Chapter 327
"Master..." A Wan looked at the person in front of him in disbelief, tears streaming down his face, "Why do you..."

Wen Ya glanced at A Wan in disgust, as if he would feel disgusted even if he looked at it too much.A Wan stepped back timidly, tripped over the threshold, and ran out stumbled.

Fang Zilan looked at Wen Ya, noncommittal and said: "Do you really have to do this?"

"Fang Zilan, as I said, you shouldn't know, so don't ask more." Wen Ya stared at Fang Zilan coldly, "Since you have promised me, don't forget your promise. If you can't treat Ah well Wan, I will take your life."

Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, "Wen Ya, are you threatening me?"

"It's not a threat, it's a warning." Wen Ya said sadly, "You can give it a try and see if I can take your life."

Fang Zilan looked at Wen Ya thoughtfully, and before he could react in the future, she put her hand on his neck, "You have the nerve to warn me with your skills?"

Wen Ya didn't speak, but just looked at the person in front of him fixedly, "Let go and have a look."

Fang Zilan let go of her hand, and there was a purple mark on her palm. She was taken aback, "What is this?"

"Miss Fang, no matter how powerful you are, don't fight hand-to-hand with an evil doctor like me who is full of poison." Wen Ya relaxed his expression, still maintaining his usual gentle appearance, "If you want to kill someone, you'd better Use plum sword."

He said and stuffed a pill to Fang Zilan, "Meijian was forged with a secret technique at the beginning. Although it is not invulnerable to a hundred poisons, it is enough to protect you when killing ordinary poisons."

Fang Zilan looked down at the pill in his hand, Wen Ya smiled slightly, "Why, I'm afraid I took some medicine that I shouldn't have?"

"I'm not such a villain." Fang Zilan swallowed the pill without hesitation, and asked, "So, you really couldn't escape my attack just now?"

"Miss Fang, what kind of expert can escape your attack?" Wen Ya said in a low voice, "You think too highly of me."

"Really?" Fang Zilan's doubts were still in her eyes. Her move was not fast, and she used less than [-]% of her force. Let alone a master, anyone with some martial arts skills could at least respond to it, but Wen Ya didn't do it at all. Without the power to resist, could it be that his skills are extremely ordinary?If this is the case, he might not have heard the conversation between her and A Wan in the courtyard before.If he hadn't been prepared, then didn't he let her see the scar on his body on purpose?
Seeing that she still had doubts, Wen Ya couldn't help saying: "I am proficient in medicine and poison, enough to protect myself, and I don't need any high-strength martial arts."

"Are you really covered in poison?" Fang Zilan questioned suspiciously, and Wen Ya let her have a try.

In the end, Fang Zilan waved her hand, as if she was afraid of him, "Forget it. But don't say I didn't warn you, after this, Awan will definitely hate you."

"How many people hate me? Not bad..." Wen Ya paused almost abruptly, and said resolutely: "Not bad for A Wan."

"A Wan, this little girl is really pitiful..." Fang Zilan clicked his tongue, and Wen Ya's face darkened, "Have you said enough? If you have said enough, go after A Wan."

Fang Zilan shut her mouth decisively, and quickly chased him out.Not long after she walked out, she saw Awan huddled in the corner crying, like an abandoned puppy.

"A Wan." Fang Zilan walked closer and squatted beside A Wan, "Stop crying, let's go home."

A Wan cried hard, breathless and said: "Master doesn't... want me anymore... where is my home?"

"Fangfu is your home." Fang Zilan stretched out her hand, "I am your family."

"You can deceive people..." A Wan glared at Fang Zilan, her red and swollen eyes looked pitiful, "I don't believe it..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it." Fang Zilan's hand was still stretched out in the air, and the corners of her lips were curved into a soft smile, "You just need to know that I will take care of you and protect you, that's enough."

A Wan complied, and said after a while: "Is it almost time for the curfew?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan nodded, and A Wan put her hand in her palm, "Let's go back."

Fang Zilan stood up and led Awan back home.

Not long after, Fang Mansion was close in front of them, but there was an eager sound of horseshoes behind them.

Hearing the sound, Fang Zilan looked back and saw Xiahou Zhang reining in his horse not far behind her, and said loudly: "Lord Fang, Your Majesty has ordered you to enter the palace."

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, "Why are you in such a hurry?"

Xia Houzhang was silent, Fang Zilan looked a little more serious, "I will follow you into the palace."

After Fang Zilan entered the palace, she went straight to the imperial study room. Xia Houzhang followed her, guarding the door as always.

"Your Majesty." Fang Zilan was about to salute, but was stopped by Li Shengxuan, "There is no need to be too polite. I called you into the palace to ask for advice."

"Ask for advice?" Fang Zilan's heart tightened, "Your Majesty can ask you anything, I will know everything without saying anything."

"You don't have to be nervous." Li Shengxuan smiled, "What I want to ask you is about ghosts."

"What did your Majesty say?" Fang Zilan raised her voice suddenly, and Li Shengxuan repeated the word "Ghost Gate" without haste.

Fang Zilan stabilized his mind, and tentatively said: "Dare to ask Your Majesty, how did you know about the ghost gate?"

"King Rong An was assassinated a few days ago, and the assassin is someone from hell." Li Shengxuan said lightly, "These were all written by King Rong An himself in the report."

Shocked, Fang Zilan pondered over his words, thinking, "Your Majesty has doubts about the assassination of King Rong'an?"

"The assassination of King Rong An is true." Li Shengxuan calmly said, "However, King Rong An didn't catch the assassin, but he was sure that the assassin was a member of the ghost family. Moreover, he wrote a letter to the court, and he didn't mention the ghost door at all. What is it, the attitude is ambiguous, which is really intriguing."

"Your Majesty really doesn't know anything about ghosts?" Fang Zilan's eyes were deep, and Li Shengxuan asked without answering, "What do you think?"

Fang Zilan took a deep breath, "Your Majesty knows what the ghost gate is, and that's why he called me into the palace, didn't you?"

Li Shengxuan didn't say a word, as if he had tacitly agreed. Fang Zilan continued: "The Ghost Gate originally belonged to the dark guards of the former dynasty. After the former dynasty was destroyed, it gradually became a killer organization. As long as someone bids money, the Ghost Gate can kill anyone."

Li Shengxuan was very interested, "Including me?"

"It's all rumors in the Jianghu, who knows if it's true or not?" Fang Zilan said vaguely: "The Ghost Gate has indeed killed many people in recent years, and it can be regarded as a frightening existence in the Jianghu. But Jianghu is Jianghu after all, and people in Jianghu have never Don't go to the temple, let alone assassinate a prince rashly."

Li Shengxuan smiled and said: "Just now you said that as long as someone bids money, the ghost gate can kill anyone. What if someone bought the ghost gate's killer to assassinate King Rong'an?"

"It's not impossible." Fang Zilan pondered for a while, "However, assassinating King Rong An is not a price that ordinary people can pay."

"Two possibilities." Li Shengxuan smiled, "One is that the ghost killer attempted to assassinate King Rong An, and the other is that King Rong An directed and acted the assassination scene himself."

He paused, looked at Fang Zilan and said, "It's just that no matter what the possibility is, the ghost gate can't get rid of it. What's the reason behind this?"

 Fang Zilan: Once you enter the palace, there will be nothing good, just a headache...

(End of this chapter)

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