Chapter 355

Mo Han poured a cup of tea, took a sip and calmed himself down, "Who said it wasn't? Although Mrs. Qin Ji and King Pingnan's wedding ceremony incorporated military salutes, there was a night watch, which prevented the Qin family from succeeding in their tricks. , but Qin's lie is far more than this one."

Fang Zilan's expression turned serious, "What lies does the Qin family have?"

Mo Han said in a low voice: "After King Pingnan was buried in the deep sea, Mrs. Qin Ji was not pregnant and never returned to the capital, so she just disappeared. The possibility of going with King Pingnan is the greatest."

"I remember your mother said that it was General Qin Yu who rescued Mrs. Qin Ji, and that she gave birth to a daughter after she returned to Beijing and died of a bloody collapse..." Fang Zilan stopped suddenly, her eyes widened suddenly, " Your mother also said that these were all said by the former concubine Shu..."

"Concubine Shu of the former Dynasty lied to my parents." Mo Han looked a little cold, "Since General Qin Yu participated in it and colluded with Concubine Shu of the former Dynasty, there may not be many people in the entire Qin family who are clean. But..."

Before he finished speaking, Fang Zilan coughed violently and interrupted him.

Seeing this, Mo Han hurriedly poured a cup of tea and handed it to Fang Zilan, "Sister Lan, calm down."

"It's all lies..." Fang Zilan pinched the teacup in her hand firmly, "The mother and son took advantage of the status of the former royal family to take the ghost gate as their own, and they even used the banner of King Pingnan to use Wu Qing to let her go. It is really abominable for the old man to bow his head and obey orders!"

Before she finished speaking, there was a click, and the teacup was crushed by her.The tea spilled all over the floor, and the broken porcelain cut her hand, but she didn't realize it.

"Sister Lan!" Seeing that her expression was wrong, Mo Han quickly stepped forward and held her arm, "Let go quickly."

Fang Zilan seemed to have exhausted all the strength in her body, obediently let go of her hand, and the blood-stained broken porcelain slipped to the ground, making a crisp sound.

"Sister Lan, I have heard a little bit about the previous dynasty." Mo Han helped her deal with the wound, and said: "The last emperor and prince of the previous dynasty were weak. King Yuning in the concubine's womb. However, Concubine Shu of the previous dynasty came from a humble background, and she ascended to the position of Concubine Shu by virtue of her youth and beauty. Even if she saved her life and gave birth to King Yuning, there was no one to help her."

He said with a sigh, "However, King Pingnan is different. He has made great military exploits. He is the military god of the previous dynasty, and many generals under his command are loyal. When my father was in the previous dynasty, he was still a young general, but now, It is the guard of Mushan Pass City. It can be seen that there are a lot of talents in the old department of King Pingnan, if we can get their help..."

"Get their help, and then repeat the dream of restoring the former dynasty?" Fang Zilan interrupted him coldly, "Even if Wu Qing is really the orphan of King Pingnan, just a puppet, how much help can it be? King Pingnan If the old department loses its ability to judge just because of a puppet, what kind of talents are there?"

Mo Han couldn't bear it, "Sister Lan, you have seen the Qi family and my father in the north, don't you understand? The people under King Pingnan are all loyal, and they have always been loyal to King Pingnan. As Nan Wang Jianfeng pointed out, they will not hesitate to do anything even if they are terrified. If someone takes the Queen Nan as a hostage, no matter what they are asked to do, they will agree."

"Why..." Fang Zilan lowered her head, her voice trembling imperceptibly.

"If King Pingnan hadn't cleaned up the four realms, I'm afraid the previous dynasty would have died sooner." Mo Han bandaged her wound and asked, "Sister Lan, have you ever wondered why the previous dynasty didn't die in the The hands of foreign enemies, but died inside?

Fang Zilan was silent for a moment, and then said: "The rule of the previous dynasty has long been rotten to the bone, and it will be a matter of time before it dies inside."

Mo Han shook his head, "Sister Lan, you can see that the previous dynasty's internal affairs have been rotten to the bone just based on the current record. Could it be that the former dynasty's enemies from all over the world can't see it?"

Fang Zilan reacted abruptly, "You mean that with King Pingnan in charge, even if the enemies from all over the world can see it, they will be powerless?"

"That's right." Mo Han nodded and said, "The civil strife in the previous dynasty only started after King Pingnan was buried in the deep sea."

Fang Zilan was stunned, and Mo Han continued: "I said this because I wanted to tell Sister Lan that without Wu Qing as a puppet, ten ghost gates would not be able to make a fortune. Moreover, today is not the previous dynasty. .”

"I understand what you mean." Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, "Currently, the nine princes and ministers are almost equally divided in civil and military affairs, and there will not be a situation where one family dominates like King Pingnan in the previous dynasty, but in other words, the shock to the four realms It's not that strong anymore."

"That's right." Mo Han nodded slightly, "At the beginning of Emperor Tai'an's reign, the northern border was stable for a few years before the barbarians invaded. Persia in the western border and other small countries in the Western Regions also came out of Sasha during the time of Emperor Ningshun. Patriarch Shan is such a lord and nobleman who knows what he says, and has done business with Dajing, so there has been peace in recent years."

Fang Zilan interjected: "General Xiahou in the east surrendered, Baiyue was destroyed, and the suffering of the war was avoided. But Miluo in the south still repeatedly invaded Dajing. The generals of the four territories were singled out. No matter which one, they can be alone, but none The potential can shock the four realms at the same time."

"Maybe it used to be, but not necessarily now." Mo Han looked at the person in front of him firmly, "Sister Lan, you are the only minister who has fought in four realms without a single defeat."

Fang Zilan waved her hand, "I was just fighting a few robbers in the west, and I did not take down the pirates in the east, it was General Xiahou..."

Mo Han looked at her calmly, until she couldn't continue, and then said: "It is true that you only fought a few robbers in the western border, but the one who saved was the only daughter of the Patriarch of Sasanian, Warners. Although the pirates in the east You are not equal, but at that time, the plague was more serious than the pirates, and you went deep into the affected area to appease the hearts of the people. I think you know your reputation in the southeast now, and you don’t need me to explain it to you. ?”

Fang Zilan said quietly: "Mo Han, you look so eloquent, the last time I saw you was when you helped me review my homework. I haven't seen you for a long time, and I miss you very much."

"If you want to hear, I can say more." Mo Han collected his expression and said seriously: "It's just that you have experienced more things than me now, and many things may not be unexpected to you. Do you really want to hear something?"

"I just want to know." Fang Zilan stared at him closely, "Are you sure what you told me about the Qin family is true? Also, what do you think about my life experience?"

"Of course the story about the Qin family is true. I took your jade pendant, and as the attendant of Miss Qin Xuan's orphan, I made a lot of indirect observations before I found out the truth." Mo Han said quietly: "I have repeatedly deduced every plot in it. However, if there is something unreasonable, then ask again, after listening to it now, do you feel that there is a problem?"

"No problem." Fang Zilan answered quickly, Mo Han said with a smile: "As for your background, you must not be Miss Qin Xuan's daughter..."

"Why are you so sure?" Fang Zilan asked, and Mo Han smiled even wider, "Because I also asked some other things. Miss Qin Xuan's child is very likely to be the Fang Liren son of the Fang family."

 Fang Zilan: Well, after going around for a while, I haven't figured out my own life experience, so let's figure out other people's life experience first...

(End of this chapter)

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