Don't ask where people go

Chapter 564 Attacks

Chapter 564 Attacks
Awan's eyes widened suddenly, and she looked at Fang Zilan with admiration in her eyes. Zhuge Yu couldn't escape Zhuge Yu's eyes, "Miss Awan knows the villager with the broken arm?"

"I don't know." A Wan waved his hand and said, "Taoyuan Village is so remote, and it's my first time here. How could there be anyone I know?"

Zhuge Yu raised his eyebrows, and Fang Zilan coughed lightly, drawing his attention back, "I know the person you're talking about."

"Oh?" Zhuge Yu showed an inquisitive look, Fang Zilan said calmly: "His identity is as you think, but his life is not long, you just let him go."

"Since Miss Xiu is willing to speak up for him, I'd rather be obedient than respectful." Zhuge Yu collected his expression, Fang Zilan pondered for a moment, and finally couldn't help asking, "When will the road leading to Shi County be cleared?"

"It will take about three to five days. After the road is clear, I will ask Zheng Yan to let me know." Zhuge Yu thought for a while before saying, "This place is too simple. If Miss Xiu is willing, she can bring A Wan with her. The girl and the girl went to the village chief's house, and there was still a room in the courtyard."

Before Fang Zilan could speak, Awan scrambled to say: "Yes! Lord Zhuge kindly invites us, how could we not be willing?"

warm invitation?Fang Zilan looked at A Wan who was full of joy, and thought to herself that this girl is really good and doesn't learn, but she can learn the bad ones. After following her for several years, she has learned nothing else, she has only learned to open her eyes and talk nonsense.

Zhuge Yu smiled slightly, "In that case, I should tell the village chief to sweep the couch and wait."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhuge." Fang Zilan bowed, and suddenly remembered something, and asked: "My lord came from the middle of the capital, I don't know where..."

She didn't go on, Zhuge Yu understood in his heart, "Everything is fine. Your Majesty's blessings are profound, the capital is stable, and no one dares to make trouble."

"That's good." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, as if he was relieved.

"Miss Xiu, don't worry, you should put yourself first in everything, and don't worry too much." Zhuge Yu comforted her, and A Wan followed suit, "What Master Zhuge said is true, I think Miss Xiu should relax, so everything will be fine. ..."

Fang Zilan smiled helplessly, chatted with Zhuge Yu and A Wan, then packed up and went to the village chief's house.

Xia'er was silent along the way, and Awan saw her strangeness, and exclaimed, "Do you have a fever?"

"What's going on?" Fang Zilan stopped and hugged Xia'er who was following her pace, only to find that her body was hot, and she couldn't help frowning, "Why is it so sudden?"

"It wasn't sudden. I told you before that she..." A Wan suddenly stopped talking, and Fang Zilan realized, "You mean, she had a seizure?"

The two of them tacitly agreed, and neither of them mentioned the word Gu poison, but they knew better than anyone else that once the Gu poison broke out, life would be worse than death.

"Xia'er is still young and much weaker than an adult, so her seizures are rapid." Awan's voice was a little anxious, "How far is the village chief's house?"

"It's almost here." Fang Zilan hugged Xia'er tightly in her arms, and quickened her pace.

At the village chief's house, Fang Zilan had no time to clean up, so she put Xia'er on the bed, and Awan gave her an injection, temporarily suppressing the poison on her body.

Fang Zilan handed a silk handkerchief to Awan, and she wiped the sweat from her forehead after taking it, "I can't do this anymore, sooner or later I won't be able to hold it down..."

"Is there a way?" Fang Zilan's voice was low, and A Wan subconsciously froze, "What do you mean, what way?"

"The way to make Xia'er not so painful." Fang Zilan's eyes fell on Xia'er who was lying on the couch, her cheeks were flushed, wrinkled into a ball, and she was babbling, revealing unspeakable pain.

"You..." A Wan seemed to have lost all her strength, she loosened her hand, and the silk handkerchief fell to the ground, covered in dust, her dusty appearance was indescribably decadent.

"Awan, we can't save you..." As soon as Fang Zilan opened his mouth, A Wan stopped him, "So what if we can't save you? Fang Zilan, it's not the first day you know me. Although I don't have your extraordinary methods and skills, But as long as someone needs it, I will do my best to save it. Until the last moment, I will not allow anyone to touch my patients. Not even you."

"Awan..." Fang Zilan stretched out her hand, but Awan pushed it away, "Fang Zilan, don't make me hate you, let alone..." Make me hate myself.

A Wan didn't say the following words, Fang Zilan took a deep breath, turned her head away, left a sentence of "up to you", and then walked out without looking back.

The village chief's family was seriously ill. Except for the eldest son who was still acting as usual, everyone else was bedridden.The doctors brought by Zhuge Yu came in and out, writing prescriptions, taking medicines and decocting medicines in one go, and the wind under their feet was not tired.

Fang Zilan stood under the eaves, watching this scene quietly, feeling mixed feelings.But before she could think about it, she saw the doctor beckoning to her, "Girl, if you are free, hurry up and help."

"Here we come." Fang Zilan didn't hesitate, walked over and took the prescription from the doctor, "Is there any help?"

She asked straightforwardly, but the doctor was not annoyed at all, and said bluntly, "It's hopeless."

"Then what are you doing?" Fang Zilan looked fixedly at the person in front of her, "Seeing that you are over fifty years old, why do you still come to this remote mountain village to work for these hopeless people?"

"Little girl, you can see that you are living too lightly, so you can say such a thing." The doctor stroked his beard and said solemnly: "Although everyone's fate is different, as long as you are a human, you have the right to live." Even if you are going to die, you should be decent. As a doctor, this is my duty."

"You speak lightly." Fang Zilan said coldly: "It's better to be done with it than to struggle in pain. As a doctor, if you really can't save it, why not send it away for the last time?"

"It seems that the little girl has also passed through." The doctor thought deeply, "Since this is the case, you can struggle in pain, so why do you want to prevent others from surviving? You must know that human life is at stake, and the word life and death is far from being as simple as just saying it .”

He paused, and seeing Fang Zilan remained silent, he continued: "Have you ever heard of the Southeast Plague? At that time, everyone thought it was hopeless, but in the end they were saved. Plague is like this, let alone poisoning? One possibility is also worth a try.”

Fang Zilan's expression froze, and only at this moment did she see clearly the fear in her heart.

It turned out that she never thought that she could win the ghost gate.

Whether it is poison or the world, as long as Ji Ningtian waved his hand, he could disrupt the situation, but she was chasing behind, exhausted, but it was difficult to change.

I don't know how many times, she has seen people with lofty ideals die or retreat, and even she herself is dragging along.

 The only thing to fear is fear itself
(End of this chapter)

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