Don't ask where people go

Chapter 408 Disposal

Chapter 408 Disposal
The deputy Persian envoy was about to leave and return home after provoking. The Persian envoy beside him was already dumbfounded, allowing him to procrastinate and complete the etiquette, and then a group of people walked out of the hall.

As soon as the Persian mission left, Fang Zilan realized something, and called Master Yuan in a low voice.

Master Liao Yuan hurriedly bowed to support her, "Master Fang, what's wrong?"

"Master, please call Master Wei Subaru for me, there is something urgent..." Fang Zilan's breath was unsteady, Master Liao Yuan found Wei Subaru in the crowd, and before he could say anything, he saw that he was also looking this way.With just one look, he walked over quickly.

"What's the matter?" Wei Subaru was not far from them, and when he rushed over, he squatted in front of Master Yuan, but saw him looking at Fang Zilan.

"Master Wei, please strictly investigate the people who leave the city, and you must catch the servant of the Yun family in Xiwu City—Mr. Zuo." Fang Zilan said eagerly: "I am worried that he will sneak out of the capital with the Persian mission..."

Wei Subaru couldn't help frowning at her nonsensical words, "What does Master Fang mean by that?"

Fang Zilan felt that the wound was hurting more and more, and her voice couldn't help shaking a little, "Master Wei, I don't have time to explain to you now, but this action is definitely not without reason."

Although Wei Subaru didn't fully understand it, he still came to his senses, "Master Fang, is that Mr. Zuo you mentioned related to what happened just now?"

Fang Zilan gritted her teeth and nodded, Wei Subaru asked, "Does Master Fang have a portrait of this person?"

"No." Fang Zilan's lips turned white, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead, "This Mr. Zuo is good at changing appearances. I don't know much about him, but I only know that he is a servant of the Yun family in Xiwu City. But I want Lord Wei to command The camp on the outskirts of Beijing has guarded the capital for many years, and there are some ways."

"Master Fang already looks like this, so don't compliment me any more." Wei Subaru's tone was somewhat helpless, and then he said firmly: "Please rest assured, Mr. Fang, I will definitely arrest that Mr. Zuo for you."

After saying that, he stood up and quietly left the hall while the imperial guards were detaining Di Rong's mission.

While dealing with the follow-up, Li Shengxuan gave Xia Houzhang a look.Xia Houzhang understood, and ordered the maid to help Fang Zilan to the side hall, and asked the imperial physician to come and treat her.

Mi Agu was nailed to the pillar and couldn't move. He watched Di Rong's delegation being detained, and Li Shengxuan walked towards him step by step, "Mi Agu, in the capital, you are not allowed to be presumptuous in front of me."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly pulled out the emperor's sword stuck in Miago's body, and blood gushed out.Miagu let out a muffled snort, and her right arm was crippled on the spot.

Everyone in the hall was silent, until this moment, they really realized——

Standing proudly in the center of the hall is their emperor, who was exiled from the battlefield since he was young.His bloody iron fist, strong and domineering, are engraved in his bones, and have never changed over the years.

"Put it down and keep it under strict supervision." Li Shengxuan didn't even bother to give Miagu a look, Xia Houzhang hesitated and said, "Your Majesty, Miagu's injury..."

"Just don't let him die." Li Shengxuan turned around and walked back to his emperor's throne, and then dismissed everyone, leaving only a few important officials to discuss matters, including Master Yuan, who also stayed behind.

Not long after Fang Zilan was helped to the side hall, Wen Ya came in a hurry.

When seeing the injury on her shoulder, Wen Ya couldn't help frowning, "How could it be so bad?"

"I didn't hurt any muscles or bones, it's just skin trauma, it just looks scary." Fang Zilan waved his hand, "I know it well..."

"Count?" Wen Ya snorted coldly, "Dare to ask Mr. Fang, do you know that you have been poisoned?"

Fang Zilan was stunned, and looked at the pieces of clothes that Wen Ya had cut out. As expected, the blood was black, which was obviously a sign of poisoning.

"I would like to ask you to fetch some water, and then inform His Majesty that Mi Agu's hidden weapon is poisonous, and Mr. Fang has been poisoned." Wen Ya casually dismissed the maid standing next to him, and he sighed softly after everyone had left. Said: "This poison is tricky, you are afraid that you will suffer a lot."

"This hidden weapon can't be hidden by ordinary people." Fang Zilan's expression was solemn, and Wen Ya reminded in a low voice: "Since this is the case, if you still want to poison, it can be seen that I have done something to kill you."

"It's not me." Fang Zilan's expression was gloomy, "It's Master Liao Yuan."

A look of astonishment flashed across Wen Ya's face. He walked in a hurry and only had time to ask about the situation. He thought that Miagu was no match for Fang Zilan, so he stabbed someone in the back, but he never thought it was...

"But why did Di Rong's department put Master Yuan to death?" Fang Zilan seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be asking Wen Ya.

"I don't know, I only know that you still have a stick of incense." Wen Ya cleaned her wound and said, "If you have any instructions, tell them as soon as possible. Otherwise, if the poison occurs, you will be unconscious for three days at least." Days, as many as..."

He didn't continue, Fang Zilan bit her lips tightly, "Mr. Wen, please tell me the truth, how serious is this poison?"

"If ordinary people are poisoned by this poison, they may not live for an hour." Wen Ya said as he gave her the medicine. She couldn't bear the pain and clenched her fingers tightly, so she didn't make a sound.

Seeing this, Wen Ya changed his voice almost abruptly, "Do you feel pain?"

Fang Zilan lowered her eyes and hummed inaudibly.

"Then I'm afraid it will be more difficult for you." Wen Ya's hands moved a little lighter, "The poison in your body will swallow this poison, but..."

Fang Zilan smiled self-deprecatingly, and interrupted him, "Mr. Wen doesn't have to worry about me, as long as it can shorten the duration of my coma, nothing else..."

As she spoke, she took a breath of air, "Mr. Wen, take it easy."

"Three days, this is the limit I can do." Wen Ya showed worry, "Although you have taken good care of yourself recently, you can't make up for the damage that has been lost over the years. I can't guarantee..."

"Mr. Wen just needs to do his best." Fang Zilan bit her tongue, trying to wake herself up, "Mr. Wen, please tell Mo Han secretly to keep an eye on Murong Qing, and..."

"Murong Qing?" Wen Ya repeated the name in doubt, but Fang Zilan rolled his eyes and passed out completely.

Wen Ya was stunned, thinking that Fang Zilan fell into a coma so soon, faster than he expected, it seems that this poisoning is not optimistic.

He didn't dare to be careless, and immediately applied acupuncture to protect Fang Zilan's heart veins, and then performed the detoxification method.

Wen Ya in this room was concentrating on it, while Li Shengxuan in that room frowned and was extremely serious.

At this time, the discussion in the hall was over, only Li Shengxuan and Master Yuan Yuan were left, so he said directly: "Master Lio Yuan, what do you think of today's events?"

Master Liao Yuan clasped his hands together, calmly said: "Amitabha, what happened today is all for the poor monk, I hope His Majesty is prepared."

Li Shengxuan remained silent, and Master Liaoyuan said to himself: "The poor monk thinks that he can afford the position of abbot of Baiye Temple, but others may not think so. In their eyes, the poor monk is a junior with shallow background and qualifications, not worthy of a high-ranking monk These four words are the best place to strike. Once the poor monk is dragged off the altar, it will be very difficult for His Majesty not to be criticized."

"Will you do it?" Li Shengxuan's voice was heavy, and Master Liao Yuan smiled, "No, but the tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop. Today is just the beginning, and disasters will inevitably follow in the future."

Li Shengxuan looked at the person in front of him steadily, his expression was so calm that he seemed to be talking about something irrelevant, which made his heart gradually settle down, "With me here, no one can drag you down from the altar."

 Li Shengxuan's daily routine—is everything handled properly?

(End of this chapter)

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