Don't ask where people go

Chapter 553 Road Break

Chapter 553 Road Break
The shopkeeper nodded, and then heard Fang Zilan ask: "The heavy rain caused landslides and the road was blocked. Is it true or not?"

"True, very true!" The shopkeeper suddenly raised his voice, but unexpectedly, Fang Zilan was already prepared, and threw the hidden weapon out with his backhand, stabbing to death the person hiding in the dark behind him.

The shopkeeper's eyes widened suddenly, and Fang Zilan took off the bamboo hat, took the plum sword that was hanging immediately, and said loudly: "Zixiu is here, what kind of monsters and ghosts don't show up quickly?"

"Zixiu?" The shopkeeper repeated these two words, breaking out in a cold sweat, "I don't know if Zixiu came here in person, so damn it, damn it..."

"Aren't you a ghost?" Fang Zilan raised her eyebrows, and the shopkeeper pulled the corner of her mouth, forcing a smile that was uglier than crying, "That...the ghost left half a month ago, look... ..."

The next moment, the shopkeeper let out a scream, Fang Zilan cut off a piece of flesh on his shoulder, and threw it straight to the ground, dripping with blood.

"Lying in front of Zixiu, I'm afraid you're tired of it? People in the ghost gate always cut grass and roots. If they had left long ago, you can still talk to me here?" Fang Zilan dragged the shopkeeper to the back of the tea shed , looked at a dead body that fell on the ground impressively, she had just killed it with a hidden weapon.

"Is he a ghost?" Fang Zilan said as he kicked away the corpse's hand, and a hidden weapon fell out of it, with a small ghost character engraved on it.

The shopkeeper faltered and moaned in pain, Fang Zilan stuck the dagger in his wound, and slowly gouged it in, "Tell me, what do the ghosts keep you for?"

"I don't know..." As soon as the shopkeeper opened his mouth, Fang Zilan saw that Fang Zilan had cut off a bigger piece of meat again, and the bones underneath were clearly visible, "If I don't get what I want, you don't want to die too easily."

After she said that, she took the dagger and threw the shopkeeper on the ground, "What is the ghost gate? I, Zixiu, are ruthless. If I am called the second in the world, no one will dare to be the number one in the world. Do you want to try it?" "

"I recruit..." The shopkeeper grinned in pain, and crawled to Fang Zilan's feet, "The man in the ghost gate asked me to stay here and show the way to the people from the court..."

"Guide the way?" Fang Zilan's eyes darkened, "What's the matter with the haunting, but someone pretends to be a ghost?"

"No..." The shopkeeper breathed unsteadily, "It's really a ghost..."

"Do you know that according to the laws of Dajing, those who confuse more than 30 people with evil words will be punished by beheading." Fang Zilan leaned over and pinched the shopkeeper's chin, and said coldly: "Or, you didn't want to live in the first place?"

The shopkeeper shook his head like a rattle, and Fang Zilan exerted force on his hand, "Say, where is the way that the man in the ghost gate told you to point?"

"There..." The shopkeeper stretched out a finger and pointed in one direction with difficulty.

"Take me there." Fang Zilan picked up the shopkeeper and walked in the direction he pointed, "What road is this?"

"It was Shixian County..." The shopkeeper said intermittently, Fang Zilan asked: "Who cleared the road?"

"People in the ghost gate." The shopkeeper's face was pale, and Fang Zilan's heart sank. How can the people in the ghost gate be so kind? There may be problems with this road, and the people in Shi County...

"Zixiu..." The shopkeeper called out cautiously, but Fang Zilan was indifferent, staring at the scene in front of her.

The narrow mountain road is piled up with rubble, and only two or three people can pass through. There is a mountain on one side and a cliff on the other.

Ghost Gate, Ji Ningtian, what exactly do you want to do?
"You and I walked over together." Fang Zilan pushed the shopkeeper, and he fell on the road, as if some kind of mechanism had been triggered, only to hear a loud bang.

"Be careful!" Fang Zilan stretched out his hand and dragged the shopkeeper to his side. Looking up, he saw a huge boulder rolling down the mountain, coming straight towards the two of them.

In the blink of an eye, Fang Zilan blew a whistle, and her horse came quickly, carrying two people on her back and galloped out quickly.

However, there were many and dense boulders falling down. Seeing the tea shed fell to the ground, and the horse was a little powerless, Fang Zilan simply jumped off the horse with his strength, grabbed the shopkeeper a few times, and avoided it a little farther to avoid the harm.

In the end, only a neighing was heard, and the figure of the horse disappeared under the boulder.

The shopkeeper had lingering fears, and held on to Fang Zilan's sleeves, and heard her gnashing her teeth: "Aren't you still willing to tell the truth?"

"Miss Xiu, you shouldn't have saved me." The shopkeeper's eyes were full of fierceness, and the intact hand suddenly rose and fell, but was separated by Fang Zilan's plum sword, "I don't expect you to repay me, but I didn't expect you to Will meet with swords."

Fang Zilan drew his sword out of its sheath and pierced his heart mercilessly. When the shopkeeper fell to the ground, he murmured: "You betrayed the ghost gate..."

"Ghost gate is so good?" Fang Zilan put away the sword, and said sadly: "So good that you think it is more important than life?"

She knelt down, stroked the shopkeeper's face with both hands, and when she touched the bones under the skin, she finally confirmed the answer.

Ghost Gate Qianmo Knife, her partner who was born and died.

Just now when she took him to jump off the horse, she touched the long scar on his ribs, and she had already guessed in her heart, until he called out the girl with a beautiful voice, she finally confirmed it without a doubt.

The two of them had a life-threatening friendship. He almost failed in a mission, but she helped him, not only saving his life, but also helping him complete the mission.

Perhaps, this is the reason why he didn't make a move until the last moment...

Fang Zilan stared at the lifeless man in front of him, wondering who made this skin for him, it looked better than his original appearance, but it was too ordinary.

She moved her hands down inch by inch, and stopped suddenly when she touched the glue line on her neck.I already know who it is, is it so important to see the original appearance?
However, there was a voice in her heart clamoring that she had to watch it.Only in this way can she truly accept the fact that she has been separated from the gate of hell.

This is not the end, just the beginning.

Fang Zilan suddenly lifted the mask of the person in front of her, revealing the slightly ferocious face with scars on the forehead.

Calm and pale, not as ferocious as before, who would have thought that this person would have been tortured by hell for her without saying a word, and once said to her, "I owe Miss Xiu my life, and from now on, Miss Xiu will just send her out That's it."

But it was still this person who drew his sword at her and hated her for betraying the ghost gate...

"I have my way, no one can stop me." Fang Zilan said, stretched out his hand to close Qianmodao's eyes, and said softly: "In the next life, just be an ordinary person, and don't be stained with blood again."

She stood up and looked back at the re-sealed mountain road, feeling that her heart was also blocked by a stone.Now if you want to enter Shi County, you can only go around the mountain, not to mention the delay, and...

With Qian Mo Dao guarding here, the old man Su Heng and many people in Shixian County may be in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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