Don't ask where people go

Chapter 537 Visitation

Chapter 537 Visitation
"Occupy the world's business?" Ji Ningtian sneered, "Master Prime Minister, the other party's family is too confident."

"My words are somewhat believable, the prince's heart is like a mirror." Fang Chongzheng said in a low voice, "Jingzhao Yin's residence is investigating, and the Fang family has also drafted all the known witchcraft techniques into a document, which will be submitted tomorrow. "

tomorrow?Ji Ningtian's heart tightened, but his face remained calm, "Princess Erya's death involved the diplomatic relations between Dajing and Dirong, and the murder of Princess Rong'an even aroused the people in the southeast. Such an important case, the illusory Wu How can the art of Gu be explained clearly?"

"Whether it can be explained clearly is a matter between the Jingzhao Yin Mansion and the Fang family." Fang Chongzheng looked serious, "As for how to bear the consequences, I am afraid it is not a matter for one person and one family."

Ji Ningtian's hands hidden in his sleeves clenched into fists, "If that's the case, I'll wait and see."

Fang Chongzheng didn't say any more, got up to take his leave and left.Ji Ningtian looked at his back, the expression on his face gradually became ferocious.

"Young Master." Wu Qing walked in, Ji Ningtian saw her, his expression eased, and asked: "Wen Ya is back?"

"According to the young master's order, he will be recalled after the incident in the capital." Wu Qing lowered her eyebrows and said obediently: "Calculating the time, it should be here tomorrow."

"After Wen Ya came back, I ordered him to check to see how much the Fang family knew about witchcraft." After Ji Ningtian finished speaking, Wu Qing hesitated and didn't respond for a while.

Seeing this, Ji Ningtian frowned slightly, and was about to ask why, when Wu Qing said: "My lord, Awan is still in prison..."

"So what?" Ji Ningtian interrupted Wu Qing's words impatiently, and snorted coldly, "Before the case is closed, no matter who it is, life or death is unknown. If Wen Ya doesn't want to watch A Wan die, then Go check it out."

Wu Qing nodded and saluted, then took the order and left, but her heart couldn't help beating.A Wan was led into the ghost gate by Wen Ya since he was a child, and the two of them are also brothers and sisters. If something really happened to A Wan...

She neither wanted to doubt Wen Ya's loyalty to Ji Ningtian and Guimen, nor did she dare to think how many people would be involved after Fang Zilan's death.

However, these are not things that a little pawn like her should think about.Her life is like an ant, death is not a pity, and she can't protect herself, how can she have the strength to control the life and death of other people, let alone the world?
It's just that when Wen Ya rushed back to Beijing, Fang's family had already submitted an explanation of the witchcraft technique, and Zhuge's family also reported Dirong Wu's movements in recent years in the form of secret reports.

Li Shengxuan originally separated all the members of the Di Rong mission and put them under house arrest in the post house, and immediately blocked the death scene of Princess Erya. Therefore, Xie Yanping, who had collected all kinds of news, quickly acted, clearly explaining Erya's death. After sorting out the death of the princess, he handed over the memorial to Qiankun Palace.

After the spread of this memorial that went straight into the hands of the emperor, it caused an uproar in Beijing.After Mo Han learned of this, he couldn't sit still anymore.

However, Li Shengxuan had already issued an order to seal off the Duke's Mansion of Yue State, and no one in the mansion could enter or leave until the day when the truth came out, just wait for the ruling.

However, Li Shengxuan wanted to protect him, so the guards of the Duke of Yue's mansion were not as strict as they seemed, so Wen Ya found an opportunity to sneak in, and met Mo Han who was restless.

After asking about the general situation, Wen Ya was basically able to deduce the cause and effect closely.

The matter is not complicated, but Di Rongwu used witchcraft to temporarily control Fang Zilan's mind, causing him to kill Princess Rong'an, and Princess Erya, who performed the technique, also died due to backlash. Killed.

But the trick is, for example, since the reception of the wind feast, Fang Zilan's attention has been attracted in full view, so that she came to the door in person, and then took the opportunity to entrain Gu insects in the herbs to make her swallow, and then aroused Awan's righteous indignation and was imprisoned. Human beings can always control her illness, and finally create a "coincidence" to make her meet Princess Rong'an...

The person who set up the situation is not only very clear about the temperament and behavior of all the people involved, but also understands Fang Zilan's physical condition, and even what kind of medicine A Wan will prescribe, and when the Gu poison will attack...

After all, as long as there is a mistake in any part of this, it will not be today's situation.

Thinking of this, Wen Ya's expression was gloomy, and Mo Han hesitated to speak. He didn't completely trust Wen Ya, so he had some reservations when he told the situation.

It's just that Wen Ya is not someone to be fooled by. In addition, he has been in the ghost gate for several years and has seen many situations under Ji Ningtian's command.

If Ji Ningtian really wanted to kill Fang Zilan, it would be difficult for everyone in the Duke's House of Yue to escape.Especially A Wan, she was still imprisoned in Jing Zhao Yin's residence, although she was not transferred to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for conviction, but...

Wen Ya didn't dare to think about it anymore, so he bid farewell to Mo Han and went to see A Wan in Jing Zhao Yin's mansion.

Seeing Wen Ya drifting away, Mo Han subconsciously clenched his fists.Wen Ya was able to break into the Duke's mansion, but he couldn't do anything, even if he wanted to see Fang Zilan, it was as difficult as climbing the sky.

It's not that he can't, but because Fang Zilan doesn't want to see him.

Based on his understanding of Fang Zilan, her reluctance is probably due to the guilt of killing the person he admired with her own hands.

At that time in Xiangsheng Restaurant, when he learned that Princess Rong'an was the one he admired, even if he had worries in his heart, he was swept away by joy.

However, at the next moment, he watched the person he admired die in Fang Zilan's hands, and the horror and grief gushing out were far greater than other emotions.He couldn't understand why Fang Zilan was like this, but now that the witchcraft technique of manipulating people's mind has given a reasonable explanation, how can he sit still?

"If Mr. Mo wants to see Mr. Fang, just go." Xiao Xuan'er's voice interrupted Mo Han's chaotic thoughts, he pursed his lips, and said hesitantly: "Miss Xiao, I..."

"Mr. Wen can enter, and Master Mo can exit." Xiao Xuan'er said, "I have visited the guards around the mansion these days, and they are full of loopholes. It is not a surprise that anyone escapes."

Mo Han opened his mouth, and without saying anything, Zheng Yan, who was following Xiao Xuan'er, said: "If Mr. Mo is worried, you might as well go and return early."

Hearing this, Mo Han took a deep breath, bowed his hands to the two of them and said: "There are two laborers in the mansion, I will go back as soon as I go." The two returned a salute, and helped him leave the mansion of the Duke of Yue quietly.

In order to deceive others, Mo Han walked all the way to the prison, and then used Xiao Xuan'er's forged token to sneak in, and found Fang Zilan's cell in a short while.

"Sister Lan!" Mo Han looked at the familiar figure, his voice was a little excited, "Are you okay?"

When Fang Zilan heard the voice, she thought in a trance that she had heard it wrong, but looking back, it was undoubtedly Mo Han.

 So, when you are in love, you can’t play a trumpet. It would be nice to make it clear from the beginning
(End of this chapter)

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