Chapter 395
"I have seen Zheng Yan's strength." Fang Zilan's expression was haughty, and his tone was beyond doubt, "He will not lose."

Wei Subaru let out a smile, and teased, "Master Fang must have looked down upon the soldiers of the camp in the suburbs of Beijing."

Fang Zilan didn't speak, but just stared at the few people fighting together.It is not a dangerous thing to compete in the army, but now that it involves face and future, several people are doing their best, as if they are not going to die.

The cries of swords and swords can be heard endlessly, dozens of moves have been passed in the blink of an eye, and the outcome is still hard to tell.At this moment, there was a bang, lightning and thunder, and heavy rain poured down.

Facing the sudden situation, the people who were facing Zheng Yan couldn't help being distracted, and Zheng Yan took advantage of this opportunity to pick out one person's weapon in a blink of an eye.

However, the people on the other side quickly came back to their senses, and the killer move finally stabbed Zheng Yan's arm.Zheng Yan was in pain, and the knife in his hand shook, but he still tried his best to cut and wound the person who dropped the weapon.

Some soldiers came over with bamboo hats. Fang Zilan and Wei Subaru put on their bamboo hats and stood still watching the battle.

The person who was hacked by Zheng Yan was out of the game, and there were two more.

The sky was dark, the rain was pouring heavily, and the vision was not very good. The three of them almost relied on instinct to dodge their moves, and they were all injured for a while.

Zheng Yan's whole body was drenched by the rain, but he didn't change his face, and he held the knife horizontally in front of him, which seemed to be ready for death.

On the other hand, his opponent was panting heavily, apparently a bit powerless.

"Zheng Yan, you are a piece of trash." One of them spat violently, and roared out this sentence as if puffed up.

Zheng Yan wasn't enraged at all, and took his time to see the tricks. In the end, the blade in one hand pointed directly at the face of one person, and the sword he grabbed with the other hand was placed on the side of the other person's neck.

The winner was already decided, Fang Zilan stepped forward and said softly: "Since you have lost, then apologize, and you will not speak ill of him in this lifetime."

The faces of the losers were pale, hesitated for a while, apologized to Zheng Yan one by one, and then left resentfully.

Wei Subaru kept watching with cold eyes, without saying a word.It wasn't until Fang Zilan and Zheng Yan were about to leave that he said, "Master Fang, your people forgot to take them away."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan glanced at Shangguan Min who appeared in the corner, and saw that he was covered in rain, as if he had been standing there for a long time.

"Let's go." Fang Zilan looked indifferent, Zheng Yan understood, waved Shangguan Min over, and the three hurried back to the mansion.

Mo Han and A Wan who were waiting in the front hall breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the three of them back.A Wan couldn't help but drag Fang Zilan back to the house to change clothes and drink medicine, muttering while walking, "When it's warm and cold, it's a terrible thing to get caught in the rain, and it's bad if you have a fever."

Xiao Xuan'er and Cong Rong brought ginger soup to Shangguan Min and Zheng Yan, and they went back to change their clothes after drinking.

However, Shangguan Min followed Zheng Yan back to his room, and he didn't respond, he just took his own clothes and changed them for Shangguan Min.

"Do you have something to ask me?" Although it was a question, Zheng Yan's tone was very affirmative.

Shangguan Min nodded, but didn't know how to speak.

Zheng Yan said with a blank expression: "When I was young, I injured a young soldier because of a quarrel. Later, my father was seriously injured by that young soldier and passed away not long after. Since then, I have been a child Fu low is taciturn. Most people in the army call me trash, and I don't care. After all, I don't know what else I will lose from grudges. In this case, patience is it."

Shangguan Min had never heard him say so many words, and he was a little dazed, "Then today..."

"I think Mr. Fang also knew about those past events, that's why he is like this." Zheng Yan's expression relaxed a little, "She not only justifies my name, but also supports me."

"Really?" Shangguan Min lowered his head, but Zheng Yan said: "She also wants me to show you."

Shangguan Min raised his head and asked blankly, "What?"

"Shangguan Min, don't admit it." Zheng Yan said with a firm expression, "I've heard about you, what happened after the rebellious minister? What about the blood of the wolf king? Those are not important, the important thing is what you did, and you what to do."

He paused as he said, "I didn't think about this before, and I just kept my self-preservation. I didn't understand until after I became the general of Mr. Fang, she valued me and relied on me for everything.

Shangguanmin pursed his lips, and heard Zheng Yan continue, "There are many things in the world that can be hidden for a while, but not for a lifetime. This is a world where the weak are afraid of the hard, and I will endure it in every possible way, which will only make people feel weak and bully. Since So, it’s better to be the toughest person, so that they know who is wrong.”

After he finished speaking, he patted Shangguan Min on the shoulder, then turned and walked out, standing under the eaves.The rain in front of him was heavy and opaque, but it couldn't cover his clear eyes.

On the fourth day after Fang Zilan returned home from Daying in the suburbs of Beijing, Shengjia arrived in Beijing.

When she heard the news, Fang Zilan was drinking medicine in a daze.She had rushed back day and night, and in addition to the rain and the cold, she was groggy for several days and had no energy.

"It's so fast." A Wan was amazed, and Fang Zilan yawned, "I don't think I can rest assured..." Before she finished speaking, she yawned again.

"Worry?" Mo Han thoughtfully: "Sister Lan, the second day after you set off from Tiancheng Mountain, Sheng Jia set off for Beijing. I don't know if His Majesty is worried, but it is the Wei family and the Beijing Suburbs Daying ,still you."

"Who knows?" Fang Zilan tilted her head and said casually, "Anyway, the matter is settled, but I don't know how His Majesty will send Wei Changtai down."

"Sister Lan will know about the court tomorrow morning." Mo Han put the imperial order in front of Fang Zilan, "Your Majesty declares you to enter the court."

Fang Zilan stared at Yu Ling for a while, only to feel his eyes go straight, and simply went back to sleep to rest his mind.

The next day, Fang Zilan was dragged off the bed by A Wan early in the morning. After washing up, she hurriedly ate a few mouthfuls of breakfast and went to court.

Above the main hall, after everyone saluted, Fang Zilan lowered her head and was about to take a nap, but Wei Subaru sent someone to carry Wei Changtai's head and body bag with her confidant, and everyone exclaimed that she woke up immediately.

Most of the people present had never seen such a situation, and immediately many people covered their faces with their sleeves and retched for a while.

Li Shengxuan on the high seat had a gloomy expression, he asked Wei Subaru to carry the things out, after that everyone regained their strength, discussing and arguing endlessly.

One side thinks that Wei Subaru kills the chickens to make an example to the monkeys, which is the way to treat the rebels.The other side thinks that Wei Subaru is cruel and ruthless, and will do whatever it takes to get himself and Wei Shi out...

The two sides quarreled equally, and there was no result for a while.While listening to the commotion, Fang Zilan watched Li Shengxuan's face darken, and raised his hand to signal Xia Houzhang to ask everyone to retreat.

After the crowd dispersed, Li Shengxuan raised his hand and gently frowned, and ordered Xia Houzhang: "Go to Baiye Temple."

The two of them appeared in Baiye Temple in casual clothes.Master Liao Yuan was not surprised when he saw them, he invited Li Shengxuan into the tea room, and Xia Houzhang stayed outside.

 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi, don’t bully the young and poor
(End of this chapter)

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