Chapter 456

People in Yushitai have always been good at fanning the flames. Seeing that several Yushi doctors raised the fire higher and higher, Fang Zilan gave Su Yun a wink, but he seemed to have not seen it, staring at the ground with a gloomy expression, wondering what what.

Zhuge Yu who was opposite Su Yun also didn't say a word, and he didn't have the slightest intention to speak up.Seeing this, Fang Zilan sighed secretly, none of these people could be relied on at critical times.

So Fang Zilan cleared her throat, and was about to speak, but heard an adult suddenly say: "Miss Ouyang not only has a family background, but also improves the bow and crossbow by herself. Workshop?"

This sounded like that, Fang Zilan was just about to breathe a sigh of relief, but heard the voice of opposition from the doctor on the other side again, "Mr. All the famous blacksmiths have been recruited by Miss Ouyang, who knows who is responsible for improving the crossbow?"

Hearing that Fang Zilan's hands hidden in his sleeves were tightly clenched into fists, it is really unreasonable to say so blatantly that Ouyang Zirou stole the work of blacksmithing, and should not be awarded because of his wrong origin.

Sure enough, Ouyang Zirou couldn't help but stood up and knelt down in the center of the hall, "I would like to report to Your Majesty, it is true that I am not the only one who improved the bow and crossbow, but everything from the design to the blueprint is done by me. I am not good at blacksmithing, that's why I couldn't do the last step with my own hands, if someone wants to question His Majesty's will because of this, I am willing to build an improved bow and crossbow with my own hands to silence the voice of doubt."

Fang Zilan took a deep breath, Ouyang Zirou, a silly girl, was waiting for her after being set up by others, but she actually went inside.If it had been built by her, there would have been many unreasonable reasons during that period to postpone her taking over the Arsenal indefinitely.

She thought about this and took a step in the direction of Ouyang Zirou, but before she could take the second step, she heard Li Shengxuan say: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome. When Miluo came to invade, Manchu They were fighting with each other, but none of them dared to fight with real swords and guns. At that time, I didn't ask them to do everything by themselves, and now I don't ask Miss Ouyang like that."

Before he finished speaking, all the civil and military officials in the hall were silent, only Fang Zilan couldn't help but slightly raised the corners of his lips, it seemed that there was no chance for her to speak.

However, Li Shengxuan mentioned her in the next sentence, "When it comes to military preparations, generals have the most say. Lord Yue, I see that you took two steps. It shouldn't be to exercise your muscles. Presumably you have something to say?"

Fang Zilan collected her expression, walked to Ouyang Zirou's side, and said with a salute: "Your Majesty, when Miss Ouyang improved the bow and crossbow, although I did not participate in the whole process, I can see her talent and intentions. If the weapon workshop In her hands, Dajing’s military preparations can be expected. As a general who protects the country, I can feel at ease."

"Duke Yue said so..." As soon as Li Shengxuan opened his mouth, he was interrupted by the doctor Yu Shi who had just remonstrated, "Your Majesty!"

The Yushi doctor fell to his knees with a plop, and kowtowed fiercely, "Your Majesty, it's about the military equipment of the capital, so don't play tricks..."

"A joke?" Li Shengxuan cut him off, and said with a cold snort: "Sun Yushi, don't think that once you are old, you can sell your old age in front of me. If you are so stubborn and muddled, I will allow you You immediately resign from the position of censor and return to your hometown to retire."

Sun Yushi was stunned for a moment, and Su Yun next to him seemed to have finally regained his senses, and walked out quickly, "Your Majesty, Sun Yushi is old, and it is common for him to lose energy. He..."

Su Yun was halfway through his intercession, when Li Shengxuan raised his hand and said: "For the sake of Sun Yushi and Yushitai's hard work for many years, I will sell you a face, and I will also give an explanation to the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty, so that Ouyang Miss takes over the Armory as a matter of course."

Su Yun frowned slightly, "Your Majesty means..."

"I have already said just now that military generals have the most right to speak about armaments. Since only the Duke of Yue's statement is not enough to convince the public, let all the aristocratic families guarding the four realms express their opinions." Li Shengxuan said without anger: "Baiyue Xiahou, Daying in the southeast, Dugu in the west, Huangfu in the north, and Duke Yue and Wei in Beijing, as long as more than half of them agree, Ouyang Zirou can take over the military workshop, otherwise, he will never be an official in the court."

Fang Zilan reacted abruptly, no wonder Li Shengxuan said before that this is the best time for her to help Ouyang Zirou, and it turned out that he was waiting for her here.

With Zhou Lang's yes vote in the southeast camp, she will definitely be able to help Ouyang Zirou to come over.General Baiyue Xiahou's vote of approval, as long as Li Shengxuan speaks, there will be no problem.Including her vote, there are already three votes.

Wei Shi just wanted to see Wei Subaru's intentions, and the vote might be hanging.But that old fox in the northern border, Huangfulin, might not be willing to express his opinion, and the possibility of abstention was the greatest.In other words, the Dugu family's vote of approval must be obtained.

Fang Zilan kept counting the votes in her mind, and she was a little distracted until the end of the dynasty, and she didn't even respond to Ouyang Zirou calling her.

"Master Fang!" Ouyang Zirou tugged at Fang Zilan's sleeve, and then she noticed the people around her, "Zirou, what's wrong?"

"I'm... a little worried..." Ouyang Zi said softly, "Although Master Fang is helping, but..."

She let out a long sigh and changed her voice, "With my mother's attitude, don't ask Master Wei to help me, I am satisfied if I don't ask Master Wei to object. As for the others..."

She didn't continue, she was silent for a while, then lowered her eyes and said in a low voice: "Master Fang, do you think I will never be able to enter the court as an official?"

"Do your best to obey the destiny." Fang Zilan's face showed no expression, "As long as there is an opportunity, you must fight for it."

Ouyang Zirou bit her lip and nodded heavily, "I understand. Don't worry, Mr. Fang, I will live up to expectations." She said her goodbyes and left. The battalion sent a letter.

Zhou Lang moved very quickly, and after receiving the letter, he handed over the booklet to the capital, expressing his support for Ouyang Zirou.At the same time as his zhezi, Xiahou's family's letter of greeting also came to Beijing.

However, the document said that everything is decided by His Majesty, and the Xiahou family is only responsible for obeying orders.Every word was respectful and respectful, but both inside and outside the words indicated that Xiahou's family had abstained from voting.

When Fang Zilan heard the news, the hands that wrote the official document couldn't help shaking, and the pen and ink stained the paper, leaving a deep mark.She glanced at the ink mark, quickly threw the official document aside, and wrote a letter to General Duguxin in the western region.

That day Ouyang Zirou also came to the Duke's Mansion of the Yue Kingdom, and asked Fang Zilan to bring a letter to Huangfu Xin in the northern border.She didn't know how sure she was, but if Huangfu Xin's heart remained unchanged from the night of the Lantern Festival, she would support her, right?

It's just that his father, General Huang Fulin, would agree?
 Regarding the statement——

  Li Shengxuan: Didn't expect my plan to be here?

  Xiahou Yunzhao: Tired, Your Majesty, you can play by yourself...

  Li Shengxuan:? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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