Chapter 283
Mo Han held Fang Zilan's shoulders, "Sister Lan, what's wrong with you? What can't you keep?"

"I thought that if I could keep a peaceful and prosperous world, this life would not be in vain, but..." Fang Zilan's eyes were flushed, and her voice was trembling, "But now that the Miluo people are coming to invade, I can only watch helplessly, what? Can't do both."

"Why can't we do anything?" Mo Han frowned, Fang Zilan's voice was low, "Da Jing can't afford this battle."

"If you ask for peace..." Mo Han just started, but she stopped him, "In the long run, the Miluo people will drive straight in, and they will definitely not accept the peace. Dajing doesn't even have the qualifications to negotiate."

"Then fight for a qualification." Mo Han said with a serious expression, "For the current plan, a quick victory is already impossible. If we can hold back the Miluo people, we can slowly drive them out after a long time."

Fang Zilan lowered her eyes slightly, and murmured: "Hold on?"

"Sister Lan?" Mo Han waved his hand in front of her eyes, but she pushed him away, "Mo Han, I want to be alone."

Mo Han looked at her back, and suddenly heard A Wan's voice while hesitating, "Fang Zilan, why did you go back to the mansion so early today? Could it be that the manor house is fine and you are taking a rest?"

However, Fang Zilan seemed not to have heard what she said, and walked back to the house on her own. She was about to catch up and ask what happened, but was stopped by Mo Han, "Miss Awan, let her go."

"What's wrong with her?" A Wan looked puzzled, and Mo Han sighed softly, "Sister Lan is worried about the mass invasion of Miluo people, and has no time to take care of us. I hope Miss A Wan can't be blamed."

"This matter is quite tricky, otherwise, according to her temperament, you should be in Mushan Pass by now." A Wan is rare and serious, "Now that the situation is unclear, Vice General Cao dare not leave Beijing casually, let alone send you back to Mu The mountain pass is closed, and the Miluo people may arrive there. It’s better to stay in the capital, it’s safer.”

After she finished speaking, she shook her head, "Forget it, let's not talk about these bad things, I'll go and see how the dinner is prepared."

Seeing her hurrying to the back kitchen, Mo Han didn't stop any longer, turned around and left.

When it was time for dinner, Fang Zilan calmed down a little, not as distraught as he was during the day, Mo Han and A Wan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, Fang Zilan did not move his chopsticks, and said calmly: "I have something to tell you."

Deputy General Cao didn't know why, so he touched the back of his head, but saw that Mo Han and A Wan were also confused, and finally all three eyes fell on Fang Zilan.

Fang Zilan raised her hand to signal the servant girls inside and outside the hall to go down, and when there were only four of them left in the hall, she said again: "I will enter the court tomorrow, please go to the southern border to fight against the Miluo people, and stick to Qiluo City."

As soon as she finished speaking, A Wan gasped, "Fang Zilan, are you serious?"

Fang Zilan ignored her words and continued: "Old Cao, A Wan, if you are willing, you can go with me. If you don't, you can leave the house tomorrow."

"Boss, I'm naturally willing to go with you, but..." Deputy General Cao paused for a moment, then asked puzzledly: "The whole court has not reached a conclusion yet, so let's go..."

"It's to buy time for them." Fang Zilan interrupted him in a low voice, "If you let it go, until they figure out a countermeasure, the Miluo people may be able to hit the capital. Seeing that the Miluo people are about to hit Qiluo City, I will go there to guard for ten days and half a month, and it would be good if I can delay for them for a while."

Hearing this, A Wan stared at her dumbfounded, "Fang Zilan, you..."

"I'm going to Qiluo City with the determination to die, so I won't force you." Fang Zilan looked at Mo Han, and after a while, she whispered: "As for you, I'm afraid you will stay in the capital as a hostage for me. .”

"Okay." Mo Han agreed without hesitation, "Only if I stay, they will believe in your determination to defend Qiluo City, and they will be able to earn a chance for you."

Fang Zilan's expression darkened, "Mo Han, you have to think clearly, once you stay, you will never be able to leave again. Even, if I can't defend Qiluo City, you will die in an instant."

Mo Han suddenly smiled, "Sister Lan, if you can't defend Qiluo City, where will you be?"

Fang Zilan didn't answer, and let him continue, "If you are not here, I will go to accompany you."

"You, why don't you know how to live well?" Fang Zilan sighed helplessly, while Mo Han just smiled.

As a relative with deep affection since childhood, he strayed into this world because of her, and now they are finally reunited. If they can't live together, they can die together. Maybe they can go back to the original world together.

For a while, no one spoke again, and the atmosphere was a little dull.I don't know how long it took, Fang Zilan chuckled, "Okay, now that you've reached a dead end, who are you going to show this look to? What's more, since ancient times, no one has died in life, and there is nothing wrong with dying well."

Deputy General Cao patted his chest, "Boss, there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, and I, Lao Cao, will accompany you to fight together."

A Wan sighed, "You have all decided, if I don't agree, I will look petty. It's just..." She hesitated for a moment, but continued, "I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid that we won't be able to hold on for long, and eventually It's futile."

"Even if you stick to it for one more day, there will still be a glimmer of hope." Fang Zilan looked confident, "I believe that Your Majesty will be able to find a way to end this war."

"You've already said that, so let's go together." Awan smiled helplessly, "Isn't it just to defend the city? We have been guarding the northern border for so long, what is a mere Qiluo City?"

"Thank you." Fang Zilan stood up and bowed solemnly to Deputy General Cao and A Wan, and they also stood up quickly.

Deputy General Cao saluted respectfully, "Boss, it's only natural for us soldiers to go to the battlefield to protect the people. Why are you being so polite?"

"That's right." Awan echoed casually, and then asked as if thinking of something suddenly: "You will enter the court tomorrow, have you delivered the paperwork for the decree to the palace?"

"I have asked the steward to send me to the palace." Fang Zilan signaled everyone to sit down, "If there is no purpose, I am not allowed to enter the court at will. I know this rule."

"That's good." A Wan nodded, and said with a gloomy expression: "It's an eventful time now, and I think His Majesty will not refute your invitation to enter the court."

"Let's not talk about this, let's have dinner." Fang Zilan picked up the chopsticks, and the other three people also moved their chopsticks one after another, and started dinner.

However, in the imperial study room at this time, Li Shengxuan lost the appetite for dinner when he saw the booklet that Fang Zilan sent someone to hand in to the palace.

Xia Houzhang looked at him cautiously, and couldn't help but said: "Your Majesty, Mr. Fang invites you to enter the court at this time..."

"She is for the invasion of the Miluo people, and she said she wants to discuss it with all the ministers in the court." Li Shengxuan raised his hand and frowned slightly, his voice was a little tired, "With her temperament, it must be the main battle."

He sighed faintly, "This battle is going to be fought, but the Ministry of Households is still raising military salaries. The time has not come, so we can't just fight."

"Then do you want to reject Master Fang's paper?" Xia Houzhang asked tentatively, Li Shengxuan shook his head, "No, I want to hear what she has to say. Pass on my will, and announce that Fang Zilan will enter the court tomorrow."

 too procrastinating-

  Fang Zilan: What kind of genius would think of delaying such a method?
  Author: This is called perseverance!

  Fang Zilan: As long as you are happy...

(End of this chapter)

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