Don't ask where people go

Chapter 483 Prison Escape

Chapter 483 Prison Escape
After Xie Yanping found out that the poison was purchased by Pei Poming, the Jingzhao Yin's House quickly collected all the receipts, bank notes and other physical evidence, and brought in the pharmacy owner's pharmacist and other witnesses. After everything was ready, he formally asked the Pei family to hand over Pei Poming's possession. Ming.

At first the Pei family wanted to evade for a few days, but unexpectedly Xu Youtong asked for an order, and Li Shengxuan personally ordered the search. The Pei family had no choice but to let it go.

However, no one expected that after a search, not only the hidden poison was found at Pei Poming's place, but also the same poison was found in the dowry compartment that Fang Zitong left behind at Pei's house.

One stone stirred up thousands of waves, and there are different opinions and speculations about who the real culprit is.Although Fang Zitong was once again pushed to the forefront of the storm, Ouyang Zirou seemed even more innocent.

Especially the few soldiers who were injured by the improved bow and crossbow in the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, they all said it was a misunderstanding and clamored to apologize to Ouyang Zirou.However, Wei Subaru was very displeased with the behavior of people like them who had two different faces, slandering others, and detained them all in the big camp in the suburbs of Beijing, where nothing would happen.

Even this set of misunderstandings was relayed by Wei Subaru's personal soldiers to Jingzhao Yin's Mansion, so many people privately speculated that Wei Subaru was thinking about Mrs. Ouyang's family background and intended to help Ouyang Zirou. The soldiers are most likely already disposed of.It is unknown whether the improved crossbow is good or bad...

In any case, Jing Zhao Yin's House had no evidence, so they had to release Ouyang Zirou.However, on the day of his release, there was news that Ouyang Zirou escaped from prison and went missing. All of a sudden, there was another turmoil, and the people in the capital questioned the ineffectiveness of Jingzhaoyin's house.

First, the cause of the death of the Duke of the Kingdom of Pei, Pei Juqing, was not found out for a long time, and then there was an oolong incident about the injury of the soldiers in the camp in the suburbs of Beijing, and Ouyang Zirou, the master of the military workshop, was dragged into prison. Can't stand it, who would dare to trust Jingzhao Yin's mansion after such a back and forth?
As a result, the news of Ouyang Zirou's disappearance spread within half a day, and public grievances gradually turned into a turmoil.In addition, Pei's family, Ouyang's family, Fang's family and even Wei's family all have their own ghosts, and there are powerful families and dignitaries in them, so Xu Youtong can't control him in the end.

Upon seeing this, Li Shengxuan ordered Xu Youtong to combine the three cases of Duke Juan's murder, the improved bow and crossbow wounding, and Ouyang Zirou's escape and disappearance into one case, and hand it over to Zhuge Yu as the presiding judge, who will assist him.As for the Ministry of Officials, it will be handed over to Zhuge Ming for the time being.

When Fang Zilan heard the news, she had just woken up not long ago. Such a large amount of information made her feel dazed. Prison? Doesn’t this seem like a guilty conscience?”

"Mr. Mo also said that." A Wan nodded, "So he guessed that someone took Lord Ouyang away quietly, otherwise it would be impossible for Lord Ouyang to escape from prison alone."

Fang Zilan frowned thoughtfully, and asked, "Where is Mo Han now?"

"Mr. Mo went to the Ministry of Punishments as usual." A Wan added, "But before he left, he asked Big Brother Chu to go to Jingzhao Yin's Mansion to find out the situation, and he should be back soon."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan couldn't help being stunned, "You said Chu Bin went to Jingzhao Yin's Mansion?"

A Wan took it for granted, "That's right, it was Brother Chu who went to Jingzhao Yin's Mansion with your public secretary's token before, and I don't know what he said to Mr. Xu, so that he no longer interrogated Miss Fang and Mr. Ouyang. "

Fang Zilan frowned, and then analyzed in detail: "The most urgent thing right now is to find Zirou first, make sure that nothing happened to her, and then find out who took her away and what happened. I'm going to Daying in the suburbs of Beijing, please Lord Wei help send people to look for it, and find out what happened to those soldiers who were injured by the improved crossbow."

"What about Miss Fang, do you leave her alone?" A Wan said with a slap in the face: "I heard that when Miss Fang saw Miss Dongxue's body in the courtroom, she was about to collapse. Who would have expected Dongxue The fact that the girl's family did such a thing like digging up the corpse, is nothing like a beast! Fortunately, Big Brother Chu and Sister Xiao mediated through it, so that Miss Dongxue was able to rest in peace."

Fang Zilan sighed a little, but still restrained her emotions, and said seriously: "It may not be safe to enter the earth. If you want the dead to get real peace, you must reveal the truth. Since His Majesty has handed over the case to A Yu, then Before the truth is known, he will definitely protect Second Miss Fang, not to mention that Chu Bin went to Jingzhao Yin's Mansion, and when he comes back, he will know what is going on with Second Miss Fang."

A Wan watched her change clothes neatly while talking, and said helplessly: "You just woke up after being sick, and your body is very weak, so don't be brave."

"I know it in my heart." The answer as always made Awan couldn't help but sigh, "You know it? What do you know..."

Before she could finish her following words, Fang Zilan's figure had disappeared, heading straight for the camp in the suburbs of Beijing.

"Master Fang, please stay." Fang Zilan was stopped by the guards of the camp on the outskirts of Beijing. She reined in the horse's belly with her legs, and stood in front of the gate of the camp.

Just as the guard was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Fang Zilan got off his horse and rushed in.Seeing this situation, the guards complained endlessly, but they couldn't stop them.

Wei Subaru was training in the camp, looking at the uninvited guest in front of him, his face sank and said: "Master Fang, I told you, don't make an example."

"Master Wei, there are some things I have to figure out." Fang Zilan pressed her every step, Wei Subaru sneered, "Must? Xu Youtong dare not say such things to me. Master Fang, why do you think you can?"

"Master Wei, Zirou is related to you by blood anyway, but you don't even want to say a word for her?" Fang Zilan's expression became a bit fierce, "Zirou finally took over the military workshop. I had a seat, but now..."

"Lord Fang, this is a matter between Ouyang Zirou and Ouyang's family, and has nothing to do with me." Wei Mao said coldly: "Women should never be involved in the court. Once they do, whether they can protect themselves depends entirely on their ability." , and no one else."

Fang Zilan looked at Wei Subaru firmly, and said in a deep voice: "I just want the truth today. Since Master Wei is unwilling to help, then hand him over. The people who reported on Zirou back then were all soldiers from the camp in the suburbs of Beijing." , Master Wei will not dare to admit it, will he?"

"I've already sent someone to inform Jing Zhao Yin's residence of the truth, and Ouyang Zirou was also released." Wei Subaru squinted his eyes as he spoke, with a ruthless look on his face, "Lord Fang, don't push yourself too far."

"What if I want to make an inch?" Fang Zilan's hand covered the hilt of the plum sword, and Wei Subaru folded his arms and snorted coldly, "Master Fang can give it a try."

Fang Zilan held the plum sword tightly, and before he could move, he heard a panic outside the camp, and the neighing of horses from far to near.

She looked back and saw Mrs. Ouyang riding on a tall black horse, wearing a red cloak flying in the wind, holding the whip in one hand and pulling the rein in the other. Qibo doesn't look like a woman in the backyard at all, and her expression is awe-inspiring like a general who just returned from the battlefield, completely different from before.

 Today's surprise is from Mrs. Ouyang~
(End of this chapter)

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