Don't ask where people go

Chapter 521 Divination

Chapter 521 Divination
"You..." Fang Zilan's lips moved, and his hands hidden in his sleeves were clenched into fists. After a while, he said, "What does Princess Erya mean by this?"

Princess Erya's eyes were slightly closed, and she folded her hands in front of her body, "Master Fang should know better than anyone else what I mean by this."

Fang Zilan's expression froze, and he said in a deep voice: "I don't know, please ask Princess Erya to clarify."

Before she finished speaking, there was a burst of whispered discussions around her.Some people scoffed, thinking that Princess Erya was playing tricks, some people were noncommittal, and watched with the mentality of watching the excitement, and more people were curious. After all, she became the Duke of Yue in Dajing overnight. She was promoted quickly and had a mysterious background. Astonishing.

Therefore, if someone can expose her identity, it doesn't matter whether that person is Di Rongwu or someone else.The important thing is who Fang Zilan is.

"Master Fang, you..." As soon as Princess Erya opened her mouth, someone stopped her, "In any case, Master Fang is the Duke of Yue in Dajing, and this will not change the fact."

Hearing the words, everyone's eyes fell on Zhuge Yu who had spoken, and he stood up slowly, bowed his hands and said, "Zhuge Yu dared to speak nonsense, and I ask Princess Erya to forgive me."

"Your Majesty Zhuge speaks too seriously." Emissary Di Rong hurriedly saluted and was about to invite Princess Erya to sit down beside him, but he saw her staring at Zhuge Yu with a sad expression, "My lord, although you have a bright future There is no limit, but the relatives are shallow and long-term, please mourn."

The almost nonsensical sentence made everyone present stunned. Could it be that Zhuge's family will be like Pei's or Ouyang's family in the near future, leaving Zhuge Yu alone to support them?

Fang Zilan didn't wait to think about it, she wanted to stand up for Zhuge Yu, but before she could speak, Wei Subaru said in a cold voice: "Princess Erya's gossip to confuse people, what is her intention?"

"Bewitching words?" Princess Erya repeated the word with a look of confusion on her face, "My lord, I'm just telling the truth, why do you want to..."

She stopped in the middle of her words, stared blankly at Wei Subaru, and mumbled, "You, you are..."

Wei Subaru snorted coldly and said nothing, Zhuge Yu rarely put on a serious face, Fang Zilan didn't say a word, but there seemed to be more murderous intent on his body.

Seeing this, Di Rongzheng fell to his knees with a plop, and pleaded guilty to Li Shengxuan: "Your Majesty, Princess Erya was born in the Wu family and is proficient in divination. When we were in Di Rong's department, I was used to speaking bluntly and quickly. Now I see you all It is inevitable that the nobleman of Dajing has offended me, and I ask Your Majesty to forgive him for his crime of disrespect."

Li Shengxuan pondered for a while, and said without anger: "Dajing respects Buddhism and Taoism. Even if I have heard of Di Rongwu's divination technique, I may not believe it. However, if Princess Erya wants to stay in Dajing in the future, she must speak carefully." Proceed with caution, don't make mistakes."

"Your Majesty said so." Di Rong was giving Princess Erya a wink as he spoke, but she was unmoved and looked at Li Shengxuan without hesitation, "Your Majesty..."

"Princess Erya, I'm very curious." Li Shengxuan bluntly blocked Princess Erya's words, and asked, "Among all the officials, why do you only know the Duke of Yue, Fang Zilan?"

Princess Erya pursed her lips, and said in a low voice: "I once met Lord Fang once. It's a pity that I saw Lord Fang today, only to realize that she is no longer the original person, and I should have forgotten all the past."

The astonishment in Fang Zilan's eyes flashed. She has met Princess Erya?Could it be because of the Gu poison on his body...

According to Wen Ya, the poison on her body came from Miluo, but he didn't know whether it was made by the witch doctor or the high priest of Miluo.

If it was made by a witch doctor, wouldn't the witch doctor be referring to the Dirong Wu family?

Thinking of this, Fang Zilan felt confused, and couldn't help but took half a step back, but she didn't dare to let others see the clue, she still stood upright.

Fortunately, Li Shengxuan didn't say much, he just ordered the banquet to open, and everyone took their seats one after another.

Fang Zilan poured her own drink and listened to the private discussions of the courtiers behind her. Only then did she know that Di Rong's tribe offered Princess Erya with the original intention of marrying her to Li Shengxuan as a concubine. Not allowed to make up his mind, he simply sent Princess Erya into the capital.

However, what Li Shengxuan said just now meant to keep Princess Erya, so the courtiers who are good at adapting to the wind are eager to move.After all, Li Shengxuan had left the harem vacant for Fang Ziqin since he ascended the throne, and he still has no children. If Princess Erya is accepted into the harem this time, it means that other women will also have a chance.

Fang Zilan listened, and thought that the courtiers were really worrying about nothing, not to mention that Princess Erya was a daughter of a foreign race, but she was talking about her appearance, if she was to stay in the harem of Dajing, I'm afraid Hanging and hanging, not to mention...

Although she didn't know the real reason why Li Shengxuan vacated the harem for Fang Ziqin, but according to her observation, it was definitely not because of his deep love.If it is for love, once the love changes, it is possible to accept her again.But if it's not for love, but for more complicated reasons, then the possibility of her entering the harem is very slim.

In this case, whether it is Princess Erya or others, it may be very difficult for them to enter Li Shengxuan's harem.

"Master Fang." Wei Subaru's voice brought back Fang Zilan's thoughts, she looked up at the person holding the glass next to her, took the wine glass casually, and wished each other across the air, "Master Wei, thank you."

Wei Subaru raised his eyebrows, seemingly casually said: "Lord Fang, the Wu family of Di Rong's department is not only proficient in divination, but also good at controlling people's hearts with voodoo."

"Master Wei said so..." Fang Zilan paused deliberately, and said meaningfully: "Could it be that you believe what Princess Erya said?"

"Lord Fang, do you believe in fate?" Wei Subaru asked instead of answering, Fang Zilan was silent for a moment, and said: "Yes, I don't believe it either."

Wei Subaru smiled suddenly, and an inexplicable expression appeared in his light-colored pupils, which were usually nothingness. "Someone has done divination for me several times, and the result is always the same. I died under the knife and did not die well."

Fang Zilan's expression was stagnant, but Wei Subaru curled his lips and said indifferently: "The life of a soldier and horse is nothing more than this, and you can't know it through divination. Master Fang, are you right?"

In an instant, Fang Zilan felt like a lump in her throat. She couldn't say a word, but she couldn't say a word of rebuttal either.They are all killers. If they are not shrouded in horse leather, they will be covered with a handful of loess throughout their lives.

Not a good death, she has heard these four words too many times.What does it matter if he died under the knife?

She had too many worries, and she couldn't be like Wei Subaru who is as drunk today as Wei Subaru, so when she met these four words, she felt very heavy.

Wei Subaru did not persevere in asking for an answer, but just drank one glass after another.

Fang Zilan didn't look at him anymore, but looked at Zhuge Yu who was opposite, his expression was dim, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

 Wei Subaru: It's just divination, why take it seriously?
(End of this chapter)

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