Chapter 454
Fang Zilan took a deep breath, and said after a while: "Yes, go and invite Fang Lihui, I have something to say to him."

"Master Fang..." Ah Shi wanted to say something, but Fang Zilan cut him off, "Ah Yes, no matter what you do after today, I have to clarify some things with Fang Lihui."

Ah Shi was silent for a while, then nodded and said: "I understand, please wait a moment, Mr. Fang."

After saying that, he got up and walked out, but he came back after a while, followed by Fang Lihui.

Fang Lihui shook his folding fan lightly, still looking cynical and carefree, "Master Fang is looking for me?"

Fang Zilan raised his eyebrows, and Fang Lihui smiled slightly, "Master Fang is following behind. I heard the news and naturally came to share my worries."

"It's all settled?" Fang Zilan asked casually, but Fang Lihui still smiled, "People in the palace are thin-skinned, so they can't follow in, just don't worry, Master Fang."

Fang Zilan was noncommittal, Fang Lihui sat down, and said without concealment: "It seems that Ah Shi has already talked to Mr. Fang."

"It's all said." Fang Zilan's attitude was straightforward, Fang Lihui put away the folding fan, and smiled, "Ah, this kid is really amazing."

"Fang Lihui, Cong Rong is in my hand." Fang Zilan said quietly: "And the jade pendant that Fang Yuhan gave Cong Rong, which symbolizes status, is also in my hand.

Fang Lihui chuckled, "Master Fang is blackmailing me?"

"Although the case from seven years ago is a bit old, but as long as you are willing to investigate, you can always find something." Fang Zilan raised his hand to take the tea cup on the case, and took a sip, "However, there are some things that I have the same as you. I don’t want to be turned over.”

Fang Lihui took a brand new teacup from the side, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea, the tea surface in the cup shook a little with his wrist, "Master Fang has heard what Ah Shi said, I wonder if I would like to listen to it again My words?"

Fang Zilan didn't say a word, as if acquiescing, Fang Lihui continued on his own, "The Fang family was really not a good businessman in the previous dynasty, and it was common to force the opponent to death and buy the government by tricks."

He smiled as he spoke, with a slightly indifferent expression, "Later, the prime minister's uncle entered the officialdom, and the Fang family had accumulated some money, so their methods gradually improved. Unfortunately, the good times didn't last long. The dynasty changed, and the prime minister's uncle stood on the cusp of the storm, so the Fang family was afraid of being implicated, so they settled down a bit."

"On the cusp?" Fang Zilan couldn't help but say, Fang Lihui passed by, "It's just a few more words for others for the sake of the previous court. Although it's not a big deal, the elders of the Fang family still have a heart There are relatives who are afraid that the past will be revealed, so the Fang family's business has been sluggish in those years. When my cousin Fang Liren succeeds the head of the family, it will be a mess."

Fang Zilan's fingers brushed the wall of the lamp unconsciously, and Fang Lihui sighed softly, "Seeing my cousin's hard work, I took the initiative to ask Ying to go back to Jiangnan's home, in an attempt to take care of Jiangnan's business for him. But after I went back, I found out that the accounts had been stolen. After doing tricks, the business is already struggling to make ends meet.”

He paused, and said quietly: "I designed the mother in charge of the Yanhong Pavilion, and forced her to transfer the Yanhong Pavilion to me and renamed it Qianyan Pavilion. After that, I used the Qianyan Pavilion oiran to go to the state capital and replace the state. The government did some dark-field business, and filled Jiangnan's account with three or four points."

Fang Zilan caught the three or four points he said, and thought about it, thinking that the hole in the Fang family was too big, so Fang Lihui moved his mind.

"Master Fang must be thinking that I've lost patience over time, so I'm looking for an opportunity to change the state capital and cultivate some obedient puppets for my use, right?" Fang Lihui saw through Fang Zilan's thoughts, and she admitted frankly, " good."

"If that's the case, why don't I make a trick to shake off the lives of those who have passed through the dark field business, but set fire to kill them?" Fang Lihui tightened his hand holding the folding fan, "If it is discovered once, it will be life and property. Burned."

Fang Zilan understood, and asked, "So the Jiangnan painting boat fire case has nothing to do with you?"

"It's irrelevant, but it's also related." Fang Lihui said in a low voice: "I know all the kabuki that set fire. Among them, Fu Que, the mastermind, is my good friend."

He closed his eyes, seeming to be reminiscing and more regretful, "When Fuqu entered Qianyan Pavilion, the steward told me that she must be the next oiran. However, Fuqu has a strong temper and often threatens her with death, so she has suffered a lot. I sang with the steward and betrayed her, making her think I was helping her."

When he said this, he opened his eyes and looked at Ah Shi, "You should be able to understand it, just like Master Fang helped you back then."

Ah Shi pursed his lips, "You are different from Master Fang."

"Indeed, Master Fang is sincere in helping you, but I am pretending to help Fu Que." Fang Lihui's tone was tinged with bitterness, "Later, the steward gave Fu Que to several adults in the state capital, and I pretended to take her risk to take her away." Bring it out."

"Mr. Fang is really good at tricks." Fang Zilan sneered coldly: "After this encounter, Miss Fu Que must have her heart set on you, not to mention setting fire to kill people, even if she cut her heart out, she would be extremely happy to think about it."

"Master Fang underestimated Fu Que." Fang Lihui laughed self-deprecatingly, "Fu Que soon discovered that all this was done by me, and also discovered my dark business with the state government, so she pretended to be obedient on the surface. Shun, but secretly colluded with other sisters to plan the fire."

He spoke in a lower voice, "I didn't know what happened until after the fire happened. Fu Que left two letters, one was handed over to the government to surrender, and the other was handed over to me."

Fang Zilan bit her lips lightly and asked, "What was written in the letter?"

"All the plans." Fang Lihui's voice was very soft, but Fang Zilan still heard it.

"The guests invited by all the boats on the river that day were arranged in advance by Fu Que and her sisters. Those people bullied others for the sake of being rich and unkind, and more or less killed them. As for the accompanying boatmen and kabuki, they were also well prepared. They all bear hatred and are unwilling to be oppressed, and would rather die together with a fire."

"I was originally one of the guests that day. But in the end, Fu Que couldn't make up her mind and asked someone to send me away. She said in the letter that even if it was false, I was still her comfort and let her live for a while. Days. In these days, she saw clearly the filth and filth of the human heart, it would be better to burn it clean."

Fang Zilan's hand holding the teacup suddenly tightened. How much bullying Fu Que and the others must have suffered and how determined they were to resist with their lives like this.

On the side, Ah Shi stared at Fang Zilan who was covered with chills, and suddenly felt lucky to survive the catastrophe.If he hadn't met her, his despair would probably not have been less than that of Fu Que.

As if the breath he had held for many years suddenly dissipated, Fang Lihui's figure was unsteady, he picked up the teacup and drank it down in one gulp, calmed down and looked at Ah Shi, "There were few people to live back then, and the matter of Qianyan Pavilion was a big deal. It's an old person around me, and I don't know much about it. Ah yes, I'm curious, who are you?"

 Finally, another hole was filled. Who still remembers Fang Lihui's saying that Wanhualou was to make up for the foolishness of being young and frivolous...

(End of this chapter)

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