Don't ask where people go

Chapter 607 Acquaintances

Chapter 607 Acquaintances
Hearing the sound, A Wan's heart tightened, and she quickly reached out to take off the black cloth that blindfolded her eyes. Before she had time to look around, she saw Fang Zilan unwrapping the tightly wrapped plum sword layer by layer. before people.

There was chaos in the hall, and someone exclaimed: "Plum Sword! She is Zixiu!" Some people said quietly: "No one has ever seen what Zixiu and the plum sword in her hand look like. Why did they see a sword in the shape of a plum branch?" The handle is just a plum sword?"

Only Mr. Liu, after taking off the black blindfold, stared at Fang Zilan and the plum sword in her hand, unable to respond for a long time.No wonder she knew Zixiu's whereabouts and purpose very well. No wonder she said that her identity could only be revealed when she visited the mountain. No wonder she made no mistakes along the way. It turned out that she was Zixiu herself, then...

It turned out that what Geng Nan said was correct, it was the plum sword, and the person holding the plum sword was Fang Zilan.

After Mr. Liu realized this, he couldn't hold back any longer. He wanted to go forward but was stopped by a strong man beside him, "What are you going to do? Be honest!"

"I..." Mr. Liu opened his mouth, but finally retreated, but his eyes were still firmly stuck to Fang Zilan.

Fang Zilan took a sword flower casually, and everyone around her involuntarily took a few steps back, scattered a little, and then realized that this was on their territory, so what if it was Zixiu?Immediately, he felt confident, puffed out his chest and surrounded him again.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, so I asked your managers to come out and see me." Fang Zilan looked impatient, and the hostility in his eyes was so heavy that everyone seemed to be a little shorter. I don't know who had the courage to shout, "You It’s okay to say that I’m Zixiu, but then I’m still the King of Hades in the Ten Temples of the Ghost Sect…”

Before he could finish his sentence, his throat was cut by Mei Jian, and the blood spattered three feet.

No one saw Fang Zilan's movements clearly, but she raised her sword and dropped it, killing one person in a blink of an eye, but her expression was indifferent as if nothing had happened.

"Hell King of Ten Halls of the Ghost Gate, I killed him." Fang Zilan said softly, "Now the grass on the grave is three feet high."

The more she said lightly, the more the hearts of the people were beating. There was an announcement from the court earlier, saying that the Hades of the Ten Palaces had committed many evils and had been killed by a righteous man. Who would have thought that he was killed by Zixiu.

But apart from Zixiu, who else in the world can kill the King of Hades with his own strength?

Thinking about it this way, it is very subtle.Did Zixiu execute the King of Hades of the Ten Palaces under the order of the imperial court, or in the name of the son of the ghost family, or was it her own whim?

If it was ordered by the court, did Zixiu also follow the order of the court when she came here?If it's the son of a ghost... It's really impossible, after all, the king of Hades in the Ten Palaces is his capable general, why should he kill the good one?If Zixiu had a whim...then she was crazy?

"Okay, don't guess." Fang Zilan looked at the crowd with a half-smile, "I won't say anything until you show up in charge."

"What's in charge?" Someone spat and said, "If you don't speak clearly, no one will see you!"

"It's okay." Fang Zilan glanced at the people in the hall, the corners of her lips slightly curled up, "After I kill you all, your managers will naturally want to see me."

"You have such a bold tone!" Everyone was enraged by Fang Zilan's words, waving their weapons and was about to charge up. At the very moment, a voice sounded from behind the curtain, "Stop."

Those two words, neither warm nor cool, made everyone stop their hands, and fell silent like a chilling cicada.

Built in the middle of the mountain, it can accommodate hundreds of people. The wide hall is illuminated by lights as if it were daytime. At this time, it is extremely quiet, and you can hear the drop of a needle.Only the hanging red curtain moved with the wind on the high platform in front, and this voice came from there.

Fang Zilan thought the voice was familiar, but couldn't remember who it was, so she raised her eyes and looked over, "It seems that the manager can't calm down anymore."

"You are Zixiu?" The male voice behind the curtain was a little low, and Fang Zilan approached slowly step by step, "It's true."

After a brief silence, the male voice sounded again, "Zixiu, what are you doing here?"

"Looking for someone." Fang Zilan said concisely, "King of the Wheel, I want to know where he is."

"Just now you said that you killed the King of Hades of the Ten Palaces." The male voice said meaningfully: "In this case, the King of the Wheel is no exception."

"You really know." Fang Zilan unceremoniously opened the curtain with a plum sword, with a cold expression, "Stop playing tricks in front of me..."

Before she finished speaking, she stopped abruptly, because she was very familiar with the face in front of her.

"Why are you here..." Fang Zilan stared fixedly at the person in front of her, her expression relaxed a little, and there was a hint of disbelief in her eyes.

"Accident?" The man in the veil stood up, "Compared to me, you are more surprising."

"Fang Lihui." Fang Zilan gritted his teeth and said, "I didn't know when did you have such a good skill?"

"Sister Lan doesn't know a lot." Fang Lihui laughed softly, "It's like I don't know, you are Zixiu."

Fang Zilan suppressed the surging emotions one by one, her whole body was unprecedentedly sober and calm, "What is the relationship between Feiling Mountain bandit leader and you?"

"Business partner." Fang Lihui didn't hide anything, Fang Zilan suddenly felt like his heart fell into an ice cave, "You..."

"Sister Lan, are you sure you want to talk to me here?" Fang Lihui waved the folding fan in his hand, looking like a cynical noble son as always.

The plum sword in Fang Zilan's hand pointed directly at Fang Lihui, without any intention of taking it back.If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would never have connected Fang Lihui with bandits, but now that she saw it, some things were explained.

"I'm here to worship the top of the mountain. Mr. Fang doesn't need to miss the old love, just follow the rules." Fang Zilan's expression was serious, and Fang Lihui was thoughtful, "Okay, since you have made up your mind, then I will do as you wish."

After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and someone brought ten glasses of wine and placed them on the table in the middle of the hall.

"Have you ever heard of life betting?" Fang Lihui walked to the table and Fang Zilan stood beside him, "Tell me, how do you gamble?"

"Among the ten glasses of wine, there is a glass of poisoned wine." Fang Lihui explained: "One person will drink with you until one of you drinks the poisoned wine."

"It's that simple?" Fang Zilan snorted, Fang Lihui curled his lips and raised his eyebrows with a suave smile, "Zixiu is really different, how do you want to bet."

"Ten glasses of wine, since there is already a glass of poisoned wine, it doesn't matter if I have another glass." Fang Zilan's tone was calm, as if he was talking about such a small thing as a good night tonight, "For the sake of fairness, I will also choose a glass of poisoned wine, and then I will kill you." Mess up the order of these ten glasses of wine."

She raised her eyebrows, "How about it, do you dare to bet?"

 Unexpectedly, the worship of the top of the mountain brought out an acquaintance...

(End of this chapter)

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