Don't ask where people go

Chapter 292 Zhen Zhu

Chapter 292 Zhen Zhu
A Wan stopped in her tracks, but she had no intention of coming back.Fang Zilan coughed, with a hint of begging for mercy in her voice, "Awan, I'm hurt..."

Before she finished speaking, A Wan quickly walked to her side, "Let me have a look."

Fang Zilan stretched out her hand obediently, and Awan let out a long sigh of relief after passing her pulse, "It's okay, the poison is relatively stable, and it shouldn't break out in the near future. I'll treat your injuries for you, and you should take a good rest." .”

"Okay." Fang Zilan nodded, let A Wan move, and fell asleep at some point.

In the next few days, the Miluo people did not attack the city, and most of the people in the city had already left the city.Fang Zilan was discussing matters with Deputy General Cao on this day, when he heard a commotion outside the tent, the little girl's bluffing voice accompanied by Zhou Lang's helpless dissuasion came straight into the tent.

"Go out and have a look." Fang Zilan walked out first, and Deputy General Cao followed her, and saw a little girl with her arms folded, who looked only twelve or thirteen years old, and said arrogantly: "I don't care, I just want to see Mr. Fang !"

Fang Zilan asked: "Who are you and why do you want to see me?"

Hearing the voice, the little girl looked over and said with surprise, "Sister Xiu, is it really you?"

Sister Xiu?Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment when he heard this name, then he looked at Zhou Lang and asked, "What's going on?"

Zhou Lang stood behind the little girl, wondering: "Yesterday someone came to report that there was a little girl who wanted to enter the city no matter what. I think they are all the people who have left the city recently. This little girl is afraid that she will go to the city." Miluo worked carefully, and then brought it back in person. Who would have thought that she would clamor to see Mr. Fang as soon as she entered the city.

He didn't go on, Fang Zilan understood, "Okay, you go to your own work." She pointed to the little girl and said, "You, follow me in."

The little girl frowned slightly, seeming a little puzzled, but obediently followed Fang Zilan into the big tent.When there were only the two of them left, they couldn't wait to ask: "Sister Xiu, don't you remember me?"

"You call me sister Xiu?" Fang Zilan's eyes were a little more wary, but the little girl didn't notice it at all, nodded and said: "Yes, you are Zixiu, sister Xiu?"

Fang Zilan took a breath, "What's your name?"

"Zhen Zhu." The little girl named Zhen Zhu smiled slightly, her shallow dimples seemed harmless to humans and animals, "Sister Xiu, have you forgotten? You were the one who gave me this name. I was young and thought It's a pig of a pig and a dog, and I was sad for a long time, if sister Mi'er hadn't comforted me, I'm afraid it would have been..."

"Sister Mi'er? Are you talking about Zhen Mier?" Fang Zilan asked, Zhen Zhu was at a loss, "Sister Xiu, what's wrong with you? Why don't you remember anything?"

Fang Zilan was silent for a moment, then whispered: "I lost some memories."

"What?" Zhen Zhu panicked, she seemed to have thought of something and suddenly covered her mouth, her eyes were full of fear.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan comforted her softly and said, "Don't be afraid, I am indeed Zixiu, and I am also Fang Zilan."

Zhen Zhu slowly put her hand down, hesitated to speak, "Then you..."

"If you don't believe me, you can ask me a few questions, and I will answer if I can remember." Fang Zilan's expression was calm, and Zhen Zhu was dubious, "What do you do with Sister Mi'er every time?"

every time?Fang Zilan had a general idea in mind, and tentatively replied: "Want Jinmeihua?"

Zhen Zhu breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again: "Then what do you do with Brother Jun every time?"

Brother Jun?Could it be Wan Jun who was related to Zhen Mier?Fang Zilan was startled, hesitated and said, "see a doctor?"

Zhen Zhu happily ran to Fang Zilan's side, grabbed her sleeve, and said excitedly: "You are sister Xiu, so why did you forget me? And you haven't come to see us for several years."

Fang Zilan thought about it, and decided to keep it from her, so she casually said: "I fell into the water once before, and after being rescued, I forgot many things, including Mier, Brother Wan, and you."

After she finished speaking, she felt strange that she called Mi'er and Brother Wan very naturally, as if she had called them thousands of times and was familiar with them by heart.

"No wonder, I asked Sister Mi'er why you didn't come to see me. She told me that you had something important to do, but after a long time she also panicked. After asking all kinds of things, I found out that you have been in the water and been sick for a long time. Who would have thought that sister Xiu, you became an adult, you are really amazing!" Zhen Zhu said whatever she thought, "By the way, why did you change your name, sister Xiu? If it weren't for sister Mi'er telling me, I wouldn't even know that Fang Zilan was you .”

"You don't know my name?" Fang Zilan looked surprised. Zhen Zhu shook her head and said, "You never told us, how did I know?" Sister and Brother Wan should know, after all, they were not very surprised when they heard that Master Fang Zilan gave Miss Yun the Golden Plum Blossom Bracelet."

"You're talking about Miss Yun Qinghan Yun?" Fang Zilan's mind turned quickly, "How do you know that I gave Miss Yun a golden plum blossom bracelet?"

"Sister Xiu, you still have the nerve to ask, if one of us hadn't seen Miss Yun's golden plum blossom bracelet at the wedding banquet and sent the news back, wouldn't you plan to tell us that you have become the Duke of Yue?" The more Zhen Zhu spoke, the angrier she became, the hand holding Fang Zilan's sleeve couldn't help but tighten a little, as if she was afraid that she would run away.

"The news came back that Sister Mi'er and Brother Wan went to the southeast in person, and after they came back, they began to ask whether they should send you a letter to ask about the situation." Zhen Zhu sighed, "But you are in the capital. , It is really inconvenient for us to contact you. It happened that the Miluo people called, and I heard that you are in Qiluo City, so I volunteered to come here."

Fang Zilan chewed on her words repeatedly, knowing what she said.Zhen Mier and Wan Jun should know that she is both Fang Zilan and Zixiu.But they knew that Fang Zilan was the third lady of Xiangfu, so they heard that she fell into the water and fell ill for a long time.Later, the Jinmeihua bracelet and the others were not surprised. They guessed it, but they didn't dare to confirm it, so they went to the southeast in person.

So, when Hidden Sword Villa came forward to save her, was it for the Fang family's sake?She didn't know that the power of the Fang family had infiltrated into Jianghu.

She was engrossed in this part of her mind, but Zhen Zhu was still chattering in that part, "If Huan'er hadn't been ill and Brother Wan went out to find medicine again, Sister Mi'er would definitely come to Qiluo City in person."

"Who is Huan'er?" Fang Zilan blurted out, but Zhen Zhu was stunned, "Sister Xiu, you don't even remember Huan'er? He is the son of Sister Mi'er and Brother Wan. Contact us, but sister Mi'er was pregnant with Huan'er before that, and you all chose the name together, did you forget?"

 Zhen Zhu's appearance is like a magpie announcing the good news - Yun Qinghan is married, Zhen Mier and Wan Jun are not only alive, but how old are the children...

  Fang Zilan: And I still don't know what happened back then...

(End of this chapter)

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