Chapter 366 Devil
Mo Han held his breath and waited intently, Fang Zilan whispered to him: "Stand here and don't move around, I'll go back as soon as I go."

"Sister Lan, be careful." Mo Han warned softly, Fang Zilan nodded, and disappeared in front of his eyes in a flash.

Fang Zilan stuck to the eaves and carefully observed the surrounding situation.If her estimate is correct, there are at least ten experts ambushing near the wing where Murong Qing is.I just don't know if it was someone brought by Murong Qing, or a force sent by some party.

This battle is not small, before she understands the other party's intentions, it is better for her not to act rashly and wait and see how things change.In order not to startle the snake, it would be bad if something happened.

Thinking like this, she avoided eyeliner, walked around quietly to the back of the wing where Murong Qing was, and leaned against the wall to observe the movement in the room.

"Murongqing, what are you going to do?" Tao Zhiwei suppressed her anger, Xingshi asked, "You deliberately avoid everyone, and let General Meng keep an eye on me, just to get this injury? Do you know..."

"I know." Murong Qing interrupted her unceremoniously, as if he was a different person, and said in a cold voice: "Tao Zhiwei, I will live longer than you, so you should put away those useless posturing, Worry about yourself."

Tao Zhiwei was so choked by him that he couldn't speak, Murongqing ignored her, turned to look at Meng Tingyang, and said calmly, "I want you to investigate, what's the matter?"

"It's all cleared up." Meng Tingyang paused, and glanced at Tao Zhiwei warily.

"Let's talk when we go back." Murong calmed down and said thoughtfully: "It's time, you send a letter to Mr. Zuo, asking him to contact Di Rong's department."

Fang Zilan was startled when she heard Di Rong's department, before she could react, she heard Tao Zhiwei excitedly say: "Murongqing, how dare you cooperate with the enemy, you..."

Before she finished speaking, Meng Tingyang cut her hands behind her back with one hand and covered her mouth with the other.

Murong Qing snorted coldly: "A puppet should look like a puppet. Tao Zhiwei, who do you think you are?"

After he finished speaking, he walked up to Tao Zhiwei. Meng Tingyang put down his hand covering her mouth. She was about to say something but he choked her throat, "Killing you is like crushing an ant to me." It's as simple as that."

Tao Zhiwei's eyes were full of fear, but Murong Qing's expression suddenly eased, and he said softly: "As long as you are obedient, I will not do anything to you."

As he spoke, he loosened his strength, and his fingers brushed the red mark on Tao Zhiwei's neck inch by inch, as if he was stroking and playing with a piece of delicate porcelain.

Tao Zhiwei subconsciously wanted to hide, but the moment she met his clear and innocent eyes, she lost her ability to move.

Murong Qing calmly leaned into Tao Zhiwei's ear, opening and closing her thin lips gracefully, but the words she said made her shudder.

"But if you don't want to, then I have no choice but to let you stay with Madam Xing."

Tao Zhiwei was horrified, her voice trembling, "Murongqing, you... are a devil..."

"Yes." Murong Qing nodded in satisfaction, raised the corners of his lips and said, "Today I was hurt because you left me alone on purpose, from now on you will introspect in the mansion, you didn't see anything, you didn't see anything Heard. Got it? My lady."

"You..." Tao Zhiwei trembled all over, "You want to imprison me, how dare you..."

"If I send a letter back to Miluo, saying that you colluded with the Dajing family and tried to do harm to me..." Murong Qing smiled almost bewitchingly, "What do you think will happen to the Tao family?"

Tao Zhiwei's eyes were red, and Murong Qing patted her face lightly, smiling even wider, "Do you think that the high priest will protect the Tao family because of the yin and yang family relationship with your ancestors? As long as I think, the Tao family will be protected at any time." They can all be wiped out.”

"My son." Meng Tingyang said slowly: "I am willing to be sent by you to protect the prince. But Di Rong's department..."

"A wolf is ambitious, he's just a beast. I didn't expect to be very obedient." Murong Qing smiled, with a little chill in his eyes, but his tone was still casual, "It's a pity that the emperor of Dajing couldn't understand it. He thought that Di Rong would pay tribute to him. He will bow his head and obey his ears. In this case, I don't mind letting him see it clearly."

Meng Tingyang remained silent, and Murong Qing looked at him with great interest, "Power is like a sharp edge, if you don't control the enemy, you will hurt yourself. If you choose me, you can't hesitate."

"Yes." Meng Tingyang saluted, Murong Qing seemed to lose all his strength suddenly, staggered a few steps back and fell down on the couch, "Okay, I'll rest for a while before going back home."

Fang Zilan heard this and left quietly.She walked back to the original place and dragged Mo Han towards the mountain gate without looking back.

"Sister Lan, what happened?" Mo Han frowned slightly, Fang Zilan looked serious, "We'll talk about it when we go back."

Seeing this, Mo Han stopped talking, and let Fang Zilan drag him to the gate of the temple, and handed the jade pendant to the former little monk.

The little novice looked puzzled, Fang Zilan hunched over and pretended to be weak, and said, "Little master, I think it's been too long since I've been out today, I can't hold on, I can't help, I'm really sorry."

"Amitabha, Mr. Fang, don't blame yourself." The little novice clasped his hands together, "Mr. Fang is a pillar of the capital, and you should put yourself first. Leave such trivial matters to me."

"Thank you, little master, for your understanding." Fang Zilan returned a salute, and said, "Please, little master, when you go to see the son, please don't mention that Mo Han and I have seen this jade pendant before, just say that you picked it up by accident."

The little novice's expression turned cold, "I understand, please rest assured, Mr. Fang."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan was relieved, and took Mo Han to leave.

The two were sitting in the carriage on the way back. The more Fang Zilan thought about it, the more she felt something was wrong, and finally couldn't help but said: "Mo Han, pass me the hand warmer."

Mo Han looked at her who was holding the hand warmer, and immediately understood, and stretched out her hand.

Fang Zilan wrote a few strokes in the palm of his hand while thinking, and his expression gradually became a little dignified.When she stopped, he also wrote a few words on her hand.

Fang Zilan made a careful distinction and understood what he meant.He said that the little master would definitely tell Master Yuan about this matter, and with Master Yuan's astuteness, he would definitely find clues.

Fang Zilan thought for a while, and then wrote: "This matter should not be made public, and Murong Qing..."

She didn't finish writing, Mo Han said softly: "Sister Lan was frightened by his true face?"

"Not at all." Fang Zilan leaned back a little, and said with hesitation: "It's just that such an innocent and cruel beautiful child always makes people feel chills."

Mo Han sighed softly, "Sister Lan is afraid that the more people involved, the more people will be killed?"

Fang Zilan nodded, "I think he can do it."

"I don't think so." Mo Han said lightly, "In the capital, at the feet of the Son of Heaven, no matter who it is, they have to act accordingly, let alone him?"

Fang Zilan stopped talking, and got worried until the carriage drove into the house.When she got off the carriage with Mo Han, she ordered the servant to find Xiao Xuan'er to meet her.

 Murong Qing, the little prince of the devil: Are you afraid of loving me?
(End of this chapter)

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