Chapter 369
Huangfu Xin cupped his hands and saluted, "Miss Ouyang is well."

"General Huangfu doesn't need to be too polite." Ouyang Zirou returned the gift, and said softly: "Today, I invite General Huangfu to watch the lantern. I wonder if the general would like it?"

Huangfu Xin nodded slightly, "The lamps made by Ouyang's family are luxurious and exquisite, so people like them."

Hearing this, Ouyang Zirou pursed her lips, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Since General Huangfu is a person with sense of proportion, then I will say something directly."

"There are too many people here, so it's inconvenient to talk." Huangfu Xin paused, a look of understanding flashed in his eyes, "I have reserved a private room in Xiangsheng Restaurant, please move Miss Ouyang."

"Okay." Ouyang Zirou agreed, and followed Huangfu Xin into the private room of Xiangsheng Restaurant.

After the two sat down, they shunned the accompanying female servants.Huangfu Xin said: "Now there is no one else, Miss Ouyang may as well speak up if she has something to say."

Ouyang Zirou took a deep breath and said slowly, "I don't want to marry you."

Huangfu Xin looked at the person in front of him with great interest, and said with a slight smile: "I know, it's just that the marriage has already been decided, so it's up to you and me."

Ouyang Zirou frowned slightly, "General Huangfu knows that I don't want to marry you, why did he propose marriage to my father?"

"It's not just Ms. Ouyang that I want to marry." Huangfu Xin said in a calm manner, "It's the entire Ouyang family behind Ms. Ouyang."

Ouyang Zirou was stunned for a moment, and let him continue on his own, "I need a wife who can stand side by side with me, and my wife must have the same family background as the Huangfu family."

"But I only met you a few times, I can't even say I like you, let alone talk about marriage?" Ouyang Zirou's voice contained restrained anger, but Huangfu Xin was unexpectedly calm, "It doesn't matter if you don't like it now, later The days are long."

Ouyang Zirou looked at the person in front of him steadfastly, his eyebrows and eyes were not the exquisite appearance he liked, but his facial features were sharp, revealing a natural heroism and aggression.

She was more or less afraid of such a person.Just like Lord Wei Subaru, no matter how good-looking she is, she is a killing beauty who can only be seen from a distance but not approached.

Most of all, she felt that she couldn't make sense with him.What he wants is a wife who is well-matched, but what she wants is a husband who has the same heart.What you want at the beginning is different, so why talk about the future?

She lowered her eyes, feeling an inexplicable sourness in her heart.But so what?She couldn't refuse the orders of her parents and the words of the matchmaker.

"Miss Ouyang, after we get married, no matter what you want to do, I will not hinder you." Huangfu Xin looked at the lost person in front of him, and said seriously: "You like making weapons, watching theaters and drinking tea, whatever you want. Not only will I not hinder you, but I will also help you achieve your wish."

Listening to his words, Ouyang Zirou raised her eyes in disbelief, and there seemed to be thousands of lights in her eyes, "You actually know what I wish in this life?"

"I know." Huangfu Xin nodded solemnly, "Miss Ouyang is aiming at armaments. This is a sharp weapon to keep my capital safe. As a son of Dajing, this is also my wish."

Ouyang Zirou remained silent, Huangfuxin continued: "Miss Ouyang, I dare not say that I am in love with you now, but my respect for you is absolutely not false. I am willing to accompany you to realize your wish in this life, Are you willing to accompany me to protect the land in the north?"

He spoke with sincerity, and Ouyang Zirou couldn't help blushing, "I..."

She muttered and couldn't speak, Huangfu Xin comforted her in a gentle voice: "If Miss Ouyang has any difficulties, just speak up. Whatever I can do, I will definitely solve it for you."

Ouyang Zirou stabilized her mind, stood up and bowed respectfully, "I understand General Huangfu's intentions. The general is a rare lover, but Zirou is not a good spouse."

Huangfu Xin stared at Ouyang Zirou in a daze, only to hear her ask: "General Huangfu, do you know what is the process of my Dajing's armament from research to distribution?"

"Of course I know." As soon as Huangfu Xinfu opened his mouth, he understood what she meant.

Ouyang Zirou looked at his gloomy expression, smiled and said: "It seems that General Huangfu has understood. If I marry to the northern region, even if I earn money in the future, I have to report to the Ministry of Industry, and then the Ministry of Industry will verify that it is correct. Afterwards, I will ask His Majesty for approval before it can be produced and promoted to the army. The delay in this process can range from a few months to a few years. However, if I am in the capital, with the help of the Ouyang family, I can shorten a lot of time Day. The day before the matter of armaments, there will be a little more opportunity. General Huangfu is more aware of this truth than I am."

Huangfu Xin didn't speak, and said after a while: "Miss Ouyang is determined, I admire it very much. But, will the Ouyang family really lend you their strength?"

"How about borrowing strength, so what if not borrowing it?" Ouyang Zirou smiled even more, "Your Majesty knows the Lord, as long as I stay in the capital for a day, I will always find a way. But if I go to the northern border, I am afraid that I will be beyond my reach, and I will be powerless."

"If you go to the northern border, you will not be alone." Huangfu Xin's eyes were burning, "I am your help, and the Huangfu family is your backer."

"It's not that I can't trust General Huangfu, it's just that how can a big family put one person first?" Ouyang Zirou's expression faded a little, but the expression in his eyes became more determined, "The mountain will fall, but everyone will run away. In this world , I am the only one who can really make the decision for me.”

After she finished speaking, she gave another salute, "Ouyang Zirou is here, please General Huangfu Xin to cancel the engagement. If there are any consequences, I am willing to bear it all, and will not drag the general down in the slightest."

I don't know how long it took, Ouyang Zirou felt that the arm she raised was a little stiff, and finally saw Huangfu Xin standing up, bowed to her and said: "Miss Ouyang, don't worry, I will handle the marriage contract myself. From now on, I will marry Miss Ouyang as a man and a woman, and we will have nothing to do with each other."

"Thank you, General Huangfu." There was a hint of excitement in Ouyang Zirou's tone, and the corners of Huangfu Xin's lips curled up slightly, "Although there is no engagement, I have made an appointment with Miss Ouyang as a friend. If Miss Ouyang needs anything in the future, Huangfu Xin saddles the horse and the horse, and does as he pleases."

"Me too." Ouyang Zirou swept away the gloom, showing joy, "General Huangfu has something to help in the future, just ask, I will definitely not refuse."

"It's a deal." Huangfuxin stretched out his hand, and Ouyang Zirou put it on without hesitation.The moment the palms hit each other, the fireworks exploded outside the window, extremely gorgeous.

"It's so beautiful!" Ouyang Zirou subconsciously turned her head to look over, and then walked quickly to the window.Huangfu Xin walked to her side and couldn't help but sigh with emotion that the capital is prosperous.

Hearing that Ouyang Zirou opened up the chatter box, and talked endlessly about the scenic spots in the capital, Huangfu Xin listened with gusto.

The two chatted happily, but Ouyang Zirou suddenly stopped and stared at one place.

Huangfu Xin followed her gaze, "That's Pei's family boat, the lady who just entered..."

"It's the second lady of the Fang family." Ouyang Zirou looked uneasy, and muttered in a low voice, "Why did Zitong and Mr. Pei get together again..."

 After the Lantern Festival, Dajing lost a marriage contract and gained a pair of friends

(End of this chapter)

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