Chapter 301
Fang Zilan looked at Ouyang Zirou with a smile, she was a little embarrassed, "Master Fang thinks I talk too much?"

"I don't think so." Fang Zilan smiled even wider, "I just think Miss Ouyang is very cute."

"Cute?" Ouyang Zirou's eyes widened, like a frightened deer, "Master Fang, please don't make fun of me." She waved her hands as she spoke, not believing it at all.

"I'm serious." A trace of helplessness appeared on Fang Zilan's face, "If Ms. Ouyang is free in the future, please come and talk to me more often. After all, I'm really bored while recuperating."

"Okay, it's a deal." Ouyang Zirou smiled and said: "Also, Master Fang can call me Zirou, Miss Ouyang sounds too natural."

Fang Zilan nodded, thinking that she is really familiar with her, she is sweet and talkative, and her hearty personality makes people like it, which is completely different from Ouyang Juncheng's generous and steady.

After Ouyang Zirou left, Fang Zilan went to visit Deputy General Cao, and happened to meet Shangguan Min on the way, who walked over quickly and called out "Lord Fang".

Fang Zilan looked at him, and the corner of her lips curled slightly, "Shangguanmin, it's been a while since I saw you, and you've grown taller again."

Hearing that Shangguan Min was a little embarrassed, Fang Zilan nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, it seems that you are doing well in the army."

"Well, Lieutenant General Li and Master Qi are taking good care of me." Shangguanmin said as if remembering something, looked Fang Zilan up and down, and said: "Master Fang, how is your injury? I heard Miss Awan say , you are seriously injured."

"That girl Awan likes to make a fuss out of molehills, and you don't know that." Fang Zilan smiled, "Do you see that I am standing here in good order?"

Shangguan Min opened his mouth but didn't speak, Fang Zilan glanced at him, "Speak up if you have something to say."

"Master Fang, take care of your health, we are all worried about you..." Shangguan Min stumbled a word, Fang Zilan couldn't help chuckling, "Who taught you to be such a mother-in-law?"

Shangguan Min coughed lightly, and muttered in a low voice, "I just said I shouldn't have said these things to you..."

"Let me guess." Fang Zilan deliberately dragged his voice: "Lao Li and Qi Yuming didn't talk so much, and Lao Qin didn't talk much. As for Mr. Zhong, you don't see it often... Then Xu Canjun is left. Is it him?"

Shangguan Min turned his head and did not speak. Fang Zilan stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, "He is taller than me, why is he still acting like a child? It's okay, I won't tease you anymore, let's go visit Lao Cao together."

"Okay." Shangguan Min followed her, chatting with her casually, "Master Fang, when we entered Qiluo City, we found that several places in the city had been burned down. I heard that wounded soldiers tried to When I killed the Miluo people with sulfur and fire, I accidentally caught fire..."

"It's not accidental." Fang Zilan interrupted him in a low voice, "I ordered it. I'd rather have the jade broken than the tile."

Shangguan Min was stunned, "Master Fang, you have been..."

He didn't go on, Fang Zilan hummed calmly, "I didn't intend to live."

"No wonder..." Shangguan Min finally understood why everyone in the northern region was so worried. Lieutenant General Li and Master Qi not only ordered soldiers overnight, but also gave him thousands of orders before he left.It turned out that they already knew that Mr. Fang was guarding Qiluo City with the determination to die. If he came late...

Fang Zilan turned her head, looked at Shangguanmin who was standing there, and frowned slightly: "What's wrong with you?"

"Lord Fang!" Shangguan Min ran up to her and grabbed her sleeve tightly, "Fortunately, fortunately, you are fine."

Fang Zilan was angry and funny, "I said, what did those people in the northern border teach you, to teach you this kind of virtue?"

"I..." Shangguan Min paused for holding her sleeve, and she said with disgust, "Let go."

Shangguan Min had lingering fears and refused to let go. Fang Zilan frowned, suppressing her temper and patiently said: "What's the matter with you child, why are you still so energetic? You have seen it all, I'm fine, let go quickly."

"Are you really okay?" Shangguan Min looked at her steadfastly, and the look of helplessness made her lose her temper even when she got angry. "Can't you see if I have something? Does your eyesight see it? I'm already a half-grown person, let me go quickly."

Shangguan Min gave a low oh, and reluctantly let go of Fang Zilan's sleeve.

Fang Zilan straightened her sleeves, snorted coldly and stopped talking to him.Shangguan Min followed closely, fearing that he would really annoy her, so he didn't dare to say anything more and became much quieter.

When the two saw Deputy General Cao, A Wan was withdrawing the needle for him.She took off the last needle and breathed a sigh of relief, "You guys came at the right time, Vice General Cao will wake up in a while."

"Great." Shangguan Min's eyes sparkled, and Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief, "Then I'll stay here for a while, and I'll leave when Lao Cao wakes up."

"You can do whatever you want, I have to decoct the medicine." A Wan stood up and rubbed his arms, "When Vice General Cao wakes up, tell him not to move around, feed water and so on slowly, don't choke him , give me trouble."

Fang Zilan nodded in response, "Don't worry, I have a measure."

Not long after A Wan left, Deputy General Cao woke up faintly, his voice was so hoarse that he could barely speak, Fang Zilan fed him some water to calm him down and calm himself down.

"Boss..." Deputy General Cao blinked, Fang Zilan held his hand, "I'm here, Old Cao, do you see who's coming?"

"Shangguan... Min?" Deputy General Cao spat out the name dumbly, and Shangguan Min excitedly said, "It's me."

"Why are you... here?" Deputy General Cao rolled his eyes, and Fang Zilan explained: "The reinforcements came, not only were we saved, but the Miluo people retreated."

"That's great. Boss, I..." Deputy General Cao was about to move, but was held down by Fang Zilan, "A Wan told me, you must not move around."

"Boss, I'm sorry for you, Miss Zhen..." Deputy Cao's voice choked up, Fang Zilan lowered her eyes and said: "I've heard it all, you don't need to blame yourself, this is Zhenzhu's own decision. If you really want to pursue it, you should It's my responsibility, I failed to protect you."

"Boss, why is it your responsibility, you..." Vice General Cao accidentally touched the wound as he spoke, and couldn't help but gasped, "How are you?"

"I'm fine, just minor injuries." Fang Zilan tucked the blanket for him, "You're seriously injured, don't move around."

"My injuries..." Deputy General Cao wanted to say something more, Fang Zilan said first: "Most of them are skin traumas, but the wounds are deep and blood loss, so you need to rest well. However, you broke a leg, in the future..."

She didn't continue, and Deputy General Cao knew it in his heart, "It's okay, I still have one leg, and I will be lame if I'm limping. Miss Zhen saved my life for me, so that I can still live to see the boss, that's enough."

Fang Zilan felt uncomfortable when she heard it, and fled after saying a few words. Shangguan Min followed her and left. After walking a little far, she asked, "Master Fang, Deputy General Cao's leg..."

Fang Zilan didn't speak, and at the end when Shangguanmin thought she would not answer him, he heard her cold voice, with an indescribable loneliness, "It's good to have a life to live."

 Vice-General Cao woke up, Shangguan Min's mother-in-law will pull her sleeves, Fang Zilan: I'm tired...

(End of this chapter)

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