Chapter 334
The second day Wen Ya entered the Yue State Duke's Mansion was a rare snowy day.

Fang Zilan originally planned to sneak into the courtyard to enjoy the snow while no one was paying attention.But who would have thought that Wen Ya and A Wan had heard the news before she could stand in the courtyard for a moment.

Under the staring eyes of the master and apprentice, Fang Zilan bit the bullet and argued, "You see, the cloak I wear is so thick that I will never catch cold. Besides, I am a patient, so I need to breathe more..."

"Breathable?" A Wan interrupted Fang Zilan's words in a bad mood, "Master Fang, it will be New Year's Eve in a few days. If you want to go out to breathe in the first month, you'd better go back to your room to rest right now. Otherwise, you will have to rest during the first month." Don't even leave the room."

Seeing that A Wan had no room for negotiation, Fang Zilan looked at Wen Ya pitifully, "Mr. Wen, look..."

"I think Miss Awan is right." Wen Ya said so firmly, Fang Zilan stomped her feet angrily, "Okay, I'll go back right away."

She turned her head and left, but she saw the housekeeper hurriedly approaching, "Master Fang, there are people from the government office, and they must see you."

Fang Zilan stopped in her tracks, frowning slightly, "Who is this person who wants to see me?"

The housekeeper said: "The two adults here are named Yang and Wu. Sir Fang, do you want to invite them in?"

"Please come in." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "I think there is something urgent, so there is no delay."

The housekeeper went out to invite people, Fang Zilan wrapped her cloak, spread her hands and said: "You see, it's not that I don't want to rest."

After she finished speaking, without waiting for Wen Ya and A Wan to react, she walked quickly into the front hall with oil on her feet, and just as she sat down, she saw the butler leading people in.

Among the two people who came, one of them Fang Zilan knew was Yang Zhiqing, the steward of the government office, and the other was a face she had never seen before.

After the two saluted and sat down, before they had time to speak, they saw Awan commanding a few servants to bring in the brazier.

"My lord Fang can't stand the cold, so I hope the two lords won't take offense." A Wan stood beside Fang Zilan, as if counting the seconds for her.

Given that Fang Zilan was sick and haggard, and she was so thin that she only had bones left, the two of them couldn't say much, they just laughed it off.

Fang Zilan didn't mean to be polite, she looked straight at the unfamiliar face and asked, "This lord has never met before, who is it?"

Hearing this, Yang Zhiqing hurriedly introduced: "Lord Fang, this is Wu Sheng who just reported to our government office the day before yesterday, Master Wu."

"Report the day before yesterday." Fang Zilan repeated these four words softly, and said softly, "Why didn't I know about this?"

"Lord Fang has been complaining for illness these few days, and it's approaching New Year's Eve. I wanted to report after the first month." Yang Zhiqing said awkwardly: "However, after Master Wu came to the government office, he wanted to see Lord Fang, I... "

"Master Yang, I let you be in charge, but you can't even control the master book?" Fang Zilan's voice was a little cold, and Yang Zhiqing lowered his head and said, "Master Fang taught me. I..."

"This matter has nothing to do with Master Yang." Wu Sheng interrupted Yang Zhiqing, bowed his hands and said, "I invited you to see Master Fang, and please Master Fang not to blame Master Yang."

"Master Wu, did I ask you something?" Fang Zilan cast a sidelong glance at Wu Sheng, "As the New Year's Eve approaches, the officials can still sneak you into our government office. Whose path are you following? How dare you make trouble in front of me, out of face?"

Wu Sheng froze in place, "What does Mr. Fang mean by that?"

Fang Zilan looked the young man in front of him up and down. He was well-dressed and meticulous, and his brows and eyes were still a little green.

She closed her eyes and said: "Generally, when the bureaucrats dispatch new ones, they will wait until the first month's rest is over and His Majesty opens the court for approval before I can take office. Don't you know the rules like this? Did you forget to let me know in advance?"

Wu Sheng didn't answer, "Master Fang said that the rules are nothing more than conventions, there are no clear rules. New officials can take office as long as they have the documents and orders. I have all the documents and orders. I really can't bear the slander and humiliation of Mr. Fang."

Fang Zilan frowned slightly, thinking that this Wu Sheng was so arrogant, either because he had a huge backer behind him, or because he was so arrogant.But if it was the former, how could he only be a small master bookkeeper in her government office?

Seeing that the two sides were confronting each other, Yang Zhiqing hurriedly stood up to smooth things over and said, "Master Fang, Master Wu is young and arrogant, and his words and deeds are inappropriate. Please read that he is new here, so don't be as knowledgeable as him. , Not only our government office, but also other government departments have recently taken a group of new officials, which is indeed different from previous years."

Fang Zilan lowered her expression, "Since this is the case, Master Wu's visit to our mansion is not only due to improper words and deeds. Tell me, why do you want to see me so much?"

Wu Sheng said with a straight face, "Lord Fang's sudden illness has caused chaos in the government office, which is inappropriate."

Fang Zilan immediately understood most of it, it was the stunned young man who hadn't figured it out and asked her to blame her.So she simply followed Wu Sheng's words, pretending to be curious: "What kind of chaos?"

Wu Shengyi said righteously: "Not to mention the heavy workload of the adults in the government office, even the household department has sent people several times to ask the recent situation of the places affected by the war in the southern border, and they can't find the details of money and expenditure. What is it not chaos?"

Every time he said a word, Yang Zhiqing's face became ugly.After he finished speaking, Yang Zhiqing turned his head away.

However, Fang Zilan did not let go of Yang Zhiqing's intentions, and said coldly: "Master Yang, you brought Master Wu here today just to let him tell me this?"

Yang Zhiqing fell to his knees in fear, "Master Fang, I really don't know. If I knew, I wouldn't bring Mr. Wu here no matter what."

Fang Zilan's face sank like water, "Yang Zhiqing, if you can't discipline your subordinates well, I can find someone to discipline them for you. Or do you think I'm seriously ill so you can let you come in front of me and criticize at will?

"What do you mean talking to yourself..." As soon as Wu Sheng opened his mouth, he was hit on the knee by a melon seed, and fell to his knees with a plop.

Fang Zilan said without anger: "Wu Sheng, Mr. Zhuge Yu from the Ministry of Officials has some friendship with me. Today, for his sake, I will explain clearly to you and don't care about you, but there will definitely be no next time. "

Although she looked weak, the intimidating aura in her voice and eyes still made Wu Sheng afraid to speak casually.

"For one thing, although our government office has been established for more than a year, I was away most of the time, and the affairs were mostly on the shoulders of several principals. One of them was promoted to the Ministry of Officials last month, and the affairs were redistributed. There is indeed a shortage of manpower, so It is reasonable for you adults to be busy, otherwise what is the use of you as a new official?"

She paused as she spoke, "However, I have already made arrangements before this, and everyone will not be overwhelmed if they follow the steps, otherwise, where would Mr. Yang have the time to bring you to my house and give you such a chance to speak out? "

 Fuya Xiaomeng's new routine of being bullied...

(End of this chapter)

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