Don't ask where people go

Chapter 379 Stimulation

Chapter 379 Stimulation
The first month is about to pass, and all officials will return to court.

Fang Zilan no longer asked for leave, and returned to the government office to start the council.Her deputy Cao Hong, who is now General Cao in the government office, still caused a commotion when he took office.

There was no other reason than Cao Hong's injured leg.

Although everyone in the government office knew that Cao Hong had made great military exploits, they still murmured in their hearts, always feeling that Fang Zilan was using his power for personal gain.

However, Fang Zilan didn't care about it, she completely acted like I have the final say on my government office, and I can't do anything with power for personal gain, so that everyone dared not speak.

Who would have thought that in just three days, Cao Hong adjusted the guards inside and outside the government office, and the overall defense was more reasonable, so that everyone in the government office was convinced and had no objections.

When Cao Hong and Fang Zilan returned to the mansion together this day, they couldn't help asking: "Boss, you should have seen that the defense of the mansion is unreasonable, why have you never adjusted it?"

"If I adjust, where did you get the chance?" Fang Zilan said casually, but Cao Hong was taken aback, "Boss, did you plan to let me come to the government office to take charge?"

"That's not true." Fang Zilan looked a little more serious, "I didn't want you to get involved in the court, but after the battle in Miluo, I was really scared. I thought about it for a long time. Although the court is dangerous, as long as you let go By my side, I always have the ability to protect, and I don't ask for high officials and generous salary, just being safe and secure."

She paused as she spoke, then hesitated and said, "You don't blame me, do you?"

"How come?" Cao Hong hurriedly said: "As long as I can follow the boss, no matter whether it is the battlefield or the court, my old Cao is not afraid."

Fang Zilan smiled, and changed the voice: "Speaking of which, I have sent someone to repair and decorate your mansion, and you will be able to move in at the end of March. After the spring hunting is over, you can move there."

"Okay." Cao Hong nodded, "It's just right, I also plan to deal with the matter of the craftsmen in the house first, and then it's not too late to move."

"What craftsman?" Fang Zilan frowned slightly, and then suddenly realized: "The one from the Ministry of Industry on New Year's Eve?"

"That's right, it's him." Cao Hong moved closer to Fang Zilan, and deliberately lowered his voice, "The craftsman's name is Lu Chang, and he is a descendant of Master Lu."

"Master Lu?" Fang Zilan gasped, "Master Lu offended the emperor because of his ingenuity when he was in the previous court, and no one in his family survived. How could it be..."

She stopped abruptly in the middle of her words, and said clearly: "Did Ouyang's family keep it secretly?"

"Yes, I heard that he is the posthumous son of Master Lu's nephew." Cao Hong said helplessly: "This person is grateful for the life-saving grace of Ouyang's family, so he agreed to change his name and surname to join the Ministry of Industry. After I get him back, check After checking the household registration, I found out that it was wrong, and I happened to know a few more brothers who were related to the previous dynasty, so I inquired about it secretly, and finally found out."

Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, "Then what are you going to do with him?"

"People from the former dynasty cannot stay." After Cao Hong said, he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"But he is talented, if..." Fang Zilan didn't continue, and sighed, "It's really a pity."

Cao Hong said comfortingly, "Boss, don't be sorry. After all, even if Lu Chang dies, he won't be used by you."

Fang Zilan asked strangely: "What do you mean?"

Cao Hong explained: "Boss, you may not know what happened to Master Lu's family at the beginning. It is said that Master Lu once swore that his ingenuity would never be used in war, which angered the former emperor, dozens of members of his family lived and died. Made into wooden dolls."

"What is a wooden puppet?" Fang Zilan couldn't help asking, Cao Hong pursed his lips, and said softly: "It is after the bones of living people are removed, and the flesh and blood are filled with special wood, which looks like a doll... "

Before he finished speaking, Fang Zilan squatted on the ground and retched, frightened him at a loss, "Boss, what's wrong with you?"

Fang Zilan was shaking violently all over. She vaguely remembered that when she was a child, she had seen a puppet in the hall of ghosts when she was a child. It should be the wooden puppet Cao Hong was talking about.

For some reason, she has an almost instinctive fear of wooden puppets, as if...

What does it look like?Her whole body shrank into a ball, and even her mind was a mess, losing all her ability to think.

"Boss? Boss..." Cao Hong squatted beside Fang Zilan and said anxiously, "Boss, can you hear me? Boss!"

"What happened?" A gentle voice came, Cao Hong seemed to see a rescuer, and hurriedly saluted: "Master Zhuge is well, my boss..."

He was so anxious that he didn't know what to say, Zhuge Yu comforted him: "No hurry, just speak slowly."

"I don't know what's going on..." Cao Hong scratched his head, and Wen Ya, who was walking with Zhuge Yu, cupped his hands and said, "Master Zhuge, can you let me see Master Fang?"

"Please, Mr. Wen." Zhuge Yu moved aside, Cao Hong also stood aside, Wen Ya walked over and squatted down, and said softly, "Lord Fang, how do you feel?"

Fang Zilan buried her head and did not speak. Seeing her trembling, Wen Ya wondered, this is not what she looked like when the poisonous Gu poisoned her.Could it be...

He thought about it, and turned to Cao Hongdao: "Dare to ask this general, Mr. Fang was agitated by what he heard just now?"

Cao Hong clenched his fingers into fists. He knew that the past affairs should not be easily revealed to others, so he bit his lips tightly and refused to speak.

Wen Ya's expression became serious, "You only need to answer me yes or no, I don't need to know the specific content."

Hearing that Cao Hong loosened his teeth, he nodded vigorously, "Yes."

"I understand." Wen Ya let out a long breath, and then reached out to grab Fang Zilan's wrist.

Fang Zilan was not conscious at this time, she dodged subconsciously, and sat on the ground unsteadily.

Wen Ya was still relentless, and quickly and accurately grasped Fang Zilan's wrist, but the next moment she grabbed Fang Zilan's wrist and brought it to her mouth for a hard bite.

"Mr. Wen!" Zhuge Yu had no time to stop him, so he could only watch Wen Ya's hand being bitten bloody.

Wen Ya didn't speak until Fang Zilan gradually loosened his strength and passed out.

"Boss!" Deputy General Cao stepped forward to support Fang Zilan, Wen Ya glanced at the injured hand, and said softly: "Master Fang was stimulated, and her mind is not very clear. Let her sleep for a while, and she will be fine when she wakes up. "

Zhuge Yu worried: "Mr. Wen, your hand..."

"It's just a skin injury, Mr. Zhuge doesn't need to worry about it." Wen Ya hid his hands under his sleeves, and smiled slightly: "I saw that Mr. Zhuge is in good spirits today, so I feel at ease. I am ill and still need more maintenance, so I must not avoid decoction. If you need it in the future, just come to me."

"Mr. Lao Wen is coming today, and I will see him off again." Zhuge Yu saluted, and Wen Ya returned the salute: "Master Zhuge is very polite, but I still want to send Master Fang back to the mansion, so I won't trouble Master Zhuge."

A look of surprise flashed in Zhuge Yu's eyes, and Wen Ya said calmly: "Doctors are parents, I always have to be responsible for my patients."

 From the beginning of this chapter, Deputy General Cao officially changed his name to Cao Hong~
(End of this chapter)

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