Chapter 418 Visit
After Fang Zilan came out of the imperial study, she met Qiushui in the imperial garden, and saw her hurrying, as if she had something urgent to do.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't help calling her, "Miss Qiushui."

Qiu Shui looked towards Fang Zilan's direction when he heard the voice, and immediately saluted, "Master Fang is well."

A look of guilt flashed in Fang Zilan's eyes, and she lowered her voice and said, "Miss Qiushui, about your second lady..."

She didn't continue, Qiu Shui pursed her lips, and said clearly: "The Empress already knows. Please don't blame yourself, Mr. Fang, this matter is beyond your control."

"I..." Fang Zilan opened his mouth and swallowed back what he was going to say.What's the use of talking about things that can't be done?

Qiu Shui resigned respectfully, Fang Zilan looked at her back, but what Li Shengxuan said just now, he said that even if someone wanted her to die, he would do his best to protect her.

Why didn't she think so at the beginning?She thought that with the honor of the Fang family's Prime Minister, Fang Ziqin's dignity as a queen, and her status as the Duke of Yue, it would not be difficult to keep Fang Zitong married to a good man, but what about now?

Even if it is Li Shengxuan, the uninhabited peak standing above the crowd, can it be preserved?Wasn't it impossible to fight for justice for her during the New Year's social drama?
Fang Zilan raised her hands and gathered her sleeves, the weather was getting hotter, but she could only feel an indescribable chill spreading from the palace city, soaking her whole heart.

"Sister Lan?" Fang Zilan's thoughts were interrupted by Qingrun's voice, she turned her head and saw that it was Zhuge Yu.

"Ayu, why are you here?" Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and Zhuge Yu couldn't help but chuckle when she asked subconsciously, "I should ask Sister Lan about this. Today is not a routine entry into the palace by various government offices. On the day of the official report, why is Sister Lan here?"

"Your Majesty's call, I have no choice but to come." Fang Zilan shrugged, Zhuge Yu smiled, "I have heard about the flower fair yesterday and what happened in front of your house just now."

Fang Zilan looked at him steadfastly, and said in a deep voice, "Are you also here to persuade me not to meddle in my own business?"

Zhuge Yu was silent for a while, and then said: "I'll go out of the palace with Sister Lan."

Fang Zilan's lack of answer was regarded as acquiescence, and the two walked out of the palace one after the other. When they were about to part ways, Fang Zilan said suddenly: "Ayu, you saved me before, and I haven't thanked you yet."

Zhuge Yu stopped in his tracks, frowned slightly and said, "What?"

"If Ah Yu and Mr. Wen hadn't happened to pass by that day and rescued me who was unconscious, I'm afraid I might not be able to stand here properly." Fang Zilan's expression became more alienated, and Zhuge Yu said calmly: "Sister Lan You're welcome, if you want to thank, you should thank Mr. Wen."

"That day..." Fang Zilan was a little hesitant, Zhuge Yu said first: "Mr. Wen was seeing my grandfather that day, and he saw Sister Lan on the way back, so I can't ignore it."

Fang Zilan knew that even if Zhuge Yu had doubts in his heart, he would not show it to her, so he said smoothly, "I don't know how your grandfather is doing, Ayu? Speaking of which, I have never visited his old man's house, it is really rude. "

"Sister Lao Lan is thinking about it." Zhuge Yu said quietly: "Grandfather is in good health now, if sister Ruo Lan wants to visit, she can visit anytime."

"In this case, choosing a day is worse than bumping into it. How about today?" Fang Zilan blurted out, Zhuge Yu was startled, and then nodded in agreement.

The reason why Fang Zilan said so suddenly that he was going to Zhuge Yu's house as a guest was because he didn't want to go back home.She was worried that Pei Poming's wife was still pestering her in front of her house. If so, with her current emotions, she might not be able to stabilize herself, and it was unknown what outrageous things she would do.

However, what Mo Han said is right, her foundation is unstable and she cannot make too many enemies.Now that Pei Juanqing and Fang Zitong's marriage is a certainty, if she still has an argument with Pei, it will be more harm than good.Not to mention the empress dowager in the palace...

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan felt an indescribable headache and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Sister Lan?" Zhuge Yu looked at her rather amusedly. She sighed and sighed with many worries along the way. How can the high-ranking people in Dajing be so depressed?

"Ayu, what did you say?" Fang Zilan asked absent-mindedly, Zhuge Yu began to tease her, and deliberately said solemnly: "I said Sister Lan, although my grandfather has not woken up and can't see you, but you can't Are you so disappointed? In the same capital, there will always be opportunities."

"It's okay." Fang Zilan waved her hand, "If that's the case, then I'll visit you another day."

After she said that, her whole body relaxed without the tension of visiting the elders.However, just as she stood up, thinking of Pei Poming's wife, she sat back down again, "Ayu, do you mind if I have a cup of tea with you before leaving?"

Zhuge Yu coughed lightly and covered his smile, "Sister Lan, aren't you worried about Mrs. Pei?"

Fang Zilan was told what was on his mind, so he simply didn't hide it, and complained: "I'm afraid of her. She is a member of the official family, and I don't want to embarrass her too much, but..."

The following words were replaced by her sigh, Zhuge Yu smiled and said: "Sister Lan, it's rare to see you in such a difficult situation."

"I know that these things are not Mrs. Pei's idea, even if I borrow her 1 courage, she will not dare to make trouble with Mr. Pei." Fang Zilan said in one breath: "However, I can't touch the real master behind her, let alone Take her as a weak girl to vent my anger, I..."

Zhuge Yu couldn't help laughing, Fang Zilan frowned, "Ayu, don't laugh at me."

"Okay." Zhuge Yu restrained a little, but the corners of his lips still curled into a beautiful arc, "If Sister Lan feels better, then follow me to see my grandfather."

"What?" Fang Zilan's eyes widened, and she reacted suddenly, "Ayu, you actually teased me!"

Zhuge Yu's face was full of innocence, Fang Zilan had no choice but to hit him, but he dodged it with a smile on his face.

"Ayu, you..." Fang Zilan was interrupted by a stern voice as soon as she opened her mouth, "Where did this girl come from to be so rude?"

Zhuge Yu's heart tightened, and he hurriedly saluted, "Grandfather, this is Mr. Fang, the Duke of Yue that I mentioned to you."

Fang Zilan turned around, before he could see Zhuge Yu's grandfather's face clearly, he bowed, "Your Fang Zilan, I have met Lord Zhuge."

"You..." Zhuge Yu's grandfather's tone was full of forbearance, "Raise your head up so I can see clearly."

Fang Zilan felt very strange, but still raised his head, and met Zhuge Yu's grandfather's gaze, seeing the shock and astonishment in his eyes exactly, "Master Zhuge..."

"Master Fang and A Yu have a very good friendship, I've also heard about it." Zhuge Yu's grandfather cut her off unceremoniously, "However, Mr. Fang's status is noble and his words and deeds are unruly, I'm afraid it's not A Yu who can stand up to him. My Meaning, Master Fang, do you understand?"

Fang Zilan took a deep breath. Although she didn't know why Zhuge Yu's grandfather was hostile to her, she still nodded and said: "I understand. Thank you Lord Zhuge for your advice, I will take my leave now."

 Fang Zilan: I still don't want to go out in the third day of junior high school, everything is going wrong...

(End of this chapter)

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