Don't ask where people go

Chapter 410 Confession

Chapter 410 Confession
Murong Qing sat up suddenly, and was about to call Meng Tingyang, when he saw him walk in, he saluted respectfully: "Your Majesty, Master Fang of the State of Yue invites you to go to the camp in the suburbs of Beijing."

Hearing that Murong Qing's pupils dilated suddenly, was it really that accidentally dropped jade pendant that attracted Fang Zilan?

He slowly got down from the bed, restrained his emotions and said in a low voice: "Understood, after I change my clothes, I will set off."

Meng Tingyang answered yes, turned and left.

At this time, Fang Zilan was in the camp on the outskirts of Beijing, looking at Mr. Zuo who was tied to the rack.Although she had no expression, her pale face, fluctuating breath, and slightly bowed body all revealed her weakness.

Sitting not far away, Wei Subaru said casually, "Lord Fang, the person you want is here now, so you should explain something clearly."

Fang Zilan cupped her hands and saluted, "Thank you, Mr. Wei."

Wei Subaru didn't speak, but he was very clear that she thanked her not only because she had caught someone, but also because the arrest had not alarmed the Ministry of Justice and the people in the court, it was like keeping a secret for her.He has never been interested in other people's secrets, but when it comes to Master Yuan...

"Mr. Zuo." Fang Zilan turned around and looked at the person in front of him. His forehead was wrinkled and his temples were white, but his eyes were clear and his face was neat. He had the handsome air of a Confucian scholar, but his hands...

Fang Zilan swept across the tiger's mouth on his right hand, the calluses on it were not from reading and writing, but from years of martial arts practice.

"Lord Fang, the winner and the loser, I have nothing to say now." Mr. Zuo looked calm and calm, as if the person under trial was not him.

"I haven't asked Mr., how do you know that Mr. has nothing to say?" Fang Zilan smiled lightly, and changed the voice, "I invited an old acquaintance of Mr. to see Mr. for the last time."

Mr. Zuo frowned slightly, and Fang Zilan said to himself: "Since Mr. Master decided to avenge Miss Yunshu, the daughter of Master Yun's daughter, and planned this matter, then Mr. Yun and Mr. Yun have a very close relationship. I just don't know Mr. Yunshu and Mrs. Yunshu." What is your relationship with your husband, the loyal son Murong Qing?"

Mr. Zuo wrote lightly: "It's just a nodding acquaintance, why should Master Fang gossip about innocent people?"

"Innocent people?" Fang Zilan repeated these four words, with a wider smile on his face, "Mr. Zuo, I will arrest you. Of course, I did some investigation beforehand. As far as I know, you are the half of the loyal son. a teacher?"

Mr. Zuo pursed his lips, and Fang Zilan continued: "You said that you wanted to use Master Yuan to worsen the relationship between Dajing and Di Rong's department, and use Dajing's hand to eradicate Di Rong's department. But no matter what Mi Agu did , or what the Persian mission said, all of them were aimed at Master Yuan. Isn’t your real purpose to use Master Yuan as a guide to disrupt the current situation in Dajing?"

"I have pleaded guilty, so why should Mr. Fang talk too much?" Mr. Zuo's face was indifferent.

"I haven't finished, Mr. Zuo is too impatient." Fang Zilan leaned over and coughed a few times, only to feel the pain all over his body, and squatted on the ground involuntarily.

Wei Subaru brought a glass of water to her hand, and said in a low voice, "Master Fang, you are here now, so you don't need to be in a hurry."

"It's okay..." Fang Zilan took a sip of water, calmed his breath, then stood up supported by Wei Subaru, and said word by word: "If the capital is chaotic, who will benefit? Mr. Zuo will never tell me that it is Di Rong." department?"

Wei Subaru heard her overtones, but he was dubious about her accusation against Miluo.Not to mention that Murong Qing, the eldest son of Zhongzheng, is now a hostage in Dajing, so he dare not act rashly.Let's say he is young, how can he have the courage to participate in such a plan?

Once the incident happened, Murong Qing would inevitably die, and his family members in Miluo Kingdom would be implicated.The Miluo royal family was afraid of his father, King Zhongzheng, but the suppression was not enough, and there was no reason to eradicate him completely. Didn’t he give the Miluo royal family a good reason by doing so?

The corners of Mr. Zuo's lips curled slightly, and he said unhurriedly: "This matter was planned by me. Now that it has been revealed, I can only let Mr. Fang say what he says. As long as Mr. Fang has evidence, please tell me your majesty. The king's question is, why bother to hold such an insignificant person like me?"

Fang Zilan's complexion turned pale, but there was a hint of sternness in her eyes, but before she could open her mouth, Mr. Zuo said leisurely: "Could it be that Mr. Fang has no evidence at all, so he wants to ask me for a little bit? It's a pity, although I am not What a hard bone, but as a Miluo person, there is absolutely no reason to build up a family and a country out of thin air."

"It seems that Mr. Zuo is determined not to speak?" Fang Zilan's expression turned cold, but Wei Subaru's subordinates reported that Murong Qing had come.

It really came at the right time, Wei Subaru waved someone to invite Murong Qing in, only to see that he was surprised, "Mr. Zuo, why are you here?"

"I've met my lord." Mr. Zuo was tightly bound, and he greeted him verbally, which was regarded as a courtesy.

"Master Fang." Murong Qing turned to Fang Zilan, full of shock and anger, "You invited me here to meet Mr. Zuo? But what did he do wrong that you put him here?"

"Your Majesty, don't get angry." Fang Zilan's body was very weak, and cold sweat broke out on his head, but he still held his posture and said: "Mr. Zuo has ulterior motives and intends to worsen the relationship between Dajing and Di Rong's department. I invite you to come, Just make it clear."

"What's the point?" Murong Qing burst into tears, his eyes were red, and he looked more and more pitiful.

"Mr. Zuo is from Miluo, and I heard that he is still half a teacher." Fang Zilan clenched his hands hidden in his sleeves into fists, pretending to be calm and said lightly: "If you don't make it clear, others will think that he is a substitute. The son plotted?"

"Master Fang, what did you say?" Murong Qing suddenly took a step back, shook his head and said, "I...I didn't!"

He yelled the last word hoarsely, and as soon as he uttered it, he seemed to have been drained of all his strength, and fell straight to the ground, his eyes were blank, and he repeated in a low voice: "No... I didn't..."

Seeing this, Wei Subaru couldn't help reminding: "Lord Fang, the status of a loyal son is precious..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Mr. Zuo, "What is Mr. Fang doing, blackmailing me with his son? It really opened my eyes."

He said with a sneer, "Miagu hurt Lord Fang in full view. Not only did you not send troops to Dirong, but you also spared Miago's life. You only passed on the letter of credence for accountability. If there were no other secrets. You are cowardly and incompetent. Instead of questioning your Majesty, Mr. Fang vented his anger on my Miluo son, what is the reason for that?"

Murong Qing was startled, and realized that Mr. Zuo was reminding him that Dajing is now powerless to fight, not to mention against Miluo, even the small Di Rong's department cannot afford to fight.

It turned out that this was the deep meaning of Mr. Zuo's situation. In addition to disrupting the current situation in Dajing, he also tested Dajing's combat power.

If Dajing still has the power to fight, he can only plan it slowly.But if Dajing is no longer able to fight, and then take advantage of Master Yuan's affairs to mess up for a few years, then there is nothing to fear.

"Until now, Mr. Zuo still doesn't forget to sow discord, it's really a good plan." Fang Zilan snorted coldly, walked towards Murong Qing who was sitting on the ground, who seemed to have been frightened, and took out a dagger, "Such a vicious person, If the son has nothing to do with him, kill him with your own hands."

 After Mr. Zuo pleaded guilty——

  Murong Qing: Fang Zilan, don't bully me too much!

  Fang Zilan: Your Majesty is no longer pretending to be a weak little lamb?

  Murong Qing: ...weak, helpless and pitiful

(End of this chapter)

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