Don't ask where people go

Chapter 467 Confession

Chapter 467 Confession
Fang Zilan said without anger: "I only give one person a chance to confess to the person who is the chief envoy, and the family members are exempt."

Several people looked at each other, but they didn't dare to speak.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan smiled slightly, "Why, don't you want to? Still don't believe my words?"

When Xu Youtong heard this, he realized that Fang Zilan wanted them to expose each other, and in the end they would all be immune, and the guilt would be even heavier.He pursed his lips, and when the words of persuasion reached his lips, he swallowed them back.

"I've given you the chance. Since you guys don't want it, there's nothing you can do." Fang Zilan lowered her expression, and said in a deep voice, "Zheng Yan, go and bring their family members here and send them away together."

"Yes." Zheng Yan took the order to go, but just as he took a step, he heard several people kneeling on the ground begging for mercy one after another, and it was impossible to hear what they explained.

"Quiet." Fang Zilan patted the gavel on the case, and several people trembled in fright, not daring to breathe.

"Start with you, one by one." Fang Zilan pointed to a person casually, the person was startled for a moment, and then explained tremblingly.

Xu Shi was frightened, and everyone's confession was incoherent. On the one hand, they didn't want to drag Pei Poming into the water, and on the other hand, they didn't dare to lie, so they stuttered and were full of loopholes.

Fang Zilan listened expressionlessly, and when the last person's voice faded and he couldn't say anything, the hall fell into an almost strange silence.

"Finish?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, turned to Xu Youtong who was at the side, and asked, "What do you think, Mr. Xu?"

Xu Youtong was silent, and the indescribable expression on his face already explained everything.

Fang Zilan knew it well, and said: "Since you can't explain anything, then I will ask you to answer, so as not to waste time."

After finishing speaking, she didn't wait for a few people to respond, and asked self-consciously: "Yesterday, a girl from my house went to the Ministry of Punishment. Which of you has touched her?"

"Master Fang, it's all a misunderstanding. I accidentally encountered a dispute..." One of them was interrupted by Fang Zilan sharply before he finished speaking, "I asked you what you answered, don't you understand?"

The man trembled violently, and murmured: "Yes... I touched it..."

"Which hand touched?" Fang Zilan's expression became colder, and the man panicked: "I don't remember..."

Fang Zilan called out to Zheng Yan, and he comprehendly ordered someone to come over with a scorpion, Xu Youtong changed his expression imperceptibly when he saw this, "Lord Fang, don't abuse lynching!"

"Abuse of lynching?" Fang Zilan glanced at Xu Youtong, and said coldly, "Since they have confessed, how can I count as abuse of lynching?"

Xu Youtong's expression froze for a moment, and the next moment he heard screams.Fang Zilan covered her ears in disgust, and Zheng Yan gagged their mouths with a wink.

"Lord Fang..." Xu Youtong wanted to say something, but he fell silent when he met Zilan's gaze above, and had no choice but to turn his head away, pretending to be deaf and dumb.

If Fang Zilan continued to torture him, he would definitely tear Pei Poming out.However, the people he sent to Pei's family today have tested the direction of the wind. Even if Pei Juanqing can't be a director, the Pei family will not hand over Pei Poming easily.

Both the Pei family and Fang Zilan are not people he can offend. If Fang Zilan has cleaned up the few people in front of him now, he can shake hands with the Pei family and stop pursuing Pei Poming, which would be great.

If he can't, he has offended Fang Zilan once by stopping Fang Zilan at this time, and the Pei family will inevitably offend him again in the future.

Thinking of this, Xu Youtong sighed and gently closed his eyes.It's really not easy to be a parent official in the capital.If you are not careful, you will be the pawn of the powerful family.

After some torture, Fang Zilan raised his hand, and Zheng Yan pulled the cloth out of several people's mouths. They were so painful that they couldn't even speak clearly.

Fang Zilan had no intention of letting them go, she looked at their red and swollen hands indifferently, and said: "Your hands are useless, and the matter has come to this point, so you still don't want to name the person who is in charge?"

"There is no master...they are all..." One of them broke down in pain and burst into tears, "On a temporary basis..."

"I didn't see it, the bones are still quite hard." Fang Zilan snorted coldly, Zheng Yan bent down and exerted a little force, only to hear a soft sound, and the man's finger broke off.

At first the man didn't realize it, and it took a while to cry out. The faces of the people around him were all pale, and immediately someone shouted: "I said, it's Pei Poming! It's him!"

Fang Zilan raised her hand and frowned slightly, and casually said to Comrade Xu You: "Master Xu, since someone has recruited you, let's judge him as he wants."

"They are all sentenced to exile, won't the family be affected?" Xu Youtong asked tentatively, but Fang Zilan shook his head, "No."

She pointed to the person who confessed to Pei Poming just now, "He is exiled, and his family will not be affected. Others and their families are exiled."

Xu Youtong was stunned for a while, then as if he had made up his mind, he stood up and saluted, "Forgive me for not obeying my orders."

Fang Zilan looked at the immobile person in front of him with great interest, "What is the meaning of Master Xu?"

"Among the big capitals, the death penalty is the most severe, followed by exile." Xu Youtong looked directly at Fang Zilan, and said word by word: "Master Fang, don't you realize that the sentence of exile is too severe for your family?"

Fang Zilan was thoughtful, and asked instead of answering: "Master Xu, as the governor of Jingzhao, you should know the meaning of punishment?"

"Punish criminals and alert the world, so as to ensure the peace and harmony of the world." Xu Youtong answered without hesitation, Fang Zilan nodded and said, "Yes, but there have been people who have kidnapped women and been sentenced to exile, and today there are still people who dare to attack women, dare to ask Master Xu, what is the role of vigilance?"

She paused for a moment, and before Xu Youtong could answer, she lowered her voice and asked, "Or is the sentence of exile not severe enough, and only the death penalty can serve as a wake-up call?"

"Your official..." Xu Youtong bit his lip, took a deep breath and said, "I dare not agree with Mr. Fang's words. I privately think that the sentence of exile is not severe enough to serve as a warning. It is because the culprit has not been punished , it’s hard to calm people’s hearts.”

His words were like water poured out, and there was no room for change once he uttered it, which showed that he was completely on the opposite side of Pei Poming, and had no scruples about the Pei family at all.

Fang Zilan did not expect Xu Youtong to have such courage. She sized him up carefully, and finally said with a half-smile: "Since Mr. Xu knows where the key is, then I won't go around in circles. Pei Po called Mr. Pei, When will Master Xu bring it up?"

Xu Youtong felt cold sweat on his forehead. Although he just said it righteously, he felt guilty in his heart. It was Pei Poming from the Pei family, how could he mention it?

But Fang Zilan didn't give him a chance to refuse, and said directly: "Master Xu, I'll wait for your news."

"I understand." Xu Youtong looked complicated, "Then these people..."

"The case is pending, so of course we can't deal with it, so we'll just be imprisoned for now." Fang Zilan stood up, with a layer of frost and snow between her brows, "It won't be too late for Pei Poming to be brought back to justice."

 Xu Youtong: It's really hard for me...

(End of this chapter)

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