Chapter 485
Seeing Fang Zilan's complexion darkened, Shangguan Min quickly explained: "We heard that Miss Ouyang in the northern border... no, something happened to Mrs. Ouyang, and Ah Xin was very worried, but as a general guarding the border, he couldn't come to the capital. , I came up with this method for him. If we are discovered, it will be said that I sneaked into the capital to plot evil, and he is here to arrest me..."

"Nonsense!" Fang Zilan interrupted him with a cold voice, "You two, as soldiers guarding the border, left your post without authorization and entered Beijing rashly. Where will you put all the people in northern Xinjiang?"

"Lord Fang, I came up with this idea. If you want to punish me, just target me." Shangguan Min knelt in front of Fang Zilan on one knee, "I will admit it even if it is cut to pieces."

"Thousands of cuts?" Fang Zilan sneered, "Shangguanmin, if something happens to the northern border, how many lives do you have enough for me to kill?"

Shangguan Min took a deep breath, and before he could speak, he saw Huangfu Xin kneeling beside him, "Lord Fang, I'm sorry, but I didn't keep the agreement. But I couldn't help Miss Ouyang when she took over the military workshop. If she can't do it this time, I have no face to be her friend."

Fang Zilan looked at the resolute man in front of him, and couldn't help but secretly sighed.She knew that Huangfu Xin still remembered their agreement to keep the peace and tranquility of the northern border, and keep Shangguan Min not to leave, but after all these were tainted with love, she couldn't care about anything else.

"Huangfuxin, you will make excuses for yourself." After a long time, Fang Zilan snorted softly, "Get up."

Hearing that Huangfu Xin was relieved, Shangguan Min also breathed a sigh of relief, but before they could get up, they saw Chu Bin rushing over.

"Lanlan!" Chu Bin's face was extremely flustered, he didn't even notice the other two people in the hall, and went straight to Fang Zilan.

"What's wrong?" Fang Zilan grabbed his arm, but he held his wrist backhand, "Second Miss Fang is crazy..."

"What did you say?" Fang Zilan felt her heart was seized suddenly, and even her breathing was a little difficult.

Chu Bin held her wrist tightly, and said in a low voice: "When I saw Second Miss Fang, she was curled up in a corner and lost consciousness. I asked for a long time before I figured out what happened. Miss Ouyang's prison escape It was Ouyang Zongrui who took someone to break her hand and brought her out of Jingzhaoyin Mansion, where he went..."

"How is it possible?" Huangfu Xin pulled Chu Bin violently, his brows and eyes were full of ferocity.

It was only then that Chu Bin discovered that the people in the hall were Huangfuxin and Shangguanmin. He pursed his lips and continued, "Second Miss Fang was locked up next to Miss Ouyang. She heard Miss Ouyang's screams , she shouted and broke her throat, but no one rescued them. Until she watched the dying Miss Ouyang being dragged away, she couldn't take it anymore and collapsed."

"What is the law of heaven?" Huangfu Xin seemed to have suddenly lost all his strength, staggered a step, and shouted angrily: "What is the law of heaven!"

"Ah Xin, calm down..." Shangguan Min supported Huangfu Xin, but was thrown away by him, "I'm going to find her!"

"Ah Xin!" Shangguan Min's expression changed, Fang Zilan frowned, "Why don't you hurry up and chase him back?"

Shangguan Min chased after Huangfu Xin and left. Fang Zilan saw the figures of the two disappeared, and then sat back on the main seat. Her whole body was extremely dejected, as if covered in a layer of dust.

"Lanlan..." Chu Bin reached out his hand to comfort her, but he didn't even touch the corner of her clothes.

"Go find..." Fang Zilan sat up straight with the help of the corner of the table, "Pass my order, all the people in the Yue Kingdom's mansion will be dispatched, in groups of two or three, to find Ouyang Zirou. Please Fang Lihui's help, and a huge reward will be offered. As long as you can find Ouyang Zirou, you can pay any price."

Chu Bin was stunned for a moment, and then saw the corner of the table in Fang Zilan's hand cracked suddenly, "Go find it!"

"Okay." Chu Bin turned and left. Fang Zilan looked at his back and suddenly felt that her heart was firmly bound.

It is the suffocation and despair of sinking into the bottom of the sea without seeing the sun.

Had they known this earlier, would they have regretted it?Ouyang Zirou, Fang Zitong, and herself...

Such a bright and delicate girl had her hand broken.Such a domineering lady was forced to lose her mind.As for her, her face was completely changed and her body was covered in blood, but no one could protect her.

Fang Zilan sat in the hall without moving for a day and a night. It was not until the first ray of sunshine the next day that shone on her pale cheeks and made her squint her eyes that she realized that this was the first time Ouyang Zirou disappeared. It's been four days.

Ouyang Zirou was seriously injured, and it snowed in the capital two days ago, making the weather even colder.If no one can be found again, I am afraid it will be a disaster.

"Lord Fang!" The servant's eager voice reached Fang Zilan's ears, she raised her hand and frowned slightly, looking at the panicked person, she asked, "What's the panic?"

The young man stammered, "There was a girl at the gate of the city who carried a mangled man on her back, clamoring to see you. Mr. Chu went over to look, and said that the man on the girl's back was Lord Ouyang Zirou..."

Fang Zilan rushed out like crazy, and rode her horse straight to the city gate. She didn't care how many pedestrians and traders were shocked during the process, and the only thing she was thinking about was Ouyang Zirou.

"This girl, Mrs. Fang will be here soon. Mrs. Ouyang is seriously injured, please put her down first." Chu Bin tried to calm the woman's emotions, but she didn't appreciate it, and put the hatchet in her hand in front of her, "Go away, I don't trust anyone except Mr. Fang!"

The surroundings were already surrounded by people watching the excitement. The woman in the center of the excitement was covered in blood, but she could be identified as a peasant girl from a nearby village by looking at her clothes. However, there was a bloody man on her back, who was about to lose her breath. He also held a large hatchet in his hand, which was extremely out of proportion to his figure, and he looked extremely fierce.

Fang Zilan got off the horse and ran over quickly. Before he could see the woman's face clearly, he said, "I am Fang Zilan, the Duke of Yue, girl, you..."

Before she finished speaking, she saw the woman leaning on a machete and kneeling on the ground with a plop, "Qiao Nian has met Master Fang, please save this girl!"

Qiao Nian?Fang Zilan only felt that the name was familiar, but couldn't remember where he had heard it.

The people watching suddenly started talking, "Qiao Nian? It's not the one who had an affair with the monks of Longyan Temple..."

Fang Zilan instantly realized that when she escorted Murong Qing back to Beijing from Miluo, the little girl Lu Jianbuping rescued was Qiao Nian.

So she didn't have time to think about it, she took a step forward to take over the person on Qiao Nian's back, and helped Qiao Nian up, "Don't worry, Miss Qiao, I will definitely save her."

Qiao Nian nodded heavily, and Fang Zilan realized that she was on the verge of falling, and her body temperature was frighteningly high, so she hurriedly called Chu Bin for help.Fortunately, Xiao Xuan'er, A Wan, Shangguan Min and Huangfu Xin also rushed over after hearing the news, and a group of people hurriedly sent Qiao Nian and Ouyang Zirou back to the residence.

 For the two girls, Ouyang Zirou and Fang Zitong, one might as well marry, and the other might as well not marry.It's a pity that there is no regret, only fate tricks people...

(End of this chapter)

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