Chapter 359 Price
"Mother, are you looking for me?" Ouyang Zirou sat down on the round stool next to the table in a graceful manner, and poured a cup of tea by herself.

Mrs. Ouyang took a deep breath, suppressed her emotions, and said, "What's your relationship with Mr. Fang?"

"It's okay." Ouyang Zirou blurted out, and when she saw Mrs. Ouyang's gloomy expression, she couldn't help but soften her tone, "I just met a few times in Qiluo City, and I went to pay a New Year's greeting before New Year's Eve. It's nothing."

"Nothing?" Mrs. Ouyang snorted coldly, "Don't fool me with your ability to fool others. You are my daughter, so I don't know you?"

Ouyang Zirou silently put the teacup she had just picked up back on the table, lowering her eyes in silence.

"Don't want to say it?" Mrs. Ouyang waved her hand to screen off the servants, leaving only a nanny next to her, "Okay, I'll tell you for you."

"Mother..." Ouyang Zirou looked at Mrs. Ouyang coquettishly, but saw that she had no expression and said, "You said that Master Fang found out that the craftsman was cutting corners, and sent someone to accompany you to find the craftsman to ask for an explanation, and finally made a fuss." When the house came, I didn't say anything, and I suppressed this matter without letting your father know."

Ouyang Zirou walked up to Mrs. Ouyang and knelt down, looking like a little girl, "I knew my mother was the best for me."

"I'm the best for you, but what about you?" Mrs. Ouyang looked down at her with a serious expression, "On New Year's Eve, Master Fang sent someone to the Ministry of Industry to take the craftsman away."

Ouyang Zirou muttered softly, "I didn't ask Mr. Fang to ask for it..."

"I guess you don't have the ability to do that, let Mr. Fang obey you." Mrs. Ouyang sighed, and said: "Your father knows about this, I can't protect you anymore, if you want to beat him, you can punish him."

"What do you mean?" Ouyang Zirou suddenly looked up at Mrs. Ouyang, "Didn't your majesty grant me an official position and my father refused? I just make some gadgets by myself, who is in the way?"

"Zirou, can you hide it from others, can you hide it from your father?" Mrs. Ouyang said quietly, "Ouyang's family has been in the Ministry of Industry for several generations. Your father knows much about what is going on. Your little tricks, He just disdains to talk about it, but you can't be arrogant and lie. If you offend your father, the consequences..."

"What's the consequence?" Ouyang Zirou's eyes widened, "At worst, just drive me out of Ouyang's house."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Mrs. Ouyang was furious, "No one will stop you if you want to leave, but have you ever thought about your brother or me?"

Ouyang Zirou immediately subdued and said: "Mother, I was wrong. I was just too anxious, and my words were unscrupulous. You must not be as knowledgeable as I am."

"You." Mrs. Ouyang stretched out her hand to cover her hair, and said helplessly: "No matter what you want to do since childhood, mother will always obey you. But this time, just listen to mother once and don't do it again."

Ouyang Zirou retorted unconvinced: "I like to do it and can do it well, why don't I do it?"

"There are quite a few workers in Dajing." Mrs. Ouyang's face turned cold, "Or do you want to enter the court as an official like Mr. Fang or General Xiahou as a woman?"

"Why not?" Ouyang Zirou asked back, and Mrs. Ouyang's face became even colder, "Look at the two of them, one is suffering from injuries and illnesses, and the other is staying behind in Baiyue without even having half a child, don't you want to do the same ?"

"I..." Ouyang Zi said softly, "I'm not as powerful as them, so the price I paid will not be that big."

"You also know that you have to pay the price." Mrs. Ouyang had a little inexplicable emotion in her eyes, "Mr. Fang's journey to this day is all due to her hard work, and you can't compare with it. Then say Speaking of General Xiahou, she was born in the general family, and her father was the general who defended the country in Baiyue, if she hadn't passed away early, how could she see her as a woman in armor on the battlefield?"

"Mother..." Ouyang Zirou was interrupted by Mrs. Ouyang as soon as she opened her mouth, "Zirou, your father and I are still here, and Ouyang's family doesn't need you as a girl to support them."

"Mother!" Ouyang Zirou stood up abruptly, "Even if I have an official position, I won't shake the position of the Ouyang family, and I won't compete with my brother for the head of the family, why can't I do it?"

"You..." Mrs. Ouyang's voice trembled with anger, "If the Ouyang family wants you to be a girl in the officialdom, what face do you have to be among the nine princes? Don't you want others to see the joke?"

She coughed suddenly while she was talking, and the nurse beside her helped her calm down and said: "Madam, don't be angry, the lady is also obsessed with ghosts for a while, just wait for her to figure it out."

"When she figured it will be too late." Mrs. Ouyang took a breath and continued: "If you continue like this, your father will probably give the position of Patriarch to that kid Ouyang Juncheng."

"How is it possible?" Ouyang Zirou sat back again, "Even though my elder brother has mediocre qualifications, he is the only son of my father and mother after all. It is impossible for my father to..."

"Impossible?" Mrs. Ouyang said sharply, "You also know that your brother's qualifications are mediocre, and Ouyang Juncheng is not only talented, but also married the daughter of the Wang family. With the help of the Wang family, he has suppressed your brother in the past two years. One end."

Ouyang Zirou's face was full of disbelief, Madam Ouyang's voice was a little lower, "Your father was hesitant in his heart, but now it is rumored that your brother is the next Patriarch, which is enough to upset him. If you To add to the chaos at this juncture and annoy him, let alone the position of Patriarch, I'm afraid he won't want to see us mother and son again from now on."

Ouyang Zirou's expression was gloomy, Madam Ouyang held her hand, "Zirou, I don't want your brother to fight for the position of Patriarch. It's just that if we don't fight, how will the three of us, mother and son, gain a foothold in Ouyang's family for the rest of our lives? Have you thought about it?"

"I see." Ouyang Zirou said slowly, "I'll go find my father right away, and I'll do whatever I want to beat or punish."

"No need." Mrs. Ouyang tightened her hand a little, "Zi Rou, you only need to promise me that from now on, don't leave the house if you have nothing to do, and just wait for marriage with peace of mind."

"Want to marry at ease?" Ouyang Zirou asked in a daze, "Who do I want to marry?"

"General Huangfulin proposed marriage to your father years ago, saying that his little general Huangfu Xin fell in love with you at first sight in Qiluo City." Mrs. Ouyang's expression softened a little, "Your father hasn't agreed yet, he said he wanted to ask According to the wishes of our mother and daughter. I thought about it today, and I think it is very suitable, and I have no reason to refuse."

Ouyang Zirou bit her lips tightly, "Mother, I promised you, why did you marry me so far away in the north?"

"Little General Huangfu Xin is a talented person, and he is a perfect match for you." Mrs. Ouyang looked at Ouyang Zirou's hands in her palm, and said solemnly and respectfully: "You are the daughter of my Wei family, and the wind and sand in the northern region can't do anything to you. Go, mother believes that you will have a world of your own."

Ouyang Zirou clenched her ten fingers into a fist, struggled to break away from Mrs. Ouyang's hand, turned around and ran out.

"Miss!" Mammy shouted anxiously, Madam Ouyang said softly, "Let her go."

"Ma'am, why didn't you tell Miss..." The nanny couldn't bear it, and Madam Ouyang smiled, "What do you say? You said that I was a maverick when I was young, which caused my sister to die in front of her eyes? She is still young, so she doesn't know How much do you pay for some things. The aristocratic families are all giant beasts that eat people."

"Ma'am..." Madam's eyes were red, but Madam Ouyang just smiled, "You don't have to. I have been cautious for so many years, just to prevent what happened back then. I will not let anyone hurt Zi Rou, Including herself."

 The price, to be married...

  Ouyang Zirou: The homophonic stalk deducts money!

(End of this chapter)

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