Chapter 515
As soon as Fang Zilan's words came out, all the officials looked at each other in blank dismay, and couldn't think of any rebuttals for a moment. After all, Princess Rong'an kept a secret and never appeared in front of others. Who knew what she was thinking?
But just as Fang Zilan said, the more famous he is, the more indifferent and uncontested, because once he is involved in the power vortex, even a living Bodhisattva can't protect himself, let alone Princess Rong'an?

One side is praised by the world, and the other side is the white jade tiger talisman, but I don't know what choice King Rong An will make...

"Your Majesty!" King Rong An suddenly fell to his knees with a plop, weeping and crying from the bottom of his heart, saying that he had no intention of using the White Jade Tiger Talisman, but the situation in the southeast was complicated, and he was afraid that if he was not careful, he would be ashamed of his ancestor's family business.

The sincerity of his words moved most of the people in the court, but he changed the subject of his words, "After my daughter gets married, she will stay in the capital. At that time, the White Jade Tiger Talisman will be in the hands of my daughter, and this king will never get involved. In this way , can not only deter those who harbor evil intentions in the southeast, but also save you adults from worrying, I implore Your Majesty to allow it."

Hearing all the officials whispering, King Rong An's move was equivalent to a step back, which seemed to be compromised.If Fang Zilan is still aggressive and refuses to give up, it will be unreasonable.

"Master Rong'an deserves to be the only daughter of the King of Rong'an." Fang Zilan's lips curled slightly, "The lord loves the princess so much that he even wants to fight for the princess. I have the ability to keep it."

"Master Yue, what do you mean?" King Rong An looked angrily, but his tone was innocent and aggrieved. In addition, he knelt on the ground and couldn't get up at such an age, as if he had been greatly wronged.

Fang Zilan snorted coldly and didn't say anything more, then a censor stood up and saluted, "Your Majesty, as the head of the clan, King Rong'an is so knowledgeable, it's really my great fortune in Dajing, and I beseech your majesty to allow This matter."

The other adults agreed one after another, Zhuge Yu looked at him coldly, his expression darkened involuntarily, just as he was about to say something, he saw Li Shengxuan waved his hand impatiently, and wanted to discuss the matter later.

Unexpectedly, several adults immediately knelt beside King Rong An, kneeling beside him and saying: "I beg your Majesty to allow it!" The loud voice was very forceful, as if if Li Shengxuan didn't allow it, they would have to kneel forever.

Li Shengxuan's expression turned cold, and Xia Houzhang shouted to retreat with great winking, but as expected, all the adults had no intention of retreating, but instead straightened their waists and knelt more and more straight.

Seeing this, Li Shengxuan stood up, and said sharply, "Kneel if you want, but don't try to coerce me." After saying that, he left straight away.

Xia Houzhang followed and left, and the palace servants entered in a file, cleaning and tidying up as usual, with low eyebrows and eyes, as if they didn't notice the adults kneeling on the ground at all.

King Rong An, who was kneeling on the ground, stood up abruptly, and chased Li Shengxuan towards the imperial study, "Your Majesty..."

The sudden change made the rest of the adults who were kneeling on the ground at a loss, Wei Subaru was the first to go out, and he didn't even bother to give the group of people a look.

Fang Zilan said leisurely: "King Rong An is gone, do you still want to kneel?" She raised her eyebrows as she spoke, "It seems that the main hall will be closed and locked later. When it was time to be locked up overnight, it would really be horrifying."

Hearing that all the adults got up one after another, and left quickly in groups of threes and twos, only Yu Zhugeyu stood where he was, looked at Fang Zilan and said, "Master Yue, why should you threaten them?"

"I don't know what kind of benefits King Rong An promised them, one by one rushed to serve as spearmen." Fang Zilan shook his head, and Zhuge Yu coughed lightly, "Master Yue, be careful."

Fang Zilan didn't speak any more, and walked out of the palace slowly. On the other side, King Rong'an knelt and begged unsuccessfully, and he stumbled out of the palace with the help of people around him until dark.

However, after leaving the palace, King Rong An did not go directly back to the Royal Post House, but went to Xiangsheng Restaurant. In the private room on the top floor, King Chu Jiang had been waiting for a long time.

No one could have imagined that King Chu Jiang, the most wanted murderer in the whole world, would change his face and come and go in and out of the capital so ostentatiously.

"My lord, let me greet you on behalf of my young master." King Chu Jiang bowed respectfully, and King Rong An looked sullen, "How on earth are you going to let Rong'er back?"

"My lord, don't worry." The corners of King Chu Jiang's lips curled up into a smile that was not a smile, "My son said that as long as the lord presents the white jade tiger charm, I will return the princess's complete biscuit."

"My emperor's nephew has always been upright, how can he let go easily?" King Rong An's face sank like water, "And as long as Fang Zilan is around, it is impossible for me to get the White Jade Tiger Talisman!"

Hearing Fang Zilan's name, the corners of King Chu Jiang's curved lips stiffened for a moment, but King Rong An didn't give him a chance to respond, "If your son wants me to offer you the White Jade Tiger Talisman, why don't you clean up the house yourself first. Fang Zilan is good for everyone."

"Please don't worry, my lord, Fang Zilan will be dealt with sooner or later." King Chujiang lowered his eyes slightly, and said with a calm expression, "But before that, please ask your lord to get the white jade tiger charm, otherwise no one can guarantee that the princess is safe and sound."

"You..." King Rong An stomped his feet angrily, and King Chu Jiang chuckled, "Don't get angry, lest you hurt yourself. My son ordered me to send a message to the prince for the sake of friendship with him for many years." ——The Di Rong mission will arrive in Beijing soon, this is the prince's last chance. Before the Di Rong mission leaves Beijing, the princess will be unscathed. But if the Di Rong mission leaves Beijing, the prince still cannot present the white jade tiger talisman , when the princess gets married, someone will expose the fake princess on the spot, and then the prince will be convicted of deceiving the king, so he can reunite with the real princess underground."

A look of surprise flashed in King Rong An's eyes, "What does your son mean..."

King Chujiang pressed his fingers to his lips and made a silent movement, "It's good that the prince is clear in his heart. I have finished what I have to say. I hope that I can bring the princess with me when we meet next time."

King Rong An watched helplessly as King Chu Jiang disappeared from his sight. At the same time, the Qianjinfang sisters who had been following her quietly left Xiangsheng Restaurant to deliver news to Xiao Xuan'er.

However, no one knew that Cong Rong knelt in front of Ji Ningtian in the Hong'an Pavilion at this time, and heard him say, "After King Rong'an gets the White Jade Tiger Talisman, you can act now."

"Yes." Cong Rong deserved without hesitation, but Wu Qing who was at the side hesitated and said: "My lord really wants to..."

"It's useless to keep a disobedient chess piece, let's see what Li Shengxuan will do for her." Ji Ningtian interrupted Wu Qing in a low voice, "At the beginning she got the White Jade Tiger Talisman, but she lied to me. Now that she is about to die because of the White Jade Tiger Talisman, it can be regarded as karma."

(End of this chapter)

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