Chapter 475
Before Pei Xuanchang's words fell, Fang Zilan's figure flickered, hanging beside the charcoal fire road, holding Fang Zitong firmly.

But in an instant, the corners of Fang Zilan's clothes were blackened by the charcoal fire, but she still did not let go of the hand that supported Fang Zitong, "Second Miss Fang, I will not stop you if you want to do anything."

She paused as she spoke, and supported most of Fang Zitong's weight with her hands, "You have your own way, but since I have said that I will take you out, I will never let you fall down here. Today , let’s go together if we want to go.”

"Fang Zilan, you..." Fang Zitong stared blankly at the person in front of her, her expression was calm and firm, her eyes revealed a resolute aura, which eliminated a lot of her grievances and fears, giving her inexplicable peace of mind.

"Thank you." For the first time, Fang Zitong did not reject Fang Zilan. It seemed to be the first time that she spoke so kindly.

Fang Zilan raised the corners of her lips, "I am so happy." After she said that, she helped Fang Zitong to walk forward step by step from the charcoal fire road.

The Pei family wanted to say something, but they couldn't say anything when they met Fang Zilan's frightening eyes. They could only watch Fang Zitong walk the long road under her pull.

Fang Lihui stood at the end and waited for the two of them. When he took the last step, he helped Fang Zitong and carried her on his back.

"Cousin..." As soon as Fang Zitong opened his mouth, Fang Lihui stopped him, "Sister Tong, we are here for everything."

Hearing that Fang Zitong buried her head on Fang Lihui's back, Fang Zilan stood behind the two of them and stood in front of the Pei family, saying word by word: "Second Miss Fang did what she said, and now she is no longer Mrs. Pei Guogong. Everyone at home, please do it yourself."

"Master Fang..." Pei Xiaoze hesitated to speak, Fang Zilan gave him a cold look, "Master Pei, I think you have given you enough face for helping me in the old government office. If you pester me Don't stop, don't blame me for being rude."

Pei Xiaoze opened his mouth, but finally made no sound.Pei Xuanchang took the opportunity to come over, and timidly passed Fang Zilan to look at Fang Zitong, "Mother, do you want me?"

Fang Zitong remained silent, most of her face was hidden behind Fang Lihui, no one could see her expression clearly.

Seeing this, Fang Zilan pursed her lips, and said to Pei Xuanchang: "Young Master Pei, from the beginning to the end, she was not your mother." She patted Pei Xuanchang's head, "You misidentified the person."

"I didn't!" Pei Xuanchang was tearful, Fang Zilan couldn't bear it, she simply turned her head and stopped looking at him, and walked out of Pei's house together with Fang Lihui and Fang Zitong.

However, the moment they stepped out of the gate of Pei's house, they saw Xie Yanping leading people from Jingzhao Yin's mansion, and Zheng Yan leading the mansion soldiers, and the two confronted each other, refusing to give in.

Fang Zilan stepped forward, stood beside Zheng Yan, looked at Xie Yanping, and said without anger, "Master Xie, what are you doing?"

"Mrs. Fang Zitong is suspected of murdering Lord Jue, and the Jingzhao Yin Mansion has come here to arrest her." Without any fear, Xie Yanping met Fang Zilan's gaze and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Master Fang, please hand over the man to me."

"If I don't hand over Second Miss Fang to you, what can you do to me?" Fang Zilan snorted coldly, and Xie Yan bowed in parallel, "Then I can only offend you."

Fang Zilan's expression became colder, "Master Xie, now you have seen with your own eyes that Second Miss Fang is seriously injured. If I hand her over to you, if something happens, can you bear it?"

A look of hesitation flashed in Xie Yanping's eyes, but he still insisted: "Master Fang, please don't embarrass me to dismiss you."

"Thank you, so far, no one has been able to snatch someone from me." Fang Zilan said coldly: "I advise you not to overestimate your own strength."

"Due to my duty, I will die." Xie Yanping stood motionless on the spot, Fang Zilan clenched his fists tightly, "Master Xie, don't force me to do anything to you."

Xie Yanping frowned, "Master Fang, you have nothing to do with Second Miss Fang, why..."

"It's nothing to do with you, what does it have to do with you?" Fang Zilan exudes a seemingly non-existent killing intent, "I will take her away even if I offend everyone today."

Before she could finish her sentence, without waiting for Xie Yanping's reaction, she pulled out Zheng Yan's knife casually, "Master Xie, let me say it one last time, get out of the way."

Xie Yanping refused to give an inch, and the surrounding crowd had been erupting since he said that Fang Zitong was suspected of murdering Pei Yuqing, and now the voice of discussion is even higher than the wave.

Fang Zilan knew that he couldn't stay for long, so he simply patted Xie Yanping's shoulder with the back of his knife, and threw him aside in a jerk, while the people from Jingzhao Yin's mansion went to help him, the crowd of onlookers were disturbed by this sudden situation When they were in a group, they left with people.

Fang Lihui placed Fang Zitong on the carriage and was about to put down the curtain, but she stopped her with her hand. Her eyes fell on Fang Zilan, "Master Fang."

"What's the matter?" Fang Zilan turned around, only to see Fang Zitong biting her lips tightly, with red eyes, "I didn't kill Duke Ping."

"I know." Fang Zilan smiled and said without hesitation: "I believe in you. Even if you have a bad temper, you will never do anything harmful."

In an instant, Fang Zitong let out a long sigh of relief, the corners of her lips curled slightly, but she was about to cry.For so long, the first person who said he believed her was Fang Zilan.

"Sister Tong!" Fang Lihui looked at Fang Zitong who was on the verge of falling, his voice was rare and flustered.

"Go back to the prime minister's mansion quickly." Fang Zilan ordered, and Zheng Yan personally drove Fang Zitong back to the prime minister's mansion.

Fang Zilan turned to look at Xie Yanping who was not far behind, "Master Xie, I will not allow you to take Miss Fang to Jingzhao Yin's Mansion until Second Miss Fang recovers from her injuries."

Her tone was so strong that it was almost an order, and Xie Yan's face sank like water, "Master Fang, do you know what you are doing?"

"I know." Fang Zilan collected her expression, and said in a low voice: "Thank you, sir, do you know what you are doing? Has the Jingzhao Yin Mansion found out the real cause of the death of Lord Ping?"

Xie Yanping's expression froze, "No matter what, Duke and Mrs. Jui must cooperate with the investigation."

"Second Miss Fang is in the prime minister's mansion. After she recovers from her injuries, I will accompany her to Jingzhao Yin's mansion." Fang Zilan left these words and left without looking back.

Chu Bin stood waiting for her at the intersection, and when he saw her coming, he put his cloak over her shoulders, "Be careful of catching a cold."

Only then did Fang Zilan remember that she had given Dongxue her cloak, and she was so focused on how to bring Fang Zitong out that she didn't feel cold at all.Until now, the cloak on her shoulders carried Chu Bin's body temperature, and there was a burst of warmth. In contrast, she suddenly felt a chill rising in her body, and she sneezed involuntarily.

"You." Chu Bin sighed helplessly, Fang Zilan let out a breath and warmed his hands, "I'm going to stay at Xiangfu for two days, you go back and see how Miss Dongxue is doing."

"With General Zheng here, you..." Chu Bin was interrupted by Fang Zilan in the middle of his sentence, "Zheng Yan may not be able to stop it. Before the prime minister returns, someone must guard Fang's house for him."

 Finally came out of Pei's house, but everything is just the beginning...

(End of this chapter)

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