Chapter 399 Widow
At the end of March, Cao Hong moved into the new mansion to entertain relatives and friends, and Fang Zilan was naturally among them, supporting the scene during the banquet and seeing off the guests after the banquet.By the time the sun was setting in the west, the guests had almost left, and she was about to say goodbye.

"Boss, Miss Xiao and Miss Cong left the table early, Mr. Mo went to buy candied haws with Miss Awan again, I will take you back home." Cao Hong accompanied Fang Zilan to the gate of the house, and she waved her hand: "Don't bother, no Two steps away. What's more, isn't there still Zheng Yan?"

Zheng Yan followed Fang Zilan in silence, Cao Hong glanced at him, and said, "No trouble, I had a few extra glasses of wine at the banquet just now, and I happened to take a walk to get rid of the alcohol."

Fang Zilan didn't say anything more, and let Cao Hong follow.Her mansion is very close to Cao Hong's new mansion. It is only one street away from the main road, and only half an alley away from the alley. However, in such a short distance, there was a lot of noise.

The woman's low sobbing and the man's yelling made Fang Zilan stop involuntarily, and saw several men surrounded a woman in the depths of the alley, and the leading man said: "Baixiu Niang, you killed your husband, don't you?" You are a widow and want to escape..."

Cao Hong was obviously stunned when he heard Bai Xiuniang's name, Fang Zilan looked at him and said, "Do you know that woman?"

"I'm not sure either." Cao Hong said in a low voice, "It's just that her name is indeed the same as someone I know."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan still stood there, watching quietly.

"I didn't!" The woman named Bai Xiuniang shouted, "If you want to sell me, you might as well kill me!"

"You are a widow, what face do you have to bargain with us?" The leading man snorted contemptuously, "Your brother said that if you don't want to be a concubine for Master Zhu, you will have to sell it. Tell me, you Do you want to go back obediently, or let us tie you back?"

"I'm not going back!" Bai Xiuniang took out a pair of scissors from nowhere and pressed them against her chest, "Don't come here, or I..."

"What about you?" The leading man interrupted her unceremoniously, "Bai Xiuniang, if you die, your sister will be finished. An unruly widow has emerged in the family. What do you think will happen to her?"

"You...I..." Bai Xiuniang staggered a few steps, finally lost the scissors, and was captured without a fight.

Several men tied Bai Xiuniang's hands and pushed her out, but Fang Zilan and the others blocked her way.

"Who are you?" The man at the head spat and said, "Get out of the way, don't get in my way!"

At this time, Cao Hong saw Bai Xiuniang's face clearly, and said in shock, "Xiu... Miss Bai, is it really you?"

Bai Xiuniang froze for a moment, and quickly realized, as if seeing a savior, "Brother Cao, please help me!"

"I..." Cao Hong was about to say something when Fang Zilan coughed lightly and said, "Stay here, get out."

The leading man laughed angrily, "Do you know who we are?"

"Even if you are a military household, you can't rob civilian girls by force." Fang Zilan said with a cold face, "Which general are you under, do you want me to reason with your general if you behave like this?"

The men looked at each other, with a look of vigilance on their faces, "Who are you?"

"You don't even recognize me, why are you still a military household?" Fang Zilan said coldly, "I want this white embroidered lady, the Duke of Yue, Fang Zilan. If anyone has any objections, please come to see me at the Duke of Yue's mansion."

"You..." The leading man hesitated to speak, Fang Zilan didn't bother to chat with him, so he took Bai Xiuniang's shoulder and untied the rope on her wrist.

"Miss Bai, come with me." Fang Zilan softened her voice, but Bai Xiuniang was still shaking violently, "You...are you Master Fang?"

"Yes." Fang Zilan said with a slight smile, "It's guaranteed." After she said that, she was about to leave with Bai Xiuniang on her arm.

"Wait!" The leading man frowned and said, "Even if you are Master Fang, you can't meddle in other people's affairs at will, right?"

Fang Zilan looked back, and said without anger: "I must intervene in today's matter, what can you do to me?"

The leading man was intimidated by her expression, and swallowed what he wanted to say.The man standing next to him showed embarrassment, "Brother, if we can't catch Bai Xiuniang, we won't be able to do the job."

Fang Zilan walked a few steps forward without looking back, but it was Zheng Yan who spoke more rarely: "The Duke of Yue's mansion is powerful, and you can't compete. Just tell the truth when you go back, no one will embarrass you."

After he finished speaking, he took a few steps to follow, and Fang Zilan said with a smile: "Zheng Yan, you are looking more and more like a general of the government."

Zheng Yan's ears turned red, "I'm a fox pretending to be a tiger, and I hope Mr. Fang will not blame me."

"That's right." Fang Zilan said while holding Bai Xiuniang's hand, "Miss Bai, are you cold?"

"Master Fang, you..." Bai Xiuniang murmured, "You have a bodhisattva heart, and I can't implicate you. You still...let me go back with them..."

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, "This is not a place to talk, you can follow me back to the house before we talk."

Her tone was unquestionable, Bai Xiuniang was half dragged and half dragged by her, and entered the Duke's Mansion of Yue.

Seeing that Fang Zilan brought the guests back, Cong Rong hurriedly served tea.Xiao Xuan'er heard that there were female guests coming, so she also came to the front hall.

Bai Xiuniang drank a cup of tea to calm herself down, and slowly revealed her life experience.She was originally from a military family, with an older brother and a younger sister.Since his parents passed away a few years ago, his elder brother was in charge of all affairs.

She married into the Feng family a few years ago, and was happy for the youngest son of his family who had been ill for a long time.But Young Master Feng's health was really poor, he passed away after New Year's Eve, and he didn't even see Spring Day.

She naturally became a widow, and after being kicked out by her husband's family, her elder brother didn't want her to stay at home, and wanted to sell her to Master Zhu as a concubine.

After my sister heard about it, she quietly helped her escape.Unexpectedly, less than a day after escaping, he was caught.

Cong Rong's eyes blushed after hearing what Bai Xiuniang had said, "Sister Bai is really a poor person."

Xiao Xuan'er's expression was gloomy, she stood up and bowed to Fang Zilan, "Master Fang, even if Miss Bai is pitiful, it is not good for our family to interfere in this matter, you..."

She didn't go on, Fang Zilan said in a low voice: "If you have something to say, you might as well just say it."

Xiao Xuan'er took a deep breath, and sighed: "In the big capital, the woman with the lowest status is no more than a widow. Her husband's family hates her, her mother's family hates her, and there is no room for her. A widow from an ordinary family, like Miss Bai, usually There are only two ways, one is to sell it to a rich family as a concubine, or to sell it to Yanhualiu Lane, which is a sum of money, and there is no need to bear the stigma of being a widow in the family. As for the noble family, there is no need to say more. There must be an archway to observe the festival, and the pain is even more unspeakable."

Bai Xiuniang lowered her head and cried: "Becoming a widow is not what I want, but now I can't live or die. If I die, what will my younger sister do?"

 New character debut~
(End of this chapter)

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