Chapter 442 Help
Fang Zilan was slightly stunned, watching Fang Zitong stand still in front of everyone.I haven't seen her for a while, she seems to have lost a lot of weight, and even looks haggard. Is she doing well in Pei's house?

Words of concern were on his lips, but he couldn't utter them. In the end, what was left was a polite greeting, "Mrs. Pei is well."

Fang Zitong pursed her lips, and glanced at the boy kneeling in the hall, "I know you, you haven't been in the mansion for less than a year, yet you are so daring to act recklessly, daring to take someone away under the guise of your second brother?"

After she finished speaking, Pei Poming felt at ease. With his sister-in-law by his side, things would be much easier.He had long heard that the Fang family had some friendship with the Duke of Yue, and that Fang Lihui often went to the Duke of Yue's mansion, so he thought that Fang Zilan would not embarrass him anymore.

Fang Zilan looked at Fang Zitong thoughtfully, and said in a low voice: "Mrs. Pei, my younger brother has entrusted this person to my disposal. It doesn't matter to me whether he has been in Pei's residence for a year or ten years."

She paused as she spoke, with a stern look in her eyes, "Whoever dares to touch me, it's not too much to let him take off a layer of skin."

"Since the second brother has agreed, I shouldn't say anything more. But today, Mr. Xu is here, and the Jingzhao Yin Mansion must be a witness." Fang Zitong looked at Xu Youtong, "Mr. Xu, for Pei's sake, This matter is over with this little guy, you take him back to plead guilty and put him in prison, and deal with it according to what you want to do afterwards."

Her words sounded like pleading at first glance, but in fact they were a slap in the face.Originally, the young man kept his mouth shut, even if Fang Zilan and Xu You were both suspicious, there was no evidence, but after her hints and provocations in a few words, the young man might not be able to hold his breath.

Sure enough, the young servant's face turned pale, and he kowtowed like garlic, "Master Xu, I didn't kidnap anyone! Master Fang, I didn't kidnap this girl from your house..."

Pei Poming's expression suddenly changed, and he scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

"I'm not talking nonsense!" The servant shouted, "If you two don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Pei's new concubine. She cried and went blind after only one month in the house..."

"Shut up!" Pei Poming panicked, and said indiscriminately: "You dare to slander me with lies? You try to say a little more, and I will let your family..."

"No wonder he pleaded guilty so quickly. It turned out that Mr. Pei took advantage of his family and had to be a scapegoat." Fang Zilan said suddenly, speaking quite yin and yang.

Pei Poming hurriedly fell silent, but Xu You said, "I remember that a family did come to Jing Zhaoyin's residence to sue Mr. Pei last month, but for some reason, they withdrew the lawsuit later."

"Xu Youtong, you actually help those troublemakers to bully me!" Pei Poming's eyes widened, furious, and what he said was a little aggrieved.

Fang Zilan couldn't help laughing, "Master Pei, you should say a few words less."

Pei Poming gasped, only to realize that no one in the hall helped him, not even Fang Zitong...

By the way, Fang Zitong!Pei Poming looked at Fang Zitong like a savior, "Sister-in-law, I..."

"People say that family ugliness should not be publicized, but the matter has come to this point, and I can't cover it up." Fang Zitong sighed helplessly, and said with a salute: "Mr. It's not good for a housewife to participate in it, so I ask the two of you to make up your mind and do whatever you want."

As soon as the four words of the criminal case law came out, it was tantamount to directly accusing Pei Poming of the crime. He finally came to his senses and jumped his feet angrily, "Fang Zitong, how dare go and ask the elder brother to come out..."

"My husband is not feeling well, that's why I was sent here." Fang Zitong cut off his words, and said indifferently: "Second brother, don't mess around. I believe that Master Fang and Master Xu are here, and you will always be innocent."

She raised her eyebrows with an indescribable sarcasm in her expression.Pei Poming wanted to curse, but was detained by Xu Youtong's subordinates.

"Master Pei, please." Xu Youtong said politely, but Pei Poming lost all momentum in an instant, "No, Master Xu, it was all a misunderstanding, you..."

"Master Pei, you might as well go to Jingzhao Yin's Mansion to talk about it." Xu Youtong said seriously: "At that time, Mr. Pei will have a lot of opportunities to defend himself."

"Xu Youtong, you are a little official of the Jingzhao government..." Pei Poming was stopped by Fang Zilan as soon as he spoke, "The official of the Jingzhao government is an official of the imperial court. Master Pei is so disrespectful, but it is a serious crime." waited."

Pei Poming wanted to say something more, but when he met Zi Lan's cold eyes above him, he couldn't say anything.

Xu Youtong acted very quickly, and with Fang Zilan and Zheng Yan helping, and Fang Zitong's deliberate reminder, within half an hour he got a group of witnesses from Pei's residence and returned to Jingzhaoyin's residence.

When Pei Juanqing heard the news, it was too late to stop him. His expression was terribly gloomy, "Where's Madam? Ask her to come see me!"

"Husband looking for me?" Fang Zitong stepped into the study, Pei Juanqing stared at her closely, "Why do you want to help Fang Zilan and Xu Youtong?"

Fang Zitong straightened his sleeves, and said casually: "Does the second younger brother cause too many troubles? If he continues to indulge, I'm afraid the entire Pei family will be dragged down by him."

"Xu Youtong is appointed by His Majesty as the governor of Jingzhao Prefecture, and he doesn't belong to any camp. If Poming falls into his hands, what good can it do?" Pei Juanqing said coldly: "Or, you just want to watch him have an accident, so that you can let him go." The entire Pei family can't lift their heads?"

Fang Zitong laughed softly, "What happened? If Mrs. Pei can't even protect him, what kind of Nine Dukes..."

"Fang Zitong!" Pei Juanqing walked in front of her and firmly grasped her wrist, "Don't be arrogant because of favor."

Fang Zitong raised her red lips, showing a charming smile, "Husband, do you pet me?"

As she spoke, she slowly raised her hand, revealing an arm between the slipped sleeves, and there was a red mark on her delicate and fair skin.

Pei Juanqing snorted coldly and shook her off, "Fang Zitong, if you can't keep yourself safe, don't blame me for being ruthless."

"Understood." Fang Zitong stood still, with the same smile on his face, "Husband, let's think about how to tell mother."

Pei Juanqing's expression froze, Fang Zitong accepted it when she saw a good deal, saluted, turned and retreated.

It took her several months to set up this situation. Xu Youtong and Fang Zilan should not let her down.

Pei Juanqing used her to control the Fang family, so couldn't she use Pei Poming to control the Pei family?She wanted to see how brotherly Pei Juanqing and Pei Poming were?How much mother-child affection does Pei Poming's old lady have for Pei Poming?
Fang Zitong thought so, and took Dongxue to the backyard.After walking a few steps, there was a burst of crying and howling. Pei Poming's wife brought a few concubines with backgrounds and knelt down in the old lady's courtyard.

"Miss, are we going there?" Dong Xue looked at Fang Zitong cautiously, with obvious worry in her eyes.

"I've invited An Du, who should be invited, what are you going to do?" Fang Zitong looked cold, "The weather is fine today, let's go and see Chang'er."

"Miss, the Empress Empress..." Dong Xuefu was glared at by Fang Zitong as soon as she opened her mouth. She bit her lip and swallowed the rest of the words.

After a long time, Fang Zitong said quietly: "Go find a girl who looks familiar to Qiushui to enter the palace for me to pay my respects, and just say that everything is fine with me."

 Fang Zitong: I was too busy to help, I helped everything I could, I hope Fang Zilan won't make me hate her this time...

(End of this chapter)

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