Chapter 271
When the three of them took a rest today, Awan looked at Fang Zilan, who was leaning against the tree with his eyes closed, and quietly asked Deputy General Cao, "Why do you think Mr. Fang seems to be a different person after receiving the gold medal? Don’t even say anything? What is this gold medal for?”

"I've been in the army for many years, and it's the first time I've seen you." Vice-General Cao rubbed the back of his head and explained while thinking: "I heard Lord Wei say that this gold medal is said to be a gold medal, but in fact it's His Majesty's exclusive urgent command arrow." , Gold medals are only used when you are in a hurry."

"Urgent?" A Wan frowned slightly, "Did something happen in Beijing?"

"No." Deputy General Cao shook his head, saying with certainty, "There will be no accidents in the capital with heavy guards on the outskirts of Beijing."

"If there is nothing wrong with the capital, what is Your Majesty calling Master Fang to do?" A Wan muttered, "The southeast land is not peaceful yet, Duke Yue is not here at this time..."

Fang Zilan listened to their conversation, and suddenly felt a little more uneasy.Her deepest impression of gold medals is probably that when she was a child, she read in a book that Yue Fei returned to Beijing with twelve gold medals a day, and finally died of an unwarranted crime...

Since then, she has had an inexplicable fear of this kind of privilege from the emperor.Up to now, of course she dare not compare herself to Yue Fei, but she won the gold medal, and she will not be wronged whether she is imprisoned or dies after returning to Beijing.

After all, she protected King Rong An first, and no matter what the reason was, she was the one who hid the truth for the Mo family. In this regard, she was no more innocent than Mo Bin.

If Li Shengxuan knew the truth, would King Rong An get the punishment he deserved?She asked herself this question repeatedly, but every time the answer was no.King Rong'an not only occupies the upper hand in the imperial power, but also has intricate forces around him, making it difficult for both the government and the opposition.

Therefore, even if she knew that King Rong An was heinous, she could not expose it openly. Now that the time has not come, she will only become a contemptuous clown, and will not be able to solve any problems except causing a mess.What's more, she couldn't take the life of King Rong'an directly as Zixiu, causing chaos in the southeast, internal and external troubles, and hurting the country.

This is an unsolvable game of chess, we can only wait for new pieces to enter the game in the future, or if there is an opportunity to bring King Rong An to justice.But, will there really be such a day?

She is not afraid of going back to Beijing to face her end, but now because of her, Mo Han has been targeted by others, if something happens to her, who can protect Mo Han?
"Boss?" Deputy General Cao waved her hand in front of her. She looked up and said almost abruptly, "Old Cao, after you return to Beijing, go to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing. If I don't look for you, you are not allowed to go back." Fangfu. If I don’t look for you within three days, you will have to get Master Wei to bring your military status back into the camp in the suburbs of Beijing.”

"Boss, you..." Deputy General Cao's heart sank, and before he had time to say anything, he saw her look at A Wan and said, "And you, go find your master when you arrive in the capital, and don't follow me anymore."

A Wan's eyes widened suddenly, "Did you know something? This is simply..."

Fang Zilan suddenly covered her mouth, making her swallow back the four words of the funeral, and then asked worriedly: "Is something going to happen to you?"

"Another way to ask." Fang Zilan's lips curled slightly, "Will you come back safely?" After she finished speaking, she did not wait for A Wan's reaction, and then answered on her own, "I will come back safely. I'm just telling you this. Just in case."

She spoke calmly, but Vice General Cao and A Wan both lowered their heads, their expressions extremely depressed.

Seeing this, she smiled, "Okay, let's go. If you don't go, I'm afraid His Majesty will send someone to arrest me."

A Wan didn't say anything more, just nodded, turned around and led the horse.Deputy General Cao looked at her, hesitated to speak, and finally got on the horse with her, and hurried back to the capital.

The three of them parted ways outside the capital. Fang Zilan took back half of the white jade tiger talisman from Deputy General Cao, and walked towards the city gate alone. Before walking far, he saw Xia Houzhang waiting at the gate.

Seeing her, Xia Houzhang took her into the palace without any explanation.She followed Xia Houzhang through the corridors of palace gates, feeling more uneasy with each step she took.

Until outside the imperial study room, Xia Houzhang paused, and she also stopped. After tidying up her clothes, she said to Xia Houzhang, "Thank you, thank you."

Xia Houzhang was stunned for a moment and did not speak. She ignored his reaction and walked into the imperial study room.

Standing in front of the territory map, Li Shengxuan didn't turn around when he heard the noise behind him.After Fang Zilan saluted, he remained motionless in his original posture.

Fang Zilan knelt down on one knee, took out the half of the white jade tiger talisman from her bosom, and held it between her eyebrows respectfully, "The white jade tiger talisman is now returned to Your Majesty."

After hearing these words, Li Shengxuan finally turned around. He fixedly looked at the man kneeling upright, and said softly, "Why do you want to return the White Jade Tiger Talisman to me?"

Fang Zilan raised her head, with a calm expression, "I have failed His Majesty's entrustment, and I am ashamed of receiving it, so I return it."

"Ashamed?" Li Shengxuan repeated these two words pointingly, and took the time to say: "Purge pirates and cure plagues, what is there to be ashamed of?"

"I kept the Mo family behind on my own." Fang Zilan looked calm, Li Shengxuan's hands hidden in his sleeves were clenched into fists, and his face remained calm, "What else?"

"King Rong'an has evil intentions, so we must be on guard." Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and finally said in a low voice: "No more."

Li Shengxuan's expression became colder, if it wasn't for this sentence that King Rong An harbored evil intentions and had to be on guard, he would really have thought that she was in the same boat as King Rong An.He said in a deep voice, "Do you know what King Rong An did?"

"If your majesty is asking about King Rong'an's selling of officials, Jujue connived at his subordinates to bully males and females, conspired with pirates to cede land and betray the country, and sent sick fishermen out of the island, causing the plague to spread." Fang Zilan looked into his eyes without any intention of avoiding it, "I know .”

What she said was even worse than Xiahou's family letter.Li Shengxuan suppressed the anger in his heart, and said coldly: "Since you know, why didn't you report it?"

"King Rong An is not someone who can be drowned by spitting. I have no evidence, so I can't help him." Fang Zilan lowered her eyes slightly, "Besides, the situation in the southeast is complicated, and a little carelessness will cause even greater trouble. I'm not sure ..."

"Fang Zilan!" Li Shengxuan interrupted her sharply, "Who are you, Mo Han? Did you even disregard the responsibility of being the Duke of Yue for him?"

"Mo Han is my cousin." Fang Zilan met his gaze and said firmly, "But I did not forget my duty for him."

"Fang Zilan, if you say that you have a different heart, but you not only asked General Xiahou to quell the pirates, but also entered the epidemic area alone regardless of life and death. The king did not report all his crimes, and even pardoned the Mo family privately, turning a deaf ear to my words." Li Shengxuan sighed quietly, "People's hearts are treacherous, how can I trust you?"

 Can Fang Zilan escape?Let's see the decomposition next time~
(End of this chapter)

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