Chapter 296
Today, A Wan was changing Fang Zilan's medicine, and Zhen Zhu was sitting on the sidelines playing with the teacup, "Sister Xiu, why do you think Mu Chuji has become a shrinking turtle recently? Threats and lures just don't show up, he You must have guessed our plan, right?"

"Even if Mu Chuji tried to figure it out on his own, Murong Xun might not agree." Fang Zilan said lightly, "Murong Xun is not a fool. If something happens to Mu Chuji, how can he explain it to Mu Churui?"

Zhen Zhu sighed, "That's right, if Mu Churui knew that Mu Chuji was dead, he would definitely kill Chen Shi and Murong Qing."

A Wan said, "Miss Zhen, is the relationship between Mu Churui and Mu Chuji really as good as you said?"

"Of course." Zhen Zhu said confidently: "Could Miss Awan not trust our Qianjinfang?"

"Of course not, Qianjinfang is well-known, but..." A Wan didn't continue, and Zhen Zhu kept on talking, "Sister Xiu, you see, I risked my life to send information, and some people still don't believe it."

"Zhen Zhu." Fang Zilan called her name nonchalantly, she curled her lips and fell silent.

A Wan tugged Fang Zilan's sleeve lightly, leaned into her ear and whispered: "Do you really trust her?"

Fang Zilan was silent for a moment. She didn't tell Awan what her relationship with Qianjinfang was, nor did she mention Zhen Mier and Wan Jun. She just told Awan that she had bought news from Qianjinfang as Zixiu, so Zhen Zhu recognized her, and she came to the army this time only because Qianjinfang was concerned about the safety of her family and country.

She and Zhen Zhu made excuses, and because Zhen Zhu was clever, A Wan tried a few times but didn't see any flaws, so she had to give up.

But Zhenzhu was young and clingy, and she often wandered around in the big tent. A Wan looked at her stickiness, fearing that she might be doing something wrong, so she kept wasting time in the big tent.

Fang Zilan glanced at Zhen Zhu, patted A Wan on the shoulder lightly, and said: "A Wan, righteousness is the first priority in Qianjinfang, Zhen Zhu risked his life to send us information, don't be a villain. Besides, Under my nose, what kind of storms can be found? You go to work, the wounded barracks need you more than me."

Just as A Wan was about to say something, he saw Deputy General Cao barging in, "Boss, the Miluo people are attacking the city!"

Fang Zilan's heart tightened, and she looked at several people and said, "A Wan, you and Zhen Zhu stay in the tent and don't go out. Zhen Zhu is young, so take care of her more. Zhen Zhu, listen to A Wan and don't lose your temper. Cao, take someone to follow me up the tower."

After she ordered, several people responded one after another, Vice General Cao rushed to the top of the city tower together with her, and saw that the Miluo people were coming fiercely, and they had already set up a posture to attack the city.

"Master Fang, the archers are already in place." Zhou Lang and Fang Zilan talked about the arrangement on the tower, and she nodded, indicating that she knew, and then she was ready to fight.

The Miluo people are tough and good at fighting. After the ladder was built, they quickly attacked the corpses of their compatriots who were shot.

Fang Zilan stood with a sword in hand, came to kill one by one, and then pushed the corpses down the tower.

However, as more and more people came around, there was no space for Fang Zilan to be surrounded. A small mountain of corpses was piled up in front of her, separating her from Deputy General Cao, Zhou Lang and others.

Fang Zilan didn't have the skills to separate herself, but fortunately, Deputy General Cao and Zhou Lang could still deal with it, so she focused on the enemy in front of her, and her moves were fast and ruthless, without mercy.

I don't know how long it took, Fang Zilan only felt her wrists sore, and suddenly someone shouted, "The flag is down!"

Fang Zilan was suffocated, and hurriedly looked in the direction of the Dajing flag.Sure enough, a hole was cut in the flag, and it was on the verge of falling, and it was about to fall down in the next moment.

"No..." Fang Zilan's voice trembled violently. As the coach, she knew better than anyone what this Dajing flag meant.If it falls, Qiluo City will not be able to hold it.

Fang Zilan looked down from the tower, and saw Jiang Hanze's bow and arrow, facing the direction of the Dajing flag.She took a bow and an arrow without hesitation, turned over the corpses, jumped over the siege of the Miluo people, stood on the battlements, and shot an arrow at Jiang Hanze.

Jiang Hanze fell off his horse in response, and at the same time, someone yelled, "Fan, hold on!"

Fang Zilan looked back and saw that the flagpole, which had been in danger, had been re-erected by someone, and the broken flag was fluttering in the wind. The word "Jing" on it was very eye-catching, which inspired the hearts of all the soldiers.

"Boss, be careful!" Vice-General Cao's voice came not far from Fang Zilan. In order to avoid the Miluo people's swords, she accidentally stepped on the ground and hung on the city wall.

The arrow came head-on, and Fang Zilan couldn't help being shocked by the wind. She dodged sideways and glanced under the tower from the corner of her eye.

"Boss!" Deputy General Cao's voice turned from far to near, and the Miluo people on the tower raised their knives to cut Fang Zilan's hand, trying to make her fall off the tower and die.

The moment the knife fell, Fang Zilan let go of his hand, turned around and hooked his feet on the ladder next to him, hung upside down on the ladder, avoided a round of sparse arrow rain, and quickly climbed up the tower.

Behind her, the eager voices of Miluo people shouted "Withdraw the troops!"
"Old Cao!" Fang Zilan killed the Miluo people who stood between her and Deputy General Cao, and stepped forward to help Deputy General Cao, only to find that he was injured and his legs were covered with blood.

"Come on, help Vice General Cao down quickly." Fang Zilan's voice attracted Zhou Lang, who sent someone to help Vice General Cao down the tower, "Master Fang, you..."

"I'm fine." Fang Zilan interrupted Zhou Lang hastily, "I'll go and see the people guarding the flag first."

After she said that, she quickly walked towards the flag of Dajing, and when she got closer, she realized that several soldiers were surrounded by each other, embracing tightly in a group, protecting the entire flagpole inside, so as to keep the flag from falling down.

The outermost person was bloody and bloody, Fang Zilan couldn't even see his face clearly, "You, you..."

"Master Fang..." The man was still alive, Fang Zilan walked to him and wanted to hold his hand, but found that his hand was cut off in half, "You..."

She stuttered and could hardly speak, but the man seemed to smile, "Wei Wei... Live up to... the flag... Keep... Stay..."

The last word "live" was so soft that there was only one breath sound left, and it broke as soon as it came out.

"Wei Wei!" Fang Zilan yelled his name violently, but he never got any response.

She looked at the face in front of her whose facial features could no longer be discerned, and the scene when she saw Wei Wei for the first time emerged in her mind.The meek, introverted and shy person is actually the same person as the bloody person who keeps oozing blood.

If she hadn't rushed over and heard his last words, she wouldn't even have known that he was Wei Wei.

Wei Wei, who sacrificed himself to guard the flag.

Fang Zilan moved Wei Wei's broken body away with trembling hands, revealing the people inside. They were not much better than Wei Wei.But even if they lack arms and legs, they still use their bodies to hold the flag firmly.

But she couldn't name any of them.How many unknown people defended everything with their blood, but never left a single word.

Zhou Lang stood behind her, his voice choked up and said, "Master Fang..."

Fang Zilan took two steps back, and solemnly bowed to them, "Graceful burial."


(End of this chapter)

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