Chapter 318 Scars
"I want her to come?" Fang Zilan thought for a while, then remembered that she had asked Fang Lihui for someone before, and hurriedly said: "Go and invite that girl in."

After the girl came in, Fang Zilan asked the housekeeper to leave first, "The list in the northern border is from you?"

"Yes." The girl nodded slightly and didn't say much.She has very good eyebrows, her temperament is cold, and she has the feeling of a cold beauty that can only be seen from a distance.

"I saw a name on that list——Zhen Zhu, do you know her?" Fang Zilan looked at the person in front of her firmly, "Or, what is your relationship with Qianjinfang?"

The girl flicked up her sleeves, and bowed respectfully, "Xiao Xuan'er in Qianjinfang, I have met Mrs. Fang." After she finished speaking, she took out a golden plum blossom, and put her hands between her eyebrows.

"Sure enough, you are from Qianjinfang." Fang Zilan knew it in her heart, "Miss Xiao, you don't need to be polite, please sit down."

Xiao Xuan'er sat down opposite Fang Zilan in a graceful manner, and sighed softly, "It seems that Zhen Zhu is right, Master Fang has indeed lost his memory."

Fang Zilan was stunned, "Have we met?"

Xiao Xuan'er said softly: "I follow the mistress of the Hidden Sword Villa with the surname Xiao, and I have been with Miss Mier since I was seven years old. In the early years, when Master Fang was recuperating at the Hidden Sword Villa, I was by my side to serve her. "

"Sorry, I really can't remember." Fang Zilan poured a cup of tea and put it in Xiao Xuan'er's hand, "I don't know why Miss Xiao entered Wanhualou?"

Xiao Xuan'er took a sip from the teacup, and then said: "Wanhualou has a lot of contacts, Mr. Fang Jialihui intends to use it to collect information, after Qianjinfang heard the news, he decided to send his sisters to infiltrate, on the one hand to expand information, and on the other hand On the one hand, it is to find out about you, Mr. Fang. When Mr. Fang left and there was no news, the lady and uncle were very worried."

"If that's the case, why did Miss Xiao come to my house?" Fang Zilan turned her face away, and Xiao Xuan'er refilled her with tea instead, "It's what Miss means. She and my uncle have special identities, so it's inconvenient for them to appear under the nose of the ghost gate. But Qianjinfang always needs to contact Mr. Fang. What's more, Mr. Fang needs the help of Qianjinfang, doesn't he?"

"Help." Fang Zilan repeated the word, noncommittal: "What can Miss Xiao help me with?"

Xiao Xuan'er asked instead, "What does Master Fang want to know?"

"Is everything okay?" Fang Zilan's eyes darkened, and Xiao Xuan'er didn't speak, so she continued to ask, "Master Yuan, the abbot of Baiye Temple, what is his origin?"

"Master Liaoyuan entered Baiye Temple in the time of Emperor Xianning Shun, and served as the abbot one year before His Majesty ascended the throne." Xiao Xuan'er calmly said, "Before entering the temple, he was the second son of the Zhuge family—Zhuge Jun."

Fang Zilan's heart tightened, she had guessed it right.Zhuge Yu's strange reaction when he saw the ever-burning lamp last night, coupled with Master Yuan's similar appearance to Zhuge's brothers...

It turned out that Master Liao Yuan was Zhuge Yu's elder brother, the real second son of the Zhuge family.

"This matter is not considered a secret in the capital. It's just that many years have passed and no one mentioned it anymore." Xiao Xuan'er looked at Fang Zilan and asked, "What else does Master Fang want to know?"

Fang Zilan pondered for a while and said, "Master Liao Yuan has a scar on his arm, do you know how it got there?"

Xiao Xuan'er thought for a while, and said, "Does Master Fang know the real cause of Miss Zhuge Shan's death?"

"I know." Fang Zilan nodded, "Is it related to Miss Zhugeshan?"

"It's related to that war." Xiao Xuan'er recalled: "Mr. Zhuge Jun was once the most splendid son of a noble family in the whole capital. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is full of vigor and fresh clothes. Moreover, he is the only one in the Zhuge family's life." general."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, Xiao Xuan'er suddenly smiled, "Did Master Fang think that the Zhuge family can only use words and ink to play tricks?"

Fang Zilan remained silent, and Xiao Xuan'er continued: "Patriarch Zhuge, that is, the grandfather of Young Master Zhuge Jun, was a veteran who founded the country with Emperor Tai'an. Most of his children died on the battlefield, including Young Master Zhuge Jun's parents—they were born It didn’t take long for Young Master Zhuge Yu to sacrifice himself in the northern border.”

"Northern territory?" A look of surprise flashed across Fang Zilan's face, and Xiao Xuan'er said helplessly: "The troubles in the northern territory have been continuous since the previous dynasty, if it weren't for the blood and sweat of the predecessors, how could Master Fang slaughter all over the Golden City? "

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and heard Xiao Xuan'er's voice turn back, "Master Zhuge Ming is the eldest son of the Zhuge family. He was favored by his parents and did not inherit the mantle of a general. Mr. Zhuge Jun and Ms. Zhugeshan are twins. Very sincerely. As for Mr. Zhuge Yu, Mrs. Zhuge was injured in the northern border battlefield when she was pregnant, so she has been sick since birth."

"Therefore, in the generation of the Zhuge family, there is only the stubborn and active Young Master Zhuge Jun, who followed His Majesty, the former King Xiang, to worship at Xiahou's family to practice martial arts, and gradually became the backbone of the army." She paused for a while. "The battle between Dajing and Miluo was close to Zhuge's house in Jiang'an, so Mr. Zhuge Jun volunteered to fight with Master Wei."

Fang Zilan seemed to have thought of something, and said: "Could it be that the Miluo soldiers were divided into two groups in that battle, and Mr. Zhuge Jun didn't have time to rush to rescue Miss Zhugeshan, so Master Wei had to kill her with his own hands?"

"Lord Fang guessed right, but it's a pity he said it the other way around. It was Lord Wei who was too late to save Young Master Zhuge Jun." Xiao Xuan'er's voice was a little lower, "In that battle, Miluo Murong Chen was the commander, and everyone thought he would definitely Bringing heavy troops, who would have thought that the real heavy troops were directed at Mr. Zhuge Jun. When Murong Chen hijacked Miss Zhugeshan, Mr. Wei realized that he had caught the trick, but he was too late to help Mr. Zhugejun, and even Miss Zhugeshan Fortunately, he killed Murong Chen and broke the morale of Miluo's army."

"Then Zhuge Jun..." Fang Zilan didn't continue, Xiao Xuan'er said in a deep voice: "Mr. Zhuge Jun fought to the death to break out of the siege, even injured his hand, and he was not allowed to use force for the rest of his life, but what he heard was the news of Miss Zhuge Shan's death. He went crazy He seemed to be going to a duel with Lord Wei, but was stopped by his grandfather, and almost collapsed, he went to Baiye Temple to be ordained and become a monk."

Fang Zilan couldn't help turning her head away when she heard this, Xiao Xuan'er sighed quietly: "Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, I heard people say that on the day that Mr. Zhuge Jun became a monk, he was seriously injured and struggled to get out of bed. After entering the Zhuge Mansion, before leaving, he yelled at his grandfather, saying that what he had learned was useless, and questioned the reason for exchanging the death of one person for ten thousand lives, and the people in his heart are worth more than ten million people..."

"No wonder..." Fang Zilan whispered, no wonder Zhuge Yu had such an attitude towards Wei Subaru.In the battle between Dajing and Miluo, what he lost was not only his sister, but also his brother, but what he got was the shackles of the second son of Zhuge, the future head of the family.

"Everyone in the world said that the Zhuge family was a lunatic. Later, it was Zhuge Jun's grandfather who removed his name from the genealogy, and then the matter slowly subsided." Xiao Xuan'er looked down at the teacup in front of her. , said: "After a few years, there was an eminent monk named Liao Yuan in Baiye Temple. With his reputation, the original abbot had to give way to him."

Fang Zilan collected herself and reached out to grab the teacup, but Xiao Xuan'er stopped her, "Master Fang, the tea is cold, let me change it for you."

"Okay." Fang Zilan looked at Xiao Xuan'er calmly changing a new cup of tea for her, and placed it in front of her, "I have one more thing, I want to ask Miss Xiao to enlighten me."

"Master Fang, you don't need to be polite, but it's okay to say." Xiao Xuan'er's expression was as calm as water, and Fang Zilan took a deep breath and said, "I want to know why my mother died. Is it really an accidental accident?"

 Behind every scar, there is always a past that people don't want to know

(End of this chapter)

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