Don't ask where people go

Chapter 324 Consolation

Chapter 324 Consolation
Fang Zilan stood up abruptly, "What's wrong with Awan?"

"Miss Awan...crying." Deputy General Cao touched the back of his head in bewilderment, Fang Zilan breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Got it, I'll go see her."

When Fang Zilan went to see A Wan, she had plucked out all the flowers in the courtyard, from petals to leaves, there was not a single one left.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan couldn't help laughing. Before she could open her mouth, she saw Awan's hand reaching for the next plant, and quickly and ruthlessly pulled a few petals off.

"Awan, even if you plucked all the flowers in my yard, your master still has to be punished, why bother?" Fang Zilan sighed a long time, Awan sniffled and said stiffly, "I am willing. "

"Oh." Fang Zilan responded perfunctorily, "That's fine, you can grab it. Remember to calculate the money with the housekeeper after you grab it, and make it up for the accountant tomorrow, and let someone buy a new one to replace it."

"You..." A Wan turned around and stared over with red eyes, "You still want to count money with me?"

"Otherwise?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "The flowers in this courtyard were all prepared with the help of King Yucheng when he moved to the mansion. They are very expensive. Even if it's just for the sake of appearance, I have to offer it well."

"For?" A Wan snorted, "When you planted chrysanthemums before, didn't you just pull them out? I didn't see how much you treasured these flowers."

Fang Zilan coughed, then changed her voice and said, "Why are you crying? It shocked Lao Cao."

A Wan pouted and said nothing, Fang Zilan took a petal from her hand, "If you are really worried about your master, you might as well go and visit her."

"I have no face to see Master." A Wan lowered her head and said, "I was the one who helped you lie, and I was the one who didn't intercede for Master. I really don't deserve to be Master's apprentice..."

"Awan, you don't need to blame yourself." Fang Zilan said quietly: "You are doing it for self-protection, and your master is also doing it for self-protection, it's no different. Your master has lied to you so much, does he have the face to see you? "

"What are you talking about, he is my master!" A Wan retorted anxiously, Fang Zilan smiled, "He is your master, but he didn't do what a master should do."

A Wan was confused, and frowned, "What do you mean?"

"You are by my side now. He knows that if something happens, you will be implicated, but he chooses to hide you." Fang Zilan said indifferently: "As a teacher, it's fine if you don't protect your own apprentices. How can you have your own disciples?" The reason why the apprentice pushed into the fire pit?"

Awan tilted her head, half understanding, and said, "You mean Master should at least inform me in advance?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan nodded, "If this matter only involves him, he will have nothing to say as an outsider anyway. But since you may be implicated, you should have the right to know."

A Wan lowered her eyes and thought for a while, "Maybe Master didn't think so much? How did he know that I would be implicated, it's not like I didn't..."

"You were not punished because I left you out from the beginning." Fang Zilan shook her head helplessly, "With your son's temper, even if he becomes suspicious of my words, he won't pursue it further in that case. .”

A Wan dragged his voice unhappily: "According to what you said, how much more should I thank you?"

"It's not necessary." Fang Zilan shrugged, "It's as long as you have the heart."

"You..." A Wan was choked up by Fang Zilan, and after a while he said, "You are really thick-skinned."

Fang Zilan said thoughtfully: "Maybe. But your master didn't take care of you, probably because he entrusted you to me."

Hearing this, Awan suddenly remembered what Master said when he took Fang Zilan's pulse that day, she lowered her head and said in a muffled voice, "Fang Zilan, do you think Master doesn't want me anymore?"

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, then stretched out her hand to cover the top of A Wan's hair, and gently rubbed it, "I won't want you..."

"Who would believe you?" A Wan raised her hand and waved Fang Zilan's hand away, and said angrily, "You know I'm afraid, and you left me alone..."

The more she spoke, the lower her voice became, and the sobbing was covered behind her, making it almost inaudible.

Fang Zilan embraced Awan's shoulders, patted her on the back, and comforted her: "It's my fault."

Although she knew that Ji Ningtian's suspicion could be minimized by keeping A Wan, but she couldn't tell A Wan the reason.

Whether it is selfishness or extravagant hope.She always hoped that Awan could be more carefree.

I don't know how long it took, Fang Zilan stopped, and smiled lightly: "Okay, don't cry. When people see it later, they will think I bullied you."

"Originally." A Wan raised her head, stabilized her emotions, and asked tentatively, "Tell me, if I go to visit Master, will he be angry and drive me out?"

"No." Fang Zilan said categorically, "Wen Ya has a very good temper and won't chase you away. At most, a few words of reprimand will be enough for you."

A Wan stomped her feet angrily, "Are you going to comfort people?" After she said that, she turned her head and ran away.

Fang Zilan didn't catch up, but just looked up at the sky, the stars were shining, the moon was bright, and tomorrow would be a good day.

For a whole month after that, Fang Zilan was busy sorting out various official affairs in the government office, and she never even had a day for Xiumu.

As the end of the year approached, the annual report from the southeast side was about to arrive in Beijing, and the government office was quite busy.However, at this juncture, King Yucheng sent Huajian to rehearse the New Year's opera.

This year Fang Zilan will not go to rehearse the New Year's drama, but several new princes from aristocratic families in her mansion are among them, so she can't shirk it.

Therefore, Fang Zilan had to re-arrange the official duties, and let those aristocratic princes leave for two hours every day.Fortunately, they are all sensible people, and they never neglected their duties on the grounds of rehearsing social dramas, and they did a good job in the official duties at hand, so she let them go if there was a moment more or less.

But her behavior of turning a blind eye to it still aroused the dissatisfaction of some old people in the government office. In desperation, she beat them up with kindness and power.First, let’s talk about how well the new young adults will never steal or play tricks, and how well they handle their official duties. Then, let’s talk about the hard work of all the old people. The end of the year is approaching, and everyone should work together to ensure a smooth next year...

After a few times of tossing like this, the government office was finally safe, and Fang Zilan was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief.Occasionally, she would think that when Zhuge Yu was still in the government office, there seemed to be not so many things going on. She heard that after he went to the Ministry of Officials, he had been pushing reforms in the administration of officials, and she didn't know how it was going.

In the afternoon of this day, Fang Zilan sent away a few young adults who came to say hello to her to rehearse a social play, and was going to look for last year's field record for comparison with this year.Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked to the door of the treasury, she heard someone chatting inside.

"Have you heard? The daughter of Prime Minister Fang's family is getting engaged again."

"Which daughter, the second miss or the third miss?"

"It's all said yes, of course it's the second miss. The third miss is a concubine, how could it be possible to get engaged before the second miss?"

"But I heard that Miss San is weak and sick, so she swore not to marry, and she will serve Bodhisattva in the future."

"Who knows, this second lady is also unlucky. She was engaged to that Fang family before, but she ran away from marriage. This time, she is with the Pei family again..."

"The Pei family? Who is it?"

"Who else, of course, is the one who was in our government office before, who has a maid hidden in his house."

"Why did the Second Miss Fang fall in love with him? Do you think it's because the eldest lady of the Fang family married so hard that she suppressed the marriage of the two younger sisters, and that's why..."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan coughed, walked over, and said solemnly: "I don't know, the two adults are so gossip?"

 There are many happy events near the Chinese New Year——

  Fang Zitong: I'm getting engaged~
  Fang Zilan: ... as long as you are happy

(End of this chapter)

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