Don't ask where people go

Chapter 413 Debate

Chapter 413 Debate
On the first day of the new year, Fang Zilan went out early, without riding a horse or driving a car, but mixed with the crowd going to Baiye Temple, and walked to the venue for the debate.Behind her were Mo Han, Zheng Yan, A Wan, Xiao Xuan'er, and Cong Rong. Everyone looked forward to it.

On the way, everyone saw the honorable car of Master Nuoan from Persia, which was actually placed on an elephant, and the surrounding attendants threw fragrant flowers all the way, causing the crowd to sigh the grandeur of this Persian mage.

"If you lose such a grand occasion, it might not look good." The sudden words, like a stone falling into the sea among the bustling crowd, did not cause any waves.

However, Fang Zilan heard it in his ears, and looked over to the owner of the voice, it was Zhuge Yu.

"Sister Lan is well." Zhuge Yu met Zi Lan's gaze above him, nodded his head far away, greeted him, and then disappeared into the crowd with his attendants.

"Lord Zhuge has quite a lot of confidence in Master Yuan." Xiao Xuan'er said with emotion, Fang Zilan's expression became a little dignified, "I don't think so."

Based on her understanding of Zhuge Yu, she always makes decisions before acting, and accomplishes things quietly, rather than speaking harsh words.Being so uncharacteristically uncharacteristic, I'm afraid my heart may not be at peace.

Speaking of which, Li Shengxuan is really stable. Ever since Master Liaoyuan agreed to discuss the law, he responded positively. He also ordered the Ministry of Accounts to take money, and arranged for the Ministry of Rites to help entertain and arrange. I was worried that Master Yuan would lose.

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan stood in the crowd, looking at the golden emperor. Now that Li Shengxuan came to Baiye Temple in person, Master Liao Yuan, as the face of the national temple, had to hold on, so he could only win but not lose.

Following the exclamation of the crowd, Fang Zilan turned around and looked over, only to see an old monk with white eyebrows and beard walking forward with a Zen staff in his hand. The treasure was solemn and exuded an indescribably peaceful and peaceful atmosphere. It was Zhongling Temple The lamp master.

"Master Burning Lamp is a genuine eminent monk, all monsters and ghosts have to appear in front of him!"

"Genuine, how can someone describe a master like that?"

"Hey, don't tell me, the last time Master Randeng came to Beijing was when Emperor Tai'an came to the throne. I heard that he came for the big everlasting lantern in the palace. After that, he has been in Zhongling Temple and hasn't left the mountain for many years."

"It is said that the former abbot of Baiye Temple has never invited Master Randeng. It is really strange that he would come to Beijing for such a young monk as Master Yuan."

"What's strange, you didn't see even the mages from Persia coming."


Everyone was chattering, and Fang Zilan frowned involuntarily as he listened to the bits and pieces.

She has never listened to Master Yuan's lectures, let alone debates on Taoism, so she doesn't know how he got the title of eminent monk.

But Mo Han reminded her earlier that she more or less guessed that Master Yuan's succession as abbot of Baiye Temple had something to do with Li Shengxuan's position.Once it is contaminated with power and becomes a bargaining chip to manipulate people's hearts, it is hard to say how much the four words of the Taoist monk are.

"They're all ignorant young people who haven't seen the world..." A sigh reached Fang Zilan's ears through the crowd, which cheered her up—the voice was full of vibes, and the speaker was a master.

So she turned around and walked out against the crowd. Seeing this, Zheng Yan told the others not to walk indiscriminately, so as not to get hurt by being trampled by the crowd, and then hurriedly followed.

Fang Zilan walked outside the crowd and saw an old man sitting under a big tree, most of his face was covered by messy white hair, and the rest was hidden under the shade of the tree, so he couldn't see clearly.His clothes were in tatters, and the bamboo pole next to his hand was also cracked. He obviously looked like a beggar, without the temperament of a master.

However, Fang Zilan walked up to the old man respectfully, knelt down and said politely: "Old man, what do you mean by what you just said?"

The old man squinted his eyes, and his eyes flashed, "Oh, you little girl is interesting, you can actually listen to what I, a bad old man, say."

"The old man's reputation is too high." Fang Zilan waved his hand, "I also ask the old man to give me some advice."

"That's what happened when Emperor Ning Shun was in power." The old man raised his face, his white hair parted a bit, revealing his clear eyes, looking at the lush greenery above his head, he seemed to be lost in reminiscence.

The debate among the crowd had already started, but Fang Zilan didn't seem to care about it, but just looked at the old man in front of him steadfastly—his eyes did not have the cloudiness of an old man, but the clarity of a young man.

Her intuition told her that this old man was unusual, he must know something.

"The second son of Zhuge back then was really amazingly talented. Not only was his calligraphy first-rate, but his eloquence was even better. He had never lost in debates." Master Yi Nian was full of praise for him, and Master Yi Nian, after talking with him, once said that if this son converts, there will be someone who succeeds Zen Buddhism, and Baiye Temple will live up to the name of the national temple."

"What?" A look of shock flashed across Fang Zilan's face, "Old man, who is Master Yi Nian?"

"The original abbot of Baiye Temple, his master." The old man said and looked towards the noisy crowd. Fang Zilan followed his gaze and saw Master Liaoyuan standing in the center at a glance.

The white robe is plain and spotless.The red cassock was like fire, which made his eyebrows and eyes more delicate, but there was no enchanting smoke and fire, but an inexplicable solemnity.

"The iron-blooded man who fights on the battlefield has always had today but no tomorrow. If he can see through life and death in the world of mortals, who else can match him?" Can an old monk with wood carvings and clay sculptures sit empty-handed, be called an eminent monk just by chanting sutras at the assembly meeting at his age? It’s really ridiculous.”

"Old man..." Fang Zilan was interrupted by the old man as soon as he opened his mouth, "A heart of compassion and a heart full of pity for the world, how could it have fallen to where it is today? If Master Yi Nian saw it, would he regret it at the beginning? He shaved?"

"Old man, you have said that Master Yuan is amazingly talented, not someone who has a reputation for nothing." Fang Zilan said with a firm expression: "In this case, no matter how far he has come, I believe he can break through."

"Good girl..." The old man's eyes suddenly turned red, "I...I just feel that it's a pity that such a good person has to suffer so much? Girl, take a good look at it. will be remembered."

Fang Zilan stood up, looking back, the master Yuan Yuan among the monks was like the rising sun, talking and laughing freely, writing calmly, but...

When everyone saw the words on the paper, they all whispered.Compared with other eminent monks, the well-regulated characters are indeed much inferior. Although the debate is not based on words, such words...

"Look at Master Yuan's hand!" Someone in the crowd suddenly yelled, Fang Zilan's lips were drawn into a straight line, and she watched as Master Yuan rolled up the sleeves of his robe for the convenience of writing, revealing the hideous scar on his arm .

The old man looked at Master Yuan's calm expression, and murmured: "Have you let go?"

Fang Zilan stood outside the crowd and heard the debate clearly.From the Buddha cutting the meat to feed the eagle to holding flowers and laughing, Master Liao Yuan talked eloquently, and every word was pearls, and Master Diengdeng seldom spoke, his face was full of praise and comfort.

Seeing that the debate was coming to an end, she turned her head and looked under the tree. The old man had left at some point, but the words he repeated like ravings lingered in her ears for a long time.

The old man said he was worth it.

 In the past, the handsome young man who was astonishingly talented is now a graceful and eminent monk who discusses Taoism and law.Either way, he deserves to be remembered.

  Li Shengxuan: For some reason, I suddenly thought of Zhuge Erlang, who was the most powerful man in the capital in those days.Ah Jun, will you miss it?

(End of this chapter)

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