Chapter 610
When Li Shengxuan pushed the door open again, Awan had already withdrawn the needle, but her face was still very serious. Seeing him coming in, she got up and said, "You came just in time. I'm going to find medicine. I can't stay with her for a while. by her side, but she needs someone to watch over her all the time..."

As she spoke, her voice became weaker and weaker. The person standing opposite was the emperor of Dajing after all. This was a fact that could not be changed even with a private visit. Would such an outright request be directly rejected?
"Leave it to me." Li Shengxuan agreed without hesitation, "But I'm afraid it's not easy to find medicine here, Miss Awan might as well bring Xia Houzhang with her."

"Lord Xiahou... is he here too?" A Wan looked at Li Shengxuan in disbelief, but saw him nodding his head slightly, "He is right outside the door, if you have any concerns, you can ask him to accompany you to find Fang Lihui."

A Wan nodded thoughtfully. Since Fang Lihui sent someone to deliver medicine to Fang Zilan, it meant that he was partial and didn't really want Fang Zilan's life.Asking him for help should be feasible.

Thinking of this, A Wan didn't say anything more, bowed to Li Shengxuan, and left in a hurry.

Li Shengxuan walked to the side of the bed and sat down, only to see Fang Zilan's face was as pale as paper, with cold sweat constantly breaking out on his forehead.So he took out a silk handkerchief and gently wiped her sweat away.

"Hmm..." Fang Zilan snorted softly, clutching the bedding tightly with her fingers, shaking violently all over her body.

"Fang Zilan?" Li Shengxuan lowered his voice, and called Fang Zilan's name. She moved her lips after hearing it, and it took a long time to squeeze out a word of pain from between her teeth.

"Awan has already gone to look for medicine, just hold on." Li Shengxuan held Fang Zilan's hand, but she squeezed it so painfully, but he didn't say anything, and let her pinch his hand until it became red mark.

"Li Shengxuan..." Fang Zilan was confused, and when he called out the name in a daze, Li Shengxuan couldn't help being stunned, and subconsciously said, "I'm here."

"I..." Fang Zilan said with great difficulty: "I... can't... die, at least I can't... die here..."

"You won't die." Li Shengxuan yelled out this sentence like a conditioned reflex, "I won't allow you to die."

"Don' care..." Fang Zilan was still stubborn, and it was rare for Li Shengxuan to be honest with her: "I want to take care of it, what can you do to me?"

"You..." Fang Zilan seemed to be angry, coughing violently, Li Shengxuan quickly took the water from the table next to her, helped her up a little, and brought the water to her lips.

"Drink slowly." While feeding Fang Zilan with water, Li Shengxuan stroked her back to smooth her breath until her breath gradually stabilized a little before carefully putting her back on the bed.

"You, you are so strong after being poisoned." Li Shengxuan muttered in a low voice, but Fang Zilan seemed not to hear it, and soon fell asleep.

Seeing that Fang Zilan had calmed down, Li Shengxuan breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart relaxed a little.It is strange to say that he has seen countless storms over the years, and it is unprecedented to be so worried.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Shengxuan quickly woke up from his light sleep when he heard Fang Zilan's voice, "What's wrong?"

"Cold..." Fang Zilan wrapped the quilt tightly, and shrank into a ball.

Li Shengxuan stretched out his hand to cover Fang Zilan's forehead, but he couldn't feel any temperature, it was icy cold to the touch.

"How could this be..." Li Shengxuan frowned. A Wan and Xia Houzhang hadn't come back yet, and they didn't know if their search for medicine would go smoothly.

Fang Zilan felt the heat source, and unconsciously rubbed her forehead against Li Shengxuan's palm. His hand shrank, but she firmly grasped it, "Don't go..."

"I'm not leaving." Li Shengxuan's voice was obviously anxious, although he tried his best to restrain himself, he was still reluctant.

He watched Fang Zilan's teeth chatter from the cold, and secretly screamed in his heart. If this continues, she may die of cold before A Wan and Xia Houzhang find the medicine.

"Save me..." Fang Zilan's broken words echoed in Li Shengxuan's ears, he bit his lips, and finally the idea of ​​saving people prevailed, surpassing all the rules.

Li Shengxuan lifted the quilt, lay down beside Fang Zilan, and hugged her lightly.

Feeling that there was an extra person on the bed, Fang Zilan's body tensed like a full bow.Even at the critical moment of life and death, she never let go of her guard.

Li Shengxuan knew it in his heart, and kept the hugging posture motionless until his arms became sore, the person in his arms relaxed a little, and slowly leaned over.

Maybe it was because of the constant heat transfer from the people around her, maybe it was because I was really exhausted these days, or maybe it was because of the onset of the medicine, Fang Zilan fell into a drowsy sleep, and the rest of the night was rarely peaceful.

When the sky was bright, Fang Zilan woke up faintly, and the one who caught her eyes was A Wan who breathed a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, you're awake."

Fang Zilan was stunned for a moment, and the scene of last night replayed in her mind one after another, and finally it was fixed on the person next to her pillow.She couldn't help asking, "I remember someone sleeping in..."

"You remember it wrong!" A Wan hurriedly interrupted Fang Zilan's words, "The poison you have suffered is quite severe, and you are prone to hallucinations when you are half asleep and half awake."

"Really?" Fang Zilan showed doubts on her face. She clearly remembered that she was given half a bottle of antidote, and Awan gave her an injection, so it wouldn't be too serious anyway. Otherwise, how could she just fall into a coma Waking up overnight?

While observing Fang Zilan's expression, Awan recalled the scene she saw when she came back in the early morning. The two of them were sleeping together in the same bed, so scared that she almost fell to the ground.Fortunately, Xia Houzhang had sharp eyes and quick hands, supported her with one hand, and covered her mouth with the other, so that there would be no disturbance.

But at that time Li Shengxuan had already woken up, and Awan saw the fierce threat from his expression, so she understood it, pretending nothing happened and closed her eyes to listen.

"A Wan." Fang Zilan's voice pulled back A Wan's thoughts, she let out an "ah" and asked, "What's the matter?"

At this moment, Fang Zilan's hand in the quilt touched an object, and she touched it carefully to make sure it was a purse that did not belong to her.

Seeing that Fang Zilan didn't speak for a while, Ah Wan asked strangely, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing." Fang Zilan held the purse in her hands calmly, "I want to sleep a little longer. If Fang Lihui sends someone to find me, you can delay it for a while."

"Okay." A Wan didn't say much, she answered quickly, then turned and left.

Fang Zilan took out the purse, and frowned at one glance, what the hell is this?

 A Wan: I tried every means to hide it, but was exposed by a purse? !
(End of this chapter)

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