Chapter 612
Fang Zilan's expression froze, "You know everything?"

"Before yesterday, I didn't know." Fang Lihui poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to Fang Zilan, "Until yesterday when you called yourself Zixiu, I roughly guessed it, but I just couldn't be sure."

"Now, are you sure?" Fang Zilan didn't show any expression on his face, Fang Lihui nodded casually: "I'm sure."

Fang Zilan was silent, Fang Lihui took the initiative to say: "You don't come here to chat with me. If you want to ask anything, just ask it together."

"Mr. Fang, you said that - businessmen only talk about profit, not love." Fang Zilan said coldly: "I ask you to answer, what is the price?"

"It depends on who you are asking." Fang Lihui took a sip of his tea and said, "Sister Lan, the Duke of Yue first. Or is it Zixiu?"

Fang Zilan's hand holding the teacup was a little tighter, "What's the difference?"

"Sister Lan is my family member, so I will tell the truth. The Duke of Xianyue entrusted a large amount of business to the Fang family, which is considered a benefit to me, and I will treat each other honestly." Fang Lihui put down the teacup in his hand, with a lot of meaning Said: "If it's Zixiu, Jianghu is a matter of Jianghu. Forgive me for help."

"Cousin, I just don't understand." Fang Zilan made a choice fluently, and Fang Lihui asked cooperatively: "What doesn't Miss Lan understand?"

"Seventy percent of the business in the world belongs to Fang's family, why does my cousin..." Fang Zilan opened his mouth, but did not continue.

Fang Lihui knew it in his heart, and said, "Take a risk and join bandits and bandits?"

Fang Zilan lowered his eyes and remained silent as if tacit consent. Fang Lihui pondered for a moment, then changed his voice and said, "Do you still remember Wu Sheng, Mr. Wu?"

"Remember." Fang Zilan nodded slightly, "Why did my cousin suddenly mention Master Wu Sheng?"

"In the eyes of the aristocratic family in the capital, Mr. Wu Sheng came from a poor family and has no relatives." Fang Lihui said, with a look of sadness on his face, "As everyone knows, he also had family members."

Fang Zilan was stunned, and Fang Lihui continued, "His father made a living by carrying goods, and his mother made a living by washing clothes. Although the family had a hard life, they were able to make ends meet. Until one day, his father injured his back, He and his goods fell down the stairs. He had no money for medical treatment and died soon. However, the owner did not let them go, and insisted on claiming for the broken goods. His mother couldn't bear it, so she threw herself into the river committed suicide."

"I don't know..." Fang Zilan muttered to himself, Fang Lihui listened to his ears, and said indifferently: "It's okay, I didn't know either. If it weren't for a coincidence, who would care what Master Wu Sheng looked like? Standing on a tall building Humans, it’s hard to see the ants in the ground.”

Fang Zilan's heart tightened, and she asked: "What coincidence?"

Fang Lihui didn't answer, but said: "Sister Lan, if you don't drink the tea in your hand, it will be cold."

"Cousin..." Fang Zilan's expression was heavy, and Fang Lihui hooked his lips, as if coaxing: "Sister Lan, don't worry, drink the tea first, then listen to me before it's too late."

Fang Zilan drank the tea in one gulp, then turned over her hands and turned the cup around, but the drip did not fall, "Cousin can talk."

"Okay." Fang Lihui still smiled, "Master Wu Sheng's home is in Shi County, very close to the jurisdiction of Mr. Su Heng. In order to avoid debt collectors, he hid in a school..."

"The school was set up by Mr. Su Heng?" Fang Zilan interrupted impatiently, and Fang Lihui didn't mind, "Yes, you can guess what happened later. Mr. Su Heng took pity on his background and accepted him. As an apprentice, he was recommended to enter Beijing, where he was named in the Xiangfu Academy, and from this he became an official and made great progress."

Fang Zilan was noncommittal, and Fang Lihui said to himself: "It is very lucky for Mr. Wu Sheng to meet Mr. Su Heng. Otherwise, if you want to be famous in Xiangfu Academy, I'm afraid it will be impossible."

"Xiangfu Academy does not distinguish between grades, grades, and ordinary people may not be impossible..." Fang Zilan was interrupted by Fang Lihui as soon as Fang Zilan opened his mouth, "Sister Lan, do you believe me when you say this?"

Fang Zilan's expression froze, and Fang Lihui sneered: "If you don't believe it yourself, it is impossible. You know, in the early years of Xiangfu Academy, there were rich and noble people and poor and lowly people. Anyone who wants to be taught But in recent years, they are all from poor families with no foundation like Mr. Wu Sheng. Although they don't have much money, and they can't even afford the money to study, but once they become officials, they can be pawns. No matter how much you lose, what's the point?"

"You mean..." Fang Zilan looked surprised, and Fang Lihui shook his folding fan to cover half of his face, "This is a profitable business. Not only can you win a good reputation, but you can also have a chess piece that is determined to die. The most important thing is that a poor family needs balance. , this move will definitely be supported by His Majesty."

Hearing this, Fang Zilan's thin lips moved, but she didn't make any sound. She said after a while, "Cousin, do you want to say that my father, who is the Prime Minister, is using power for personal gain?"

"My uncle has always been very good at seeing the direction of the wind." Fang Lihui's expression was a bit sharp, "If not, why can he be promoted to the position of prime minister step by step in the past and the present?"

For some reason, Fang Zilan only felt angry, and slammed the teacup on the table with a "clang", "Cousin, it is my father who knows the direction of the wind, so what does this have to do with you? You are working together with bandits, Leave the Fang family alone..."

"You are wrong." Fang Lihui intercepted Fang Zilan's words in a calm manner, and said in a low voice: "How can the Fang family not know about the collusion between officials and bandits, corruption and bribery? But the Fang family is a businessman, and neither can offend them. What can be done?"

Fang Zilan was taken aback by the question, and subconsciously said: "Is there no compromise?"

"The twists and turns are complicated, how can it be explained clearly in a few words?" Fang Lihui sighed softly, "You just need to know that no one can stay neutral forever."

"The Fang family has been in business for several years, and it is no longer a lamb at the mercy of others." Fang Zilan said in a cold voice: "My cousin said that because he was able to profit from the gangsters and gangsters, so he pretended to be a last resort. That's all."

"As a last resort?" Fang Lihui repeated this sentence, as if hearing something ridiculous, he laughed out loud, "Sister Lan, do you think that seventy percent of the world's business is in the Fang family? Do you think money is hot? What's more, even if the Xiangfu Academy is famous, it is not easy to train students from poor families to become officials. The simplest question is where does the money come from?"

Fang Zilan was speechless, Fang Lihui put away the folding fan with a "snap", and said in a deep voice: "Everything you take for granted has an invisible painstaking effort behind it. I would like to stand in the darkness for the Fang family."

 Fang Lihui: The baby is bitter, but the baby does not say
(End of this chapter)

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