Don't ask where people go

Chapter 463 Acceptance

Chapter 463 Acceptance
Chu Bin couldn't respond for a long time, Xiao Xuan'er frowned, and murmured: "No wonder the owner of the villa did not hesitate to offend Xiahou's family and wanted to protect Mr. Fang. I thought..." She didn't continue, as if recalling the past. The massacre of killing the family, his face was full of grief.

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "What did you say, Hidden Sword Villa...Old owner Zhen is related to Mrs. Qin Ji?"

Xiao Xuan'er let out a long sigh, "It has nothing to do with Madam Qin Ji. During the previous dynasty, General Pingnan Wang of Zhenbei rescued the upper and lower people of the Tibetan Sword Villa. You are the prince's daughter, even if the owner of the villa risked his life, he would definitely protect you, so why not offend Xiahou's family?"

"But..." Fang Zilan vaguely felt that something was wrong, but couldn't tell.

Mo Han interjected: "Even if Sister Lan's biological mother is Mrs. Qin Ji, her biological father may not be the former Zhenbei General King Pingnan."

Xiao Xuan'er was stunned for a moment, and then she understood, "Mr. Mo is saying that Mr. Fang's age is not right?"

"Yes, Princess Wuqing is the same age as King Yuning, and Sister Ruolan is..." Mo Han paused, and said in a deep voice, "In short, it should be the same age as King Yuning."

After his words fell, everyone fell into silence, and it took a while to hear Chu Bin's voice, "As far as I know, Mrs. Qin Ji has a strong temperament. Regardless of whether she will remarry, it is the wife's temperament, which is not related to her." big image."

"Times have changed, and it's not surprising that people's temperaments have changed." Mo Han frowned slightly, and suddenly asked as if thinking of something: "Young Master Chu, do you know your wife's name?"

"Name taboo?" Chu Bin felt his mind go blank, his lips moved, "Madam... Qin?"

Hearing that Mo Han had such an expression, Fang Zilan also lowered her eyes. What others thought was Mrs. Qin might actually be Mrs. Qin, with the same pronunciation but different words.

"The world respects Princess Pingnan as Mrs. Qin Ji, but no one knows her name or surname." Xiao Xuan'er said quietly: "It is said that the princess does not have a name and surname. She was named Qin Ji because the name of the qin music moved the world."

Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and finally said: "I want to be alone for a while, you..."

"Sister Lan..." Mo Han hesitated to speak, Fang Zilan waved his hands and said, "I'm fine, it's just that I can't accept it for a while."

Chu Bin gave Mo Han a look, Xiao Xuan'er shook her head slightly, and the three of them left together, leaving Fang Zilan alone in the hall, as if she had lost all her strength, slumped on the main seat.

If Huanyan never lied, if all of this is true, then her mother is Mrs. Qin Ji, and Ji Ningtian's mother and son are the murderers who killed her mother?
But why?General Zhenbei King Pingnan passed away for many years, why did Ji Ningtian mother and son suddenly think of killing a widow that the world didn't even know existed?

Could it be to stabilize Wu Qing's identity?As long as Mrs. Qin Ji lives for a day, Princess Wu Qing's false identity will be at risk of being exposed, unless...

Fang Zilan didn't dare to think about it, if everything was as she expected, why did Ji Ningtian try to keep her by his side? Who is she?
If she was the real Princess Wuqing, then General Zhenbei King Pingnan would not be buried in the deep sea.However, at that time, the situation in the former court was anxious and complicated, and there were countless pairs of eyes staring at him. If King Pingnan, the general of Zhenbei, faked his death, how could there be no news?Who in the world can be so watertight?

In an instant, a familiar name came out.That's right, Fang Chongzheng.

Seventy percent of the world's business is in the hands of the Fang family.If Fang Chongzheng helped secretly, General Zhenbei King Pingnan would indeed have the possibility of feigning death.

And Xiahou's family, Xie Chen.Even if Zhenbei General Pingnan Wang can survive in the hands of Xiahou Yunzhao, it will not be easy to retreat in Yuedi.

Apart from Xie Chen, Fang Zilan couldn't think of anyone else who could have such skill.But if it was really Xie Chen who helped secretly, it could only be Xiahou Yunzhao who instructed him behind the scenes.

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan took a deep breath.Whether it is Fang Chongzheng, Xiahou Yunzhao, or Xie Chen, none of them are easy to deal with, let alone ask a secret past from them?
Fang Zilan clenched her fingers tightly, finally got a clue, and she must not stop here.No matter how difficult it is, she has to try.

So for a while, Fang Zilan was busy with official duties, while thinking about how to get to the door of the prime minister's mansion, and inquired about Fang Chongzheng.

However, before she could think it through, she heard that Gu Yuan was relegated from the Ministry of Punishment to Shanzhou.When Xiao Xuan'er was talking to her, it happened that Mo Han was also there, and he was sipping tea leisurely with a cup of tea, with no surprise on his face.

"Why was Gu Yuan demoted?" Fang Zilan asked casually, and Xiao Xuan'er said in a low voice, "I only said that I was ineffective in doing things, but I didn't say anything specific."

Fang Zilan looked at Mo Han thoughtfully, "Tell me, did you do something?"

"It's nothing." Mo Han blinked innocently, "I just put Mr. Gu's manuscript together with mine and presented it to His Majesty."

"Really?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, and Mo Han said helplessly, "I can't help it. There are always a few manuscripts missing. If I can't find them, I can only use Mr. Gu's manuscripts as an emergency."

He sighed as he spoke, "Who would have thought that there was a letter addressed to someone in Mr. Gu's manuscript, and that letter..."

Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips and smiled meaningfully. She looked at Mo Han who was trying to keep her secret, and asked cooperatively, "What was written in the letter?"

"It's just Mr. Gu's thoughts on the revision of the law." Mo Han said lightly, "For example, how it will arouse public anger, how it can stir up disputes among all parties, and I don't know who he wrote it to, but he wrote it like this It's detailed, and it's quite reportable."

"How did you get that letter?" Fang Zilan was very interested, and Mo Han pretended to be wronged: "Sister Lan, who do you think I am? How could I get that letter?"

Fang Zilan didn't tell the truth when he saw it through, and let out a dragged oh.

Seeing this, Mo Han couldn't help laughing, his brows and eyes curved like a little fox, "I just gave some extra money to the soldiers sent by Miss Xiao to go back to the Ministry of Punishment, and asked them to find some manuscripts of Lord Gu. , who would have thought that they would find that letter by mistake.”

"Young Master Mo..." Xiao Xuan'er's eyes were full of astonishment, Fang Zilan smiled and said: "Sure enough, with your vigilance, even if you enter the court, you will not suffer."

Mo Han just laughed, and Fang Zilan didn't continue to ask.Although she doesn't believe that the government soldiers found the letter by mistake, Mo Han must have noticed it long ago, so he did it deliberately, but Mo Han didn't want to say more, thinking there was something else in it that she didn't want her to know .That being the case, she simply pretended to be deaf and dumb and let him go.

Xiao Xuan'er glanced at Mo Han who was smiling, and then at Fang Zilan who was calm. She thought that the pair of siblings really got along well, but she was worried for nothing.However, now that the stumbling Gu Yuan has left, Mo Han can finally feel at ease.

However, no one expected that within a few days after Gu Yuan left, Pei Poming would return to the Ministry of Punishment, admonishing him so imposingly.

 The truth is about to come out, what should be accepted is still to be accepted

(End of this chapter)

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