end up dying. But in this situation, Miss Yan'er Izumi knows, and he will feel gratified."

"I hope so." Fang Zilan's eyes dimmed, and he asked, "Mo's family is full, how is it now?"

"Sister Lan only said that the Mo family will be punished for their crimes, but she didn't say how to deal with it." Zhuge Yu looked at her and said: "So we dare not deal with it arbitrarily, but just confine the Mo family to the house. "

"Okay, lift the restraint and let everyone go." As soon as Fang Zilan finished speaking, Su Yun said, "I'll go right away."

"Master Su, please stay." Fang Zilan called to stop Su Yun, and said to Zhuge Yu: "Ah Yu, you go, I have something to say to Master Su alone."

Zhuge Yu was stunned for a moment, then nodded in agreement, got up and left.

Su Yun looked puzzled, "Master Fang dismissed Mr. Zhuge, what did you want to say to me?"

"Master Su, why did you ask yourself to be the special envoy to the southeast?" Fang Zilan asked bluntly, and Su Yun frowned, "What does Master Fang mean by that?"

Fang Zilan said softly: "I remember Lord Su told me that His Majesty originally ordered Ayu to come to the southeast as a special envoy, but it was you who took the initiative to invite Ying, so His Majesty changed his mind and replaced you. I did not remember correctly ?”

"Lord Fang remembers well." Su Yun nodded, "I asked myself to be the special envoy to the southeast to watch over Lord Fang for His Majesty and prevent Lord Fang from doing anything wrong."

"If Mr. Su is willing to tell the truth, maybe I can help you." Fang Zilan tentatively said, "I once met a woman named Su in Lin Family Village..."

Su Yun's pupils suddenly dilated and then shrunk, and he blurted out: "Master Fang is serious?"

Fang Zilan didn't answer, but just looked at him fixedly, and he realized his gaffe, and was about to say something to defend himself, when she said, "Really."

Su Yun said softly: "I asked myself to be the special envoy to the southeast. I did have selfish intentions and wanted to take the opportunity to find someone. What did the woman surnamed Su say to Master Fang?"

"She said that when Emperor Xian Ning Shun ascended the throne, Mr. Su Che of the Su family used the name of suing his old age to return to his hometown..." Fang Zilan deliberately dragged his voice: "Does Mr. Su know about going to sea to find the elixir of life?"

"I know about this." Su Yun hurriedly responded: "Master Fang saw it, but my cousin Yuexi?"

"Master Su asked himself to be the special envoy to the southeast to find your cousin Yuexi's family?" Although it was a question, Fang Zilan said it with great certainty. The village saw a woman who was rescued by Miss Su Yuexi. She said that before leaving, Miss Su Yuexi knew that there was no hope of returning to her homeland in this life, so she gave her a personal jade pendant, hoping that she would bury it in the capital one day It's next to Su's ancestral hall. However, the woman died of the plague not long ago, so she entrusted the jade pendant to me."

After she finished speaking, she took out the jade pendant from her bosom, and Su Yun stared at the jade pendant in her hand, "Sister Yuexi is in Penglai, East China Sea, she must be as graceful as a fairy..."

"I originally wanted to tell you that." Fang Zilan interrupted him abruptly, her voice lowered a bit, "But after thinking about it, I still feel that this is unfair to Miss Su Yuexi and you."

"What do you mean?" Su Yun asked in a daze: "Master Fang, what you said just now is not true?"

"The woman I met in Lin's Village is Miss Su Yuexi herself." Fang Zilan put the jade pendant on the table, took a deep breath and said, "Everything I say next is the truth."

She told Su Yun what she had seen and heard in Lin Family Village and what Su Yuexi told her. Among them, she deliberately concealed the cause of Xia Houyan's death and the fishermen who were sent to Lin Family Village, and everything else Let Su Yun know without any pretense.

"That's the truth, Miss Su Yuexi has avenged her revenge, so she went." Fang Zilan looked at the tea smoke escaping from the teacup, and only sighed.

Su Yun lowered his head, his eyes were red, and his whole body seemed to shrink into a ball when his shoulders shook.

"In addition to me, Lin Jian, the head of the bodyguard who entered the village with me, knows about this matter. If Mr. Su doesn't believe it, I can accompany you to ask Lin Jian..." Fang Zilan was interrupted by Su Yun's cold voice as soon as Fang Zilan spoke. "No, I can trust Mrs. Fang. This jade pendant, sister Yuexi never let others touch it. Not even the Su family. If she hadn't died, she wouldn't..." His voice was choked up, without Go on.

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, "Master Su, please rest assured, for the sake of Miss Su Yuexi's final dignity and the reputation of the Su family, I will keep my mouth shut and will not let more people know about it."

Su Yun didn't respond at all, and he didn't listen to a word Fang Zilan said later.He didn't understand why a good person like Sister Yuexi would suffer so much and end up setting herself on fire in the end, why?
"Master Su?" Fang Zilan called him, only to hear him suddenly whisper: "Su's daughter is like a full moon, bright and shining, looking forward to brilliance. At the age of seven, he mastered the rhythm, at the age of ten, he knew poetry and books, and at the age of ji Poetry and poetry are all bad. The moon has its ups and downs, but even if the full moon cannot hang forever, it shouldn't... fall into the quagmire..."

He wept blood word by word, and when he said the last sentence, tears were streaming down his face.

Fang Zilan's eyes were red, she couldn't bear to look any further, turned her head away, and said in a pale voice: "Master Su, please be patient."

"Sister Yuexi, she..." Su Yun asked with a trembling voice, "What... last wish?"

"She said that she wanted to go home." Fang Zilan tried her best to suppress her emotions, but her voice was still tainted with a hint of astringency, "She also said that she asked me to bury the jade pendant next to Su's ancestral hall in the capital. In fact, she is afraid that no one in this world will remember Su Yuexi anymore."

"How could it be..." Su Yun stretched out his hand, and slowly approached the jade pendant on the table, "After my uncle's family left Beijing, my grandmother and the aunts and aunts of the few rooms would talk about sister Yuexi every time they mentioned it. It would have been nice if Yueyue was here. Until the year before last when my grandmother passed away, she kept calling Sister Yuexi's name and refused to close her eyes..."

As he spoke, he caressed the jade color with his fingers, and sighed: "The world is like sending, how can the sea of ​​clouds and fairy pendants be the same as before?"

"Master Su..." Fang Zilan didn't know how to comfort him, but felt that everything she said was futile.Things are right and people are wrong, and the bitterness and twists in it, how can words be able to explain clearly?

After a long time, Su Yun calmed down a little, and then said again: "Lord Fang, I have a merciless request. Please hand over this jade pendant to me. I will definitely bring it back to the capital and send it to the My Su Clan's Ancestral Hall. The right is right, just keep it in mind, okay?"

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, and Su Yun held the jade pendant like a treasure, "Sister Yuexi, I'll take you home when the southeast matter is over."

 Recently, I have written a lot of home stalks, which make men silent and women cry, and the author sighs? !

  Don't ask, asking is because Aisha listens too much...

(End of this chapter)

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