Don't ask where people go

Chapter 444 Revision

Chapter 444 Revision
In the next few days, Fang Zilan took time to accompany Cong Rong to Jingzhao Yin's Mansion to testify, and also attended the interrogation of Pei Poming and his subordinates. During this period, Pei Juanqing never showed up, and Pei's family did not interfere, which made her feel a little strange.

Ji Ningtian asked Awan to call her back, saying that Pei Juqing intended to make Pei Poming suffer, but at least she would keep him, and asked her to look after Xu Youtong, and to intervene at critical times to sell Pei's favor.

When A Wan said these words, she was very strict, for fear of saying a word wrong.

Fang Zilan had no expression on her face, and asked: "I forgot to ask you, when you told your son that there was a fraud in the Mid-Autumn Palace banquet, what was his reaction?"

"No reaction." A Wan thought for a while, and added: "Young master has always been happy and angry, and I can't see it."

"Then when you entered Hong'an Pavilion, did you see anyone else?" Fang Zilan frowned slightly, and Awan shook her head and said, "No."

"Fang Zilan, what's the matter with you?" A Wan looked curious, Fang Zilan said softly: "It's nothing. I was just thinking, as far as the young master is concerned, I am already quite restless, why would he still ask me to sell Pei's favor?" ?”

A Wan curled her lips, "Why else, the young master has some affection for you, but it depends on whether you appreciate it or not."

"I don't think so." Fang Zilan's eyes dimmed, "There are chess pieces he can use in the Pei family, Pei Poming..."

She didn't go on, feeling a little puzzled in her heart. Pei Poming didn't seem to be playing a good game of chess, and his only purpose was to blackmail Mrs. Pei.But Pei Juanqing's reluctance to show up shows that Pei Poming doesn't hold that much weight in his mind.One day, if there is a need to weigh the pros and cons, it is unknown whether he will give up Pei Poming.

"Sister Lan." Mo Han's voice came from outside the door, and A Wan picked up the empty medicine bowl and left.

"What's the matter?" Fang Zilan raised her hand and frowned slightly. She was prone to sleepiness after taking the medicine, and her condition was not very good.

"Master Zou Hongqi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, has been summoned into the palace." Before Mo Han finished speaking, Fang Zilan was taken aback. "The case of Pei Poming has not been transferred to the Ministry of Punishment. What is His Majesty summoning Lord Zou suddenly?"

Mo Han asked instead, "Sister Lan, do you still remember the fact that Master Wu Sheng was transferred to the Criminal Ministry to revise the law?"

"Of course I remember." Fang Zilan reacted suddenly, "Is it related to the law revised by Master Wu?"

"That's right." Mo Han nodded, "After Mr. Wu was assassinated and died, all his official duties were handed over to Mr. Gu Yuan. In addition, Mr. Pei Poming was imprisoned in Jingzhao Yin's Mansion, and the matter of amending the law was left to Mr. Gu Yuan." This Master Gu is in charge."

"I've also heard about this matter." Fang Zilan nodded and said, "I heard that the draft was handed in yesterday, and the result will be so soon?"

Mo Han explained: "I'm not very clear about the specific situation, but I just went out and listened to the private discussion of the young servants of the Su family, talking about the new draft."

"The Su family?" Fang Zilan thoughtfully said, "The Yushitai has always been well-informed, what have you heard?"

"I heard that in the draft, it is expressly forbidden to buy and sell orphans and widows. Once found out, it will be a severe punishment." Mo Han said in a slightly lower voice, "Not only that, but also require a sum of money from aristocratic families to support orphans and widows every year. To do otherwise is to be guilty."

Fang Zilan wondered: "It sounds like a good thing, but I always feel that something is wrong..."

Mo Han gave a rare cold snort, and said: "It's really not right. After the confession of the girl, I carefully studied the laws of Dajing, and found that the definition of orphans and widows is very vague, and the regulations can't stand scrutiny. For example, the queen in the palace The Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager are widows according to widowhood. But when they are widowed, they have grown-up children, so they are not considered widows, and no one will force them to do anything.”

Fang Zilan asked subconsciously: "Is there any provision in the law for this situation?"

"No." Mo Han said helplessly: "So in many places, even if they have grown children when they lose their husbands, they will still be forced to set up memorial archways to observe festivals, or even be bought and sold. The reason is fame and money."

He paused, then continued: "For aristocratic families, if a woman has a strong status and background, she is not bound by the widow, and there are loopholes in the law that can be exploited, such as the empress dowager, the empress dowager, and many old ladies. For For wealthy families, orphans and widowed mothers without prominent status can reflect their reputation, so it is not uncommon to set up memorial archways to observe festivals. As for poor families, they only make ends meet, and business is the way to survive."

Fang Zilan understood a little bit, and Mo Han said to himself: "Dajing does not allow remarriage, so if the law is revised like this, no matter if it is a wealthy family or a poor family, they will all attack it."

Fang Zilan understood completely, and took a breath, "The former could have retired without spending a penny, or gained a good reputation even if he spent money, but now he is forced to pay for other people's worries. Willing. And even if the money is paid, it is still unknown where the money will go, and the latter must feel cut off from their way of life and grit their teeth with hatred."

"When the system is not perfect and there is no guarantee, changing the situation rashly and violating the interests of those with vested interests will inevitably lead to no good results." Mo Han looked fierce, "I really don't know whether Mr. Gu from the Ministry of Punishment is naive, or Stupid."

"Did Mr. Zou, Secretary of the Ministry of Justice, read Mr. Gu's draft?" Fang Zilan clenched her fingers. Although she didn't have much contact with Zou Hongqi, she could tell that he was not only not confused, but also extremely sensitive.What Mo Han can think clearly, he has been in charge of the Ministry of Punishment for many years and knows the law like the back of his hand, so it is impossible not to see it.

"I probably haven't read it." Mo Han lowered his eyes and said: "Before Lord Wu Sheng was transferred, His Majesty gave a special permission to several officials who amended the law, and the papers can be directly submitted to the palace."

He hesitated for a moment before saying: "I just don't know, whether His Majesty discovered something wrong when he summoned Lord Zou to enter the palace, and wanted to raise a teacher to question him, or ask him to give his advice as a reference..."

"Mo Han." Fang Zilan interrupted him, "No matter what they want to do, you can't get involved, you know?"

"Sister Lan, what are you talking about?" Mo Han looked at the person in front of her firmly, and she said word by word: "Your Majesty, Zou Hongqi, Gu Yuan, and even other people in the court, or the old Su Heng who is far away in the sky?" Sir, what they do is their business, not yours."

Mo Han opened his mouth, and Fang Zilan's tone was full of irrefutable words, "I know what you want to say, but I don't agree. Wu Sheng has already folded in. This pool of water is far deeper than what you and I saw."

"Sister Lan, the law is the foundation of a country. If someone plots to do something wrong, chaos is imminent." As if afraid of being blocked again, Mo Han spoke quickly, but every sentence was very safe, as if after careful consideration.

Fang Zilan was silent, and Mo Han took the opportunity to continue, "Once the chaos breaks out, Sister Lan, you will inevitably be involved in it, and I will not be able to be alone at that time. If this is the case, why don't you try it once? Where you and I came from, the law It can't be called perfect, but at least it's much better than the current Dajing, not to mention that these are my strengths..."

Fang Zilan didn't listen to what was said later, she stared blankly at Mo Han.Once upon a time, the young man with soft brows and eyes has also grown edges and corners, sharp without hiding his edge, sticking to his principles and beliefs, and never backing down.

 Cousin Mo Han has always been a gentle and strong person, and he usually keeps his emotions secret. In fact, he is also guarding her in his own way.
(End of this chapter)

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