Don't ask where people go

Chapter 320 Ghost Gate

Chapter 320 Ghost Gate
A Wan acted very quickly, and she replied to Fang Zilan a few days later. Except for King Chu Jiang, the Ten Kings of Hades are all in the capital, and she has already brought the message.

On the second day after Fang Zilan received the news, she went straight to the outskirts of Beijing after she came out of the government office. After meeting with her connector, she put on a black cloak and hurried all the way to the imperial mausoleum of the former dynasty.

Awanhou was in the cemetery, when he saw Fang Zilan arriving, he came out and waved to her.

After Fang Zilan got off the horse, she waved her hand to a ghostly face in the dark, and handed over the reins of the horse. Only then did A Wan discover that she was wearing an official uniform under her cloak, and she couldn't help frowning: "Why did you come here wearing an official uniform?"

"It's too late to change." Fang Zilan said lightly: "Don't worry, no one is following you."

Awan breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good. The tenth hall and the ninth hall of Hades have arrived, and the young master and Wu Qing are also there, as well as my master."

"This battle." Fang Zilan clicked his tongue, "Go, go in and have a look." She said that she walked to a tombstone with ease, bowed respectfully, and then stretched out her hand to caress the lettering on it. Pressed down.

Following Fang Zilan's movements, a hole appeared beside a stone covered by weeds behind the mausoleum.

A Wan pursed her lips, took out a torch from her sleeve, lit a candle, and walked into the cave first.Fang Zilan followed closely behind and also stepped in.

After both of them entered, the entrance of the cave was slowly closed.Fang Zilan blinked, adapting to the sudden dim light.

Since the ghost gate is the gathering place of the so-called lonely souls and wild ghosts of the former dynasty, of course its location is not a good place to go.However, few people in the world would have imagined that the gate of ghosts was actually hidden in the tomb of the former dynasty.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Tai'an Emperor in Dajing, in order to block the public and show the magnanimity of the heavenly family, he treated the people of the previous dynasty with more courtesy, not only left behind the concubine Shu, mother and son, but also the cemetery of the former royal family.

With the new dynasty in power, the cemetery of the previous dynasty was naturally abandoned. In addition, the cemetery was full of ghosts and there were no people coming and going. Over time, it became a shelter for ghosts.

The previous dynasty was extravagant and extravagant, and the imperial mausoleum and underground palace built were vast, beyond the imagination of the world.Not to mention hiding a ghost gate, even hiding an army, I am afraid it will be difficult for people to detect.

Fang Zilan looked around while walking, she remembered that Ji Ningtian had someone connect all the underground palaces, it is so big down here, what is there?She couldn't remember anything.

"Ah Choo!" A Wan sneezed violently, pulling Fang Zilan back from her thoughts, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, it's almost winter, and it's getting colder in the underground palace." A Wan folded her arms and shrank her neck. Seeing this, Fang Zilan took off her cloak and put it on her body.

"I can still bear it, you put it back on quickly." A Wan raised her hand and refused, saying: "You can't stand the cold..."

"The official uniform is heavy, and I'm not cold." Fang Zilan interrupted A Wan's words, and wrapped the cloak around her body without any explanation, "Don't move around, and be careful not to burn yourself."

A Wan glanced at the candle in her hand, and let Fang Zilan tie the cloak for her, "The main hall is ahead, you..."

She hesitated to speak, but Fang Zilan knew it in her heart, and comforted her: "After a while, you will pretend that you don't know anything, and you are just running errands for me to pass on the message."

"Okay." A Wan nodded, and walked into the main hall with Fang Zilan.

In the hall, Ji Ningtian sat on a high seat, Wen Ya stood on his left, and Wu Qing stood on his right.Under the high seat, there were nine people standing here and there, all of them were silent like cicadas, and they were nine of the ten halls of Hades.

As soon as the two of them entered the hall, they heard a voice say: "Zixiu's face is so great now, it really makes people..."

Before the man finished speaking, a silver light flashed by, and a hidden weapon grazed his neck, leaving a bloodstain, cutting off what he was going to say later.

"King Biancheng, since you have come here under the summoning order, you should know that I am not the one who has lost face." Fang Zilan stepped to the center of the crowd, and said with a stern expression, "Or do you refuse to obey the summoning order?"

King Biancheng snorted coldly, "My lord is here, Zixiu, don't accuse me of crimes."

Fang Zilan raised her head and looked directly at the person in the main seat, and after a while she bowed and said, "Ghost Gate Zixiu, I greet you, Young Master."

"Zixiu, since you summoned everyone here today, you don't have to worry about me." Ji Ningtian's voice came faintly from a high place, which seemed to be watching a theater.

"Yes." Fang Zilan stood up straight, glanced at the King of Hades in the Nine Palaces one by one, and said calmly: "I called you here today because I have something to ask."

King Qin Guang, the head of the Ten Kings of Hades, said calmly, "What do you want to ask?"

"Back then, Cangjian Villa and Wanhua Villa were destroyed, but what did you, King of the Ten Palaces, do?" As soon as Fang Zilan finished speaking, the expression of the runner king who stood at the bottom changed, "Zixiu, you..."

"What about me?" Fang Zilan walked in front of the King of the Wheel, "King of the Wheel, among the ten kings of hell, I have some friendship with you, why don't you answer me, okay?"

"Zixiu, you..." The Wheel-Turning King looked at Fang Zilan incredulously, she smiled almost cruelly, "The Wheel-Turning King, are you going to disobey the summoning order?"

The King of Wheels watched Fang Zilan's dagger fall to the side of his neck, and he clenched his fists tightly and said, "Zixiu, are you really going to do this to me?"

"I count by dozens." Fang Zilan continued without any response, "Ten, nine..."

"Zixiu, why are you asking about this?" Qin Guangwang's voice was a little anxious, Fang Zilan stopped counting, and the corners of his lips raised a beautiful arc, "Someone killed people in my name, and I am not allowed to ask?" gone?"

"You..." King Qin Guang took a deep breath, and Fang Zilan continued to count her number, "Five, four..."

The Wheel-Turning King stared at Fang Zilan intently. She was a little uncomfortable being stared at by him. She wondered where this kid was so confident. Did he really think he wouldn't kill him?Or is their friendship so good that no matter what he does, she won't do anything to him?
"One." Fang Zilan uttered the last number, exerted a little force on her hand, and scratched the skin of King Zhuanlun, and at the same time a voice suddenly sounded, "It was done by King Chu Jiang!"

Fang Zilan took down the dagger, turned to look at the speaker, "King Ping, do you think that you can identify King Chujiang if he is not here? What ability does King Chujiang have to kill Zhen Mingxuan and make Tuzangjian Villa full of families? You Do you believe what you say?"

King Ping'an looked away, and Fang Zilan sneered, "It seems that all the ten halls and the nine halls of Hades are going to betray the ghost gate today, and none of them will be left behind."

"Zixiu, how dare you..." King Bian Cheng was shot through his shoulder by a hidden weapon as soon as he opened his mouth, and he couldn't help screaming.

Fang Zilan's clear and cold voice was particularly gloomy amidst the screams, "The summoning order is here, how dare you ask me?"

"Zixiu, stop." King Qin Guang stood in front of Fang Zilan, "What you said was done by Hades of the Ten Palaces."

"Say it earlier." Fang Zilan relaxed, and turned the dagger in his hand, "But there is one more thing..."

She deliberately paused, and King Qin Guang's face sank like water, "You can ask whatever you want..."

"Young master." Fang Zilan interrupted him casually, and turned to look at the high seat, "I want to check the records of the former generals. I wonder if the young master can help?"

Ji Ningtian didn't speak, but Wen Ya said, "If you want to check the records, you can just invite yourself into the Bogu Palace, why..."

He stopped abruptly in the middle of his words, Fang Zilan's lips curled up slightly, "Thank you for letting me know."

It is said that the Kings of Hades in the Nine Palaces are all whispering——

"How could Zixiu not know Bogu Palace?"

"What happened to Zixiu, why is she so weird?"

Fang Zilan smiled even more when he heard what they said, "Why? I think Wen Ya knows the reason better than me, but I don't know if he dares to tell everyone."

Wen Ya's hands hidden in his sleeves trembled a little, before he could react, Fang Zilan said to himself: "I used the medicine Wen Ya gave me, and I lost my memory."

A Wan's complexion was pale, and Wen Ya's complexion was even more ugly, as if he had been swayed.

 A meeting at the ghost gate——

  Fang Zilan: None of you should try to write it off.

  Silent like a chilling cicada, little Awan: Fang Zilan, did you agree to drag me into the water?
  Wen Ya, who was watching the play: I shouldn't talk too much...

  Ji Ningtian who thinks he stays out of it: She was such a cute girl back then, how did she learn to be a trickster?

(End of this chapter)

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